Continuous discharging wastewater systems with hydraulic retention time ≥ 5 days

The Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations (the Regulations) apply to your wastewater system if:

The requirements set out below apply to owners and operators of continuously discharging wastewater systems with a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of five or more days that are subject to the Regulations. This type of system refers to continuously discharging lagoon. 

Identification report

An identification report is required for each regulated wastewater system.

Information required

Pollutant Limit Sample Report Results
Carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand  Average ≤ 25 mg/L Yes* Yes*
Suspended solids Average ≤ 25 mg/L Yes* Yes*
Total residual chlorine  Average ≤ 0.02 mg/L Not required Not required
Unionized ammonia  Maximum < 1.25 mg/L Not required Not required

*Composite or grab samples. 

All samples must be tested by an accredited laboratory.  

Acute lethality testing must be done in accordance with:

For more information on acute lethality testing, consult this factsheet

Monitoring reports

Quarterly or annual monitoring reports are required for each wastewater system.

Information required

A statement that indicates that effluent was not deposited during the reporting period.

Alternatively, if effluent was deposited during certain months of the reporting period, a statement must be provided as well as:

Monitoring, sampling and reporting information for your specific size of wastewater system (refer to the applicable average daily effluent volume)

Average annual daily volume ≤ 2 500 m³ 

Average annual daily volume > 2 500 to ≤ 17 500 m³ 

Average annual daily volume > 17 500 to ≤ 50 000 m³ 

Average annual daily volume > 50 000 m³ 

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