Canadian Protected Areas Status Report 2012 to 2015: chapter 5

Chapter 5: Federal, Provincial and Territorial Summaries

This chapter presents an overview of protected areas according to the sixteen government protected areas organisations included in this report. At the national level and for each province and territory, a summary table provides information on terrestrial and marine protected areas (including marine portions of terrestrial protected areas) administered by each jurisdiction according to International Union for Conservation of Nature management categories. For each province and territory, a summary table provides information on the governance regime for all protected areas in the jurisdiction, whether they are governed by a provincial or territorial government, by a federal government agency or department, by a private or non-governmental organisation, by Indigenous Peoples or local communities or through shared governance. For each province, territory and federal protected area organisation, notable accomplishments made during this reporting period are highlighted. A map is also included for each province and territory showing all protected areas occurring in each as well as all protected areas at the national level for each federal organisation.


Cypress Hills Provincial Park
Cypress Hills Provincial Park, Photo: © Alberta Parks

In Alberta, at the end of 2015, terrestrial protected areas covered 83 141 km2or 12.6% of the provinceFootnote1. About one third of that area (27 422 km2) was protected by the province (Table 21). The remainder was made up of federal protected areas (Table 22).

Table 21. Protected areas under the administration of the province of Alberta separated according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature categories.
Biome International Union for Conservation of Nature category Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total area protected by the province by biome
Terrestrial Ia 17 1 328 4.8%
Terrestrial Ib 28 20 874 76.1%
Terrestrial II 181 4 105 15.0%
Terrestrial III 14 77 0.3%
Terrestrial IV 14 1 039 3.8%
Marine N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 22. All terrestrial protected areas in the province of Alberta separated by governance type.
Governance type Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total area protected in the province of Alberta
Federal government 11 54 632 66.6%
Provincial / territorial government 254 27 422 33.4%
Shared governance 0 0 0.0%
Private governance 0 0 0.0%
Governance by Indigenous Peoples and local communities 0 0 0.0%

Most significant accomplishments by Alberta between 2012-2015:

A commitment was made to establish and add a further 13 784 km2 to Alberta's protected areas network. This will establish or enlarge 30 parks and protected areas through the Land Use Framework's Regional Planning Process in the Lower Athabasca Regional Plan and South Saskatchewan Regional Plan. These sites are reported to the Conservation Areas Reporting and Tracking System as “interim” until such a time that they are legally established.

The Alberta Government announced and committed to enhance protection of the Castle area in southwestern Alberta beyond the commitments made under the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan. This is a renowned area that is critical for biodiversity, headwaters, and species at risk in the Crown of the Continent.

Subsequent to a private land donation, Antelope Hill Provincial Park was established in the threatened and highly underrepresented northern fescue grasslands of Alberta.

Top five priorities for protected areas planning and management by Alberta over the next three to five years:

Map 4. Alberta
Alberta Jurisdictional map
Long description for Map 4

The map depicts the Alberta protected areas network. The entire province of Alberta as well as small surrounding portions of British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan and the United States of America are shown. Two cities, Edmonton and Calgary, are also shown on the map. The protected areas shown on the map are categorised as either provincial or federal and then further subdivided into eight International Union for the Conservation of Nature categories. These include: category Ia, category Ib, category II, category III, category IV, category V, category VI and unclassified. Source:Conservation Areas Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) - 2015.12.31. The scale on the map is in tens of kilometers.

British Columbia

Killer whales in Khutzeymateen Provincial Park
Killer whales in Khutzeymateen Provincial Park, Photo: © BC Parks

In British Columbia, at the end of 2015, terrestrial protected areas covered 144 813 km2or 15.3% of the provinceFootnote 2. Nearly all of that area (138 075 km2) was protected by the province (Table 23). The remainder was made up of federal protected areas (Table 24). Marine protected areas covered 8 353 km2. The Province of British Columbia administered 4 648 km2 and the remainder was administered by the federal government.

