Effluent Regulatory Reporting Information System user guide: chapter 7
7.0 Managing Access for your Organization/Facility
7.1 SWIM Roles
The roles in SWIM determine how a user can interact with the SWIM data (organization, facility, contacts, etc.) and a regulatory report such as the Identification Report in ERRIS.
Users can hold one of a number of different roles within SWIM and the reporting programs. A user that is granted permission to a program is also automatically given the appropriate SWIM role.
The user who creates a new organization, is automatically assigned the role of SWIM Organization Lead for that organization.
As the SWIM Organization Lead, that person has the ability to grant access to any individual who has a role in the regulatory reporting of a wastewater system (i.e.: facility) associated to that organization. Refer to the next section which describes the two ERRIS user roles that can be granted to individuals.
As well, if there is someone who no longer works for that organization, or no longer requires access (i.e.: consultants), the Organization Lead can remove their permissions from the organization.
7.2 Roles Available in ERRIS
The user roles that are available for the ERRIS program include:
- WSER Signing Authority - This role is used to enter data and approve reports submitted in the system.
- WSER Regulatee -This role is used to enter reporting data only.
7.3 Grant Access
Assuming you are SWIM Organization Lead for your organization, you will be able to grant access to yourself and anyone else in your organization as per the following steps.
1. Click on Organizations in the left hand menu.
2. From the list provided, select the organization you will be granting access.
Figure 7-1: List Organizations Prior to Granting Access
3. Click on Manage Access in the left hand menu.
Figure 7-2: Manage Access
4. Click on the Grant Access button.
Figure 7-3: Grant Access
5. Select your reporting program (i.e.: ERRIS).
Figure 7-4: Select Reporting Program
6. Select the user role for which you are granting access.
Figure 7-5: Select User Role
7. Select the check box beside the facility that you wish to grant access to and click Continue.
If the facility does not exist, you as the Organization Lead will need to create the facility. (Refer to section 6.0 Reviewing or Creating Facilities for your Organization).
Figure 7-6: Select Facility & Continue
8. You will then be asked how many keys you wish to generate. Enter the number of people that you wish to grant this level of access to for your organization/facility. Click Generate.
Figure 7-7: Generate Key
- The number of keys you requested will appear on the screen.
Figure 7-8: Redeem Key
9. If you are redeeming the key for yourself, you will have to select the Redeem EC Key option. (See section 7.4 Redeem an EC Key)
- If you are granting access for someone else, send a copy of the EC Key to the person who will have to redeem it. (See section 7.4 Redeem an EC Key)
7.4 Redeem an EC Key
EC keys are alpha-numeric codes that are used by the system to establish connections. EC Keys can be created by individuals with the SWIM Organization Lead role, and by administrators at Environment Canada. The following steps will show you how to redeem your key for whichever situation you are in.
1. Click Redeem Key in the left hand menu.
2. Please input your EC Key into the field provided.
Figure 7-9: Redeeming EC Key
3. Click Activate Key.
- If the entered key is correct, the system will activate it and then display the following:
Figure 7-10: EC Key Activation Confirmation
Make sure there are no spaces before the key or the box may chop off a character at the end of the key. If you see a message indicating an invalid key, try copying and pasting again.
Each key can be used only once. If you attempt to redeem the same key again, the system will display the corresponding error message.
4. Clicking Home will return you to the screen that displays the list of programs.
Figure 7-11: Program List
7.5 Request Access
If you have not filed a report to Environment Canada in the past and are new to your current position and/or organization, the preferred method for gaining access to an organization is to redeem an EC Key (refer to section 7.3 Grant Access) obtained from the organization’s SWIM Organization Lead (or Program Reporting Lead).
1. Where the EC Key method is not available, you can search the existing organization database by selecting Request Access from the left menu bar.
Figure 7-12: Request Access
2. Select the program you will need access to for reporting (i.e.: ERRIS).
Figure 7-13: Select Program for Access Request
3. Select the level of access you need (see section 7.1 SWIM Roles) for a description of each role).
Figure 7-14: Select User Role during Access Request
4. Search for the organization you are trying to access by entering its name and business number, and then click Search.
5. Select the organization from the options that appear.
Figure 7-15: Search Organizations during Access Request
6. Select the facility for which is required. Select the check box for the facility and click Continue.
If no facilities exist for the organization, the system will display the following message: “There are no Facilities”. You will need to create a facility. (Refer to section 6.0 Reviewing or Creating Facilities for your Organization).
Figure 7-16: Select Facility during Access Request
7. A Request Access Confirmation screen will then be displayed indicating the details of the request.
Your request for access is sent to Environment Canada. You will receive an automated email at the email address entered in your profile confirming your request. During periods of high activity it may take up to 3 business days for your request to be processed.
Figure 7-17: Select Facility during Access Request
7.6 Remove Access
Users with the SWIM Organization Lead role can remove access from others within their organization as needed. If you wish to remove access people have to SWIM or to the organization you can do so as follows:
1. Click Organizations in the left hand menu.
2. Select an organization.
Figure 7-18: Select Organizations
3. Click on Manage Access in the left hand menu.
Figure 7-19: Select Manage Access
4. Select the roles you wish to delete and click Delete all selected.
Figure 7-20: Select User to be Deleted
- A confirmation window appears asking the following:
“Are you sure you want to remove access for the following user(s) and/or roles(s) from (organization)?”
5. To proceed with removal, click Delete all Selected.
Figure 7-21: Confirm Removal
- The Manage Access window is then re-displayed with the user/role removed.
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