National Wetland Conservation Fund

Important notice

Environment and Climate Change Canada appreciates the interest of all organizations that have participated in the National Wetland Conservation Fund, and that take action to address the issue of wetland restoration and enhancement. While we will continue to fund the 55 ongoing previously-approved NWCF projects for 2018 to 2019 so that projects can be completed, we will not be funding any new projects under this program.

We remain committed to the conservation and protection of wetlands across the country though the North American Waterfowl Management Plan and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Further, we will continue to provide the revenue from the sale of the Canadian Wildlife Habitat Conservation stamp to Wildlife Habitat Canada to implement on the ground wetland conservation projects.

From 2014/15 to 2017/18 the National Wetland Conservation Fund supported on-the-ground activities to restore and enhance wetlands in Canada. The objectives of the fund were to:


For more information, contact the program by email at:

Questions and answers

What is the National Wetland Conservation Fund?

The National Wetland Conservation Fund (NWCF) was launched in 2014/15 for five years as one of the new initiatives under the National Conservation Plan. The goal was to restore degraded or lost wetlands and enhance the ecological function of degraded wetlands. 2018/19 is the last year of the program.

Why is the 2018-2019 NWCF Call for Proposals cancelled?

In order to ensure that Environment and Climate Change Canada continues to deliver on its priorities in the most efficient way possible, the department recently undertook a review of its Grants and Contributions programs. In 2018-2019, Environment and Climate Change Canada is reallocating some of its funds toward other key departmental priorities, including the recovery of species at risk.

Will NWCF projects that have been previously approved for work in 2018-2019 continue?

Yes. There are a 55 previously-approved multi-year projects that will continue to receive funding and support in the coming year. Program staff will be available to provide operational support for these projects with respect to their final payments and reports associated with contribution agreements.

What has the NWCF accomplished?

Environment and Climate Change Canada values the work that its many partners and stakeholders have done over the past three years under the program. Between September, 2014 and March 31, 2017, close to $25.5 million in federal funding was expended on 198 NWCF projects. During this same timeframe, over 2,600 hectares of wetlands and associated uplands have been restored and over 340,000 hectares of wetland and associated upland habitat have been enhanced.

Is Environment and Climate Change Canada still committed to the conservation and protection of wetlands?

Yes. Environment and Climate Change Canada is not walking away from conserving and protecting wetlands. We remain committed to the conservation and protection of wetlands across the country though the North American Waterfowl Management Plan and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Further, we will continue to provide the revenue from the sale of the Canadian Wildlife Habitat Conservation stamp to Wildlife Habitat Canada to implement on-the-ground wetland conservation projects.

What is the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP)?

The North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) is an international action plan, between Canada, the United States and Mexico, to conserve, restore, and protect waterfowl populations and associated habitats through management decisions based on strong biological foundations. In Canada, NAWMP partner activities are directed by public-private Joint Venture partnerships: four Habitat Joint Ventures (Pacific Birds, Canadian Intermountain, Prairie and Eastern) and three Species Joint Ventures (Arctic Goose, Sea Duck and Black Duck). Between 1986 and March 31, 2017, over $2.3 billion has been invested in wetland conservation in Canada under the auspices of NAWMP. This investment has resulted in 8.5 million hectares of wetlands and associated uplands habitat being conserved in Canada in support of NAWMP goals.

Can I apply to some of the funding that is provided to Wildlife Habitat Canada to implement on-the-ground wetland conservation projects?

Yes. Wildlife Habitat Canada has an annual call for project proposals that address priority activities under the North American Waterfowl Management Plan; impact regional and local habitats of importance to other migratory game birds; and/or prioritize activities under the Newfoundland and Labrador Murre Conservation Fund. All Canadians (individuals or organization), except federal government organizations, are eligible recipients. For more information, visit Wildlife Habitat Canada: Conservation Grant Program.

Are there other programs that fund wetland conservation activities to which I can apply?

Yes. Other sources of funding are available for conserving and protecting wetlands. We encourage potential applicants to continue with their good work on wetland conservation through the use of other funding sources. You will find a list of potential funding options offered by Environment and Climate Change Canada.

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