Table 23. Protected areas under the administration of the province of British Columbia separated according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature categories.
Biome International Union for Conservation of Nature category Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total area protected the province by biome
Terrestrial Ia 147 1 067 0.8%
Terrestrial Ib 44 58 627 42.5%
Terrestrial II 728 75 316 54.5%
Terrestrial III 106 501 0.4%
Terrestrial IV 28 2 287 1.7%
Terrestrial VI 2 277 0.2%
Marine Ia 22 515 11.1%
Marine Ib 8 140 3.0%
Marine II 141 3 648 78.5%
Marine III 13 42 0.9%
Marine IV 8 304 6.5%
Table 24. All terrestrial and marine protected areas in the province of British Columbia separated by governance type.
Governance type Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total area protected in the province of British Columbia
Federal government 14 9 881 6.5%
Provincial / territorial government 1 057 142 723 93.5%
Shared governance 0 0 0.0%
Private governance 0 0 0.0%
Governance by Indigenous Peoples and local communities 0 0 0.0%

Most significant accomplishments by British Columbia, 2012-2015:

Top five priorities for protected areas planning and management by British Columbia over the next three to five years:

Map 5. British Columbia
BC Jurisdictional map
Long description for Map 5

The map depicts the British Columbia protected areas network. The entire province of British Columbia, as well as small surrounding portions of Yukon, Northwest Territories, Alberta, the United States of America and the Pacific Ocean are shown. Two cities, Vancouver and Victoria, are also shown on the map. The protected areas shown on the map are categorised as either provincial or federal and then further subdivided into eight International Union for the Conservation of Nature categories. These include: category Ia, category Ib, category II, category III, category IV, category V, category VI and unclassified. Source:Conservation Areas Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) - 2015.12.31. The scale on the map is in tens of kilometers.


Chitek Lake Anishnaabe Provincial Park
Chitek Lake Anishnaabe Provincial Park, Photo: © Manitoba government

In Manitoba, at the end of 2015, terrestrial protected areas covered 71 153 km2 or 10.9% of the provinceFootnote3. Over three quarters of that area (57 293 km2) was protected by the province or through a shared governance regime (Table 25). The remainder was made up of federal protected areas and private conservation areas (Table 26). Marine protected areas covered 896 km2.The province of Manitoba administered 80 km2 and the remainder was administered by the federal government.

Table 25. Protected areas under provincial or shared governance in Manitoba separated according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature categories.
Biome International Union for Conservation of Nature category Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total protected area under provincial or shared governance by biome
Terrestrial Ia 29 457 0.8%
Terrestrial Ib 9 29 679 51.8%
Terrestrial II 27 25 568 44.7%
Terrestrial III 29 576 1.0%
Terrestrial IV 37 962 1.7%
Terrestrial V 6 12 <0.1%
Marine II 1 82 100.0%
Table 26. All terrestrial and marine protected areas in the province of Manitoba separated by governance type.
Governance type Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total area protected in the province of Manitoba
Federal government 4z 14 443 20.2%
Provincial / territorial government 123 44 238 61.5%
Shared governance 4 13 097 18.2%
Private governance 184 102 0.1%
Governance by Indigenous Peoples and local communities 0 0 0.0%

z Two of these federal protected areas are National Wildlife Areas administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada (International Union for Conservation of Nature category IV). Manitoba does not currently recognize these two sites as part of its protected areas network.

Most significant accomplishments by Manitoba between 2012-2015:

Top five priorities for protected areas planning and management by Manitoba over the next three to five years:

Map 6. Manitoba
Manitoba Jurisdictional map
Long description for Map 6

The map depicts the Manitoba protected areas network. The entire province of Manitoba, as well as small portions of Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, the United States of America and Hudson Bay are shown. The city of Winnipeg and Lake Winnipeg are also marked. The protected areas shown on the map are categorised as either provincial, federal or private, and then further subdivided into eight International Union for the Conservation of Nature categories. These include: category Ia, category Ib, category II, category III, category IV, category V, category VI and unclassified. Source: Conservation Areas Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) - 2015.12.31. The scale on the map is in tens of kilometers.

New Brunswick

Machias Seal Island Migratory Bird Sanctuary landscape
Machias Seal Island Migratory Bird Sanctuary, Photo: © Environment and Climate Change Canada

In New Brunswick, at the end of 2015, terrestrial protected areas covered 3 378 km2 or 4.6% of the provinceFootnote5. The vast majority this area (2 903 km2) was protected by the province (Table 27). The remainder was made up of federal protected areas and private conservation areas (Table 28). Marine protected areas covered 65 km2. The province of New Brunswick administered approximately 1 km2 and the remainder was administered by the federal government and one private conservation area.

Table 27. Protected areas under the administration of the province of New Brunswick separated according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature categories.
Biome International Union for Conservation of Nature category Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total area protected by the province by biome
Terrestrial Ia 6 11 0.4%
Terrestrial Ib 84 209 7.2%
Terrestrial II 122 2683 92.4%
Marine Ib 4 0.8 56.4%
Marine II 7 0.2 43.6%
Table 28. All terrestrial and marine protected areas in the province of New Brunswick separated by governance type.
Governance type Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total area protected in the province of New Brunswick
Federal government 9 525 15.2%
Provincial / territorial government 206 2 905 84.2%
Shared governance 0 0 0.0%
Private governance 6 19 0.5%
Governance by Indigenous Peoples and local communities 0 0 0.0%

Most significant accomplishments by New Brunswick, 2012-2015:

Top five priorities for protected areas planning and management by New Brunswick over the next three to five years:

Map 7. New Brunswick
New Brunswick Jurisdictional map
Long description for Map 7

The map depicts the New Brunswick protected areas network. The entire province of New Brunswick as well as small portions of Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, the United States of America, the St. Lawrence River and the Bay of Fundy are shown. The city of Fredricton is also marked. The protected areas shown on the map are categorised as either provincial, federal or Private. The provincial and federal protected areas are further subdivided into eight International Union for the Conservation of Nature categories. These include: category Ia, category Ib, category II, category III, category IV, category V, category VI and unclassified. Source: Conservation Areas Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) - 2015.12.31. The scale on the map is in tens of kilometers.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Gros Morne National Park,  Newfoundland and Labrador
Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland and Labrador, Photo: Charles Shulman © Environment and Climate Change Canada

In Newfoundland and Labrador, at the end of 2015, terrestrial protected areas covered 29 420 km2 or 7.3% of the provinceFootnote6. Nearly one quarter of this area (6 630 km2) was protected by the province (Table 29). The remainder was made up of federal protected areas (Table 30). Marine protected areas covered 233 km2. The province of Newfoundland and Labrador administered 156 km2 and the remainder was administered by the federal government.

Table 29. Protected areas under the administration of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador separated according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature categories.
Biome International Union for Conservation of Nature category Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total protected area under provincial administration by biome
Terrestrial Ia 3 7 0.1%
Terrestrial Ib 2 3 965 59.8%
Terrestrial II 40 1 230 18.6%
Terrestrial III 6 3 <0.1%
Terrestrial VI 6 1 424 21.5%
Marine VI 7 156 100.0%
Table 30. All terrestrial and marine protected areas in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador separated by governance type.
Governance type Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total area protected in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador
Federal government 9 22 681 77.0%
Provincial / territorial government 57 6 785 23.0%
Shared governance 0 0 0.0%
Private governance 0 0 0.0%
Governance by Indigenous Peoples and local communities 0 0 0.0%

Most significant accomplishments by Newfoundland and Labrador, 2012-2015:

Top five priorities for protected areas planning and management by Newfoundland and Labrador over the next three to five years:

Map 8. Newfoundland and Labrador
Newfoundland and Labrador Jurisdictional map
Long description for Map 8

The map depicts the Newfoundland and Labrador protected areas network. The entire province of Newfoundland and Labrador as well as a portion of Quebec, New Brunswick, Ungava Bay, Labrador Sea, St. Lawrence River, Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Atlantic Ocean are shown. The city of St. John's is also marked. The protected areas shown on the map are categorised as either provincial or federal and are further subdivided into eight International Union for the Conservation of Nature categories. These include: category Ia, category Ib, category II, category III, category IV, category V, category VI and unclassified. Source: Conservation Areas Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) - 2015.12.31. The scale on the map is in tens of kilometers.

Northwest Territories

Kendall Island Migratory Bird Sanctuary
Kendall Island Migratory Bird Sanctuary, Photo: © Kim Jones

In Northwest Territories, at the end of 2015, terrestrial protected areas covered 125 646 km2 or 9.3% of the territoryFootnote7. Nearly one fifth of this area (22 917 km2) was protected by the territory or through a shared governance regime (Table 31). The remainder was made up of federal protected areas and one protected area under Indigenous governance (Table 32). Marine protected areas covered 2 960 km2, administered by the federal government.

Table 31. Protected areas under territorial or shared governance in Northwest Territories separated according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature categories.
Biome International Union for Conservation of Nature category Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total protected area under territorial or shared governance by biome
Terrestrial Ib 4 22 917 100.0%
Marine N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 32. All terrestrial and marine protected areas in the Northwest Territories separated by governance type.
Governance type Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total area protected in the territory of Northwest Territories
Federal government 12 103 692 81.3%
Provincial / territorial government 1 21 270 16.7%
Shared governance 2 1 648 1.3%
Private governance 0 0 0.0%
Governance by Indigenous Peoples and local communities 1 977 0.8%

Most significant accomplishments by Northwest Territories, 2012-2015:

Top five priorities for protected areas planning and management by Northwest Territories over the next three to five years:

Map 9. Northwest Territories
Northwest Territories Jurisdictional map
Long description for Map 9

The map depicts the Northwest Territories protected areas network. The entire province of Northwest Territories as well as a portion of Yukon, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nunavut, the Beaufort Sea, and the Arctic Ocean are shown. The city of Yellowknife is also marked. The protected areas shown on the map are categorised as either Indigenous and local communities, federal or territorial The territorial and federal protected areas are further subdivided into eight International Union for the Conservation of Nature categories. These include: category Ia, category Ib, category II, category III, category IV, category V, category VI and unclassified. Source: Conservation Areas Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) - 2015.12.31. The scale on the map is in tens of kilometers.

Nova Scotia

Port Joli Migratory Bird Sanctuary landscape
Port Joli Migratory Bird Sanctuary, Photo: Andrew MacFarlane © Environment and Climate Change Canada

In Nova Scotia, at the end of 2015, terrestrial protected areas covered 5 366 km2 or 9.7%Footnote8 of the provinceFootnote9. About three quarters of this area (3 963 km2) was protected by the province or through a shared governance regime (Table 33). The remainder was made up of federal protected areas (Table 34). Marine protected areas covered 22 km2, administered by the federal government.

Table 33. Protected areas under provincial or shared governance in Nova Scotia separated according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature categories.
Biome International Union for Conservation of Nature category Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total protected area under provincial or shared governance by biome
Terrestrial Ia 40 206 5.2%
Terrestrial Ib 34 3 263 82.3%
Terrestrial II 2 269 6.8%
Terrestrial III 8 72 1.8%
Terrestrial IV 35 154 3.9%
Marine N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 34. All terrestrial and marine protected areas in the province of Nova Scotia separated by governance type.
Governance type Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total area protected in the province of Nova Scotia
Federal government 16 1 453 26.8%
Provincial / territorial government 115 3 916 72.3%
Shared governance 5 47 0.9%
Private governance 0 0 0.0%
Governance by Indigenous Peoples and local communities 0 0 0.0%

Most significant accomplishments by Nova Scotia, 2012-2015:

Top five priorities for protected areas planning and management by Nova Scotia over the next three to five years:

Map 10. Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Jurisdictional map
Long description for Map 10

The map depicts the Nova Scotia protected areas network. The entire province of Nova Scotia as well as a portion of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Bay of Fundy, Northumberland Strait, and the Atlantic Ocean are shown. The city of Halifax is also marked. The protected areas shown on the map are categorised as either provincial or federal and are further subdivided into eight International Union for the Conservation of Nature categories. These include: category Ia, category Ib, category II, category III, category IV, category V, category VI and unclassified. Source: Conservation Areas Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) - 2015.12.31. The scale on the map is in tens of kilometers.


Kugluk Territorial Park
Kugluk Territorial Park, Photo: © Nunavut Parks

In Nunavut, at the end of 2015, terrestrial protected areas covered 211 996 km2 km2 or 10.1% of the territoryFootnote10. A small proportion of this area (1 590 km2) was protected by the territory or through a shared governance regime (Table 35). The remainder was made up of federal protected areas (Table 36). Marine protected areas covered 24 655 km2, administered by the federal government.

Table 35. Protected areas under territorial or shared governance in Nunavut separated according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature categories.
Biome International Union for Conservation of Nature category Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total protected area under territorial or shared administration by biome
Terrestrial II 1 1 462 92.0%
Terrestrial V 7 128 8.1%
Marine N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 36. All terrestrial and marine protected areas in the territory of Nunavut separated by governance type.
Governance type Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total area protected in the territory of Nunavut
Federal government 20 242 927 99.3%
Provincial / territorial government 7 128 0.1%
Shared governance 1 1 462 0.6%
Private governance 0 0 0.0%
Governance by Indigenous Peoples and local communities 0 0 0.0%

Most significant accomplishments by Nunavut, 2012-2015:

Top five priorities for protected areas planning and management by Nunavut over the next three to five years:

Map 11. Nunavut
Nunavut Jurisdictional map
Long description for Map 11

The map depicts the Nunavut protected areas network. The entire territory of Nunavut as well as a portion of Northewest Territories, Ontario, Quebec, Hudson Bay, Foxe Basin, Hudson Strait, Davis Strait, Baffin Bay, Parry Channel, the Arctic Ocean and Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) are shown. The city of Iqaluit is also marked. The protected areas shown on the map are categorised as federal or territorial and are further subdivided into eight International Union for the Conservation of Nature categories. These include: category Ia, category Ib, category II, category III, category IV, category V, category VI and unclassified. Source: Conservation Areas Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) - 2015.12.31. The scale on the map is in tens of kilometers.


Cheemuhnuhcheecheekuhtaykeehn landscape
Cheemuhnuhcheecheekuhtaykeehn, Photo: © Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

In Ontario, at the end of 2015, terrestrial protected areas covered 119 476 km2 or 11.1% of the provinceFootnote11. The vast majority of this area (106 699 km2) was protected by the province or through a shared governance regime (Table 37). The remainder was made up of federal protected areas (Table 38). Marine protected areas covered 66 km2, administered by the federal government.

Table 37. Protected areas under provincial or shared governance in Ontario separated according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature categories.
Biome International Union for Conservation of Nature category Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total protected area under provincial or shared governance by biome
Terrestrial Ia 113 1 210 1.1%
Terrestrial Ib 8 48 405 45.4%
Terrestrial II 505 44 729 41.9%
Terrestrial III 17 76 0.1%
Terrestrial IV 5 3 495 3.3%
Terrestrial Unclassified 4 8 785 8.2%
Marine N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 38. All terrestrial and marine protected areas in the province of Ontario separated by governance type.
Governance type Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total area protected in the province of Ontario
Federal government 41 13 523 11.2%
Provincial / territorial government 647 103 204 85.8%
Shared governance 5 3 495 2.9%
Private governance 0 0 0.0%
Governance by Indigenous Peoples and local communities 0 0 0.0%

Most significant accomplishments by Ontario, 2012-2015:

Top five priorities for protected areas planning and management by Ontario over the next three to five years:

Map 12. Ontario
Ontario Jurisdictional map
Long description for Map 12

The map depicts the Ontario protected areas network. The entire province of Ontario as well as a portion of Manitoba, Quebec, Hudson Bay, James Bay, lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario and the United States of America are shown. The cities of Toronto and Ottawa are also marked. The protected areas shown on the map are categorised as either provincial or federal and are further subdivided into eight International Union for the Conservation of Nature categories. These include: category Ia, category Ib, category II, category III, category IV, category V, category VI and unclassified. Source: Conservation Areas Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) - 2015.12.31. The scale on the map is in tens of kilometers.

Prince Edward Island

Black Pond Migratory Bird Sanctuary landscape
Black Pond Migratory Bird Sanctuary, Photo: © Colin macKinnon

In Prince Edward Island, at the end of 2015, terrestrial protected areas covered 175 km2 or 3.1% of the provinceFootnote12. The vast majority of that area (124 km2) was protected by the province or through a shared governance regime (Table 39). The remainder was made up of federal protected areas and private conservation areas (Table 40). Marine protected areas covered 21 km2. The province of Prince Edward Island administered 11 km2 through provincial or shared governance with the remainder administered by federal government or under private governance.

Table 39. Protected areas under provincial or shared governance in Prince Edward Island separated according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature categories.
Biome International Union for Conservation of Nature category Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total protected area under provincial or shared governance by biome
Terrestrial II 7 8 5.7%
Terrestrial III 58 34 31.2%
Terrestrial IV 59 81 62.4%
Terrestrial V 3 <1 0.7%
Marine Ib 1 1 10.5%
Marine II 2 <1 1.3%
Marine III 18 2 28.0%
Marine IV 22 7 60.2%
Table 40. All terrestrial and marine protected areas in the province of Prince Edward Island separated by governance type.
Governance type Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total area protected in the province of Prince Edward Island
Federal government 2 36 19.4%
Provincial / territorial government 84 114 60.9%
Shared governance 6 17 9.1%
Private governance 58 20 10.7%
Governance by Indigenous Peoples and local communities 0 0 0.0%

Most significant accomplishments by Prince Edward Island, 2012-2015:

Top five priorities for protected areas planning and management over the next three to five years:

Map 13. Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island Jurisdictional map
Long description for Map 13

The map depicts the Prince Edward Island protected areas network. The entire province of Prince Edward Island as well as a portion of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Northumberland Strait and the Gulf of St. Lawrence are shown. The city of Charlottetown is also marked. The protected areas shown on the map are categorised as either provincial, federal or private. The provincial and federal protected areas are further subdivided into eight International Union for the Conservation of Nature categories. These include: category Ia, category Ib, category II, category III, category IV, category V, category VI and unclassified. Source: Conservation Areas Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) - 2015.12.31. The scale on the map is in kilometers.


Study area of the proposed Kovik River aquatic reserve
Study area of the proposed Kovik River aquatic reserve, Photo: © Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques

In Quebec, at the end of 2015, terrestrial protected areasFootnote13 covered 147 392 km2, about 9.75% of the provinceFootnote14. Nearly all of this area (145 910 km2) was protected by the province or through a shared governance regime (Table 41). The remainder was made up of federal protected areas (Table 42). Marine protected area covered 5 663 km2. The province of Quebec administered 5 331 km2 through provincial or shared governance and the remainder was administered by the federal government.

Table 41. Protected areas under provincial or shared governance in Quebec separated according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature categories.
Biome International Union for Conservation of Nature category Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total protected area under provincial or shared governance by biome
Terrestrial Ia 115 1 624 1.1%
Terrestrial II 132 136 943 93.8%
Terrestrial III 208 375 0.2%
Terrestrial IV 2 878 6 764 4.6%
Terrestrial V 1 <1 <0.1%
Terrestrial VI 353 117 0.2%
Terrestrial Unclassified 122 87 0.1%
Marine II 15 2 933 55.0%
Marine III 4 5 0.1%
Marine IV 486 2 390 44.8%
Marine VI 1 6 0.1%
Marine Unclassified 1 <1 <0.1%
Table 42. All terrestrial and marine protected areas in the province of Quebec separated by governance type.
Governance type Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total area protected in the province of Quebec
Federal government 39 1 813 1.2%
Provincial / territorial government 3 953 149 797 97.9%
Shared governance 206 1 445 0.9%
Private governance 0 0 0.0%
Governance by Indigenous Peoples and local communities 0 0 0.0%

Most significant accomplishments by Quebec, 2012-2015:

Top five priorities for protected areas planning and management by Quebec over the next three to five years:

Map 14. Quebec
Quebec Jurisdictional map
Long description for Map 14

The map depicts the Quebec protected areas network. The entire province of Quebec as well as a portion of Nunavut, Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, the Hudson Strait, Ungava Bay, Hudson Bay, James Bay, St. Lawrence River, the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the United States of America are shown. The cities of Montreal and Quebec are also marked. The protected areas shown on the map are categorised as either provincial or federal and are further subdivided into eight International Union for the Conservation of Nature categories. These include: category Ia, category Ib, category II, category III, category IV, category V, category VI and unclassified. Source: Conservation Areas Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) - 2015.12.31. The scale on the map is in tens of kilometers.


Great Blue Heron Provincial Park
Great Blue Heron Provincial Park, Photo: © Saskatchewan Parks

In Saskatchewan, at the end of 2015, terrestrial protected areas covered 55 468 km2 or 8.5% of the provinceFootnote 36. Over three quarters of this area (44 441 km2) was protected by the province or through a shared governance regime (Table 43). The remainder was made up of federal protected areas (Table 44).

Approximately 7 400 km2 of community pastures in Saskatchewan, previously protected by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada under the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration program, is reported as protected area but is categorized as “In transition” between federal and provincial governments with respect to governance. The area is included in the amount of area protected in Saskatchewan, but is not reported as area under either federal or provincial administration.

Table 43. Protected areas under provincial or shared governance in Saskatchewan separated according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature categories.
Biome International Union for Conservation of Nature category Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total protected area under provincial or shared governance by biome
Terrestrial Ia 5 1 599 3.6%
Terrestrial Ib 38 13 308 30.0%
Terrestrial II 11 6 749 15.2%
Terrestrial III 33 104 0.2%
Terrestrial IV 54 4 282 9.6%
Terrestrial V 123 672 1.5%
Terrestrial VI 54 17 727 39.9%
Marine N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 44. All terrestrial protected areas in the province of Saskatchewan separated by governance type.
Governance type Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total area protected in the province of Saskatchewan
Federal government 22 5 378 9.4%
Provincial / territorial government 317 42 066 73.8%
Shared governance 1 2 375 4.2%
Private governance 0 0 0.0%
Governance by Indigenous Peoples and local communities 0 0 0.0%
In Transition (Community Pasture) 63 7 160 12.6%

Most significant accomplishments by Saskatchewan, 2012-2015:

Top five priorities for protected areas planning and management by Saskatchewan over the next three to five years:

Map 15. Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Jurisdictional map
Long description for Map 15

The map depicts the Saskatchewan protected areas network. The entire province of Saskatchewan as well as a portion Northwest Territories, Alberta, Manitoba and the United States of America are shown. The cities of Saskatoon and Regina are also marked. The protected areas shown on the map are categorised as either provincial or federal and are further subdivided into eight International Union for the Conservation of Nature categories. These include: category Ia, category Ib, category II, category III, category IV, category V, category VI and unclassified. Source: Conservation Areas Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) - 2015.12.31. The scale on the map is in tens of kilometers.


Nisutlin National Wildlife Area
Nisutlin National Wildlife Area, Photo: © Environment and Climate Change Canada

In Yukon, at the end of 2015, terrestrial protected areas covered 57 358 km2 or 11.9% of the territoryFootnote16. Over one third of this area (21 162 km2) was protected by the territory or through a shared governance regime (Table 45). The remainder was made up of federal protected areas (Table 46). Marine protected areas covered 79 km2, administered by the federal government.

Table 45. Protected areas under territorial or shared governance in Yukon separated according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature categories.
Biome International Union for Conservation of Nature category Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total protected area under territorial or shared governance by biome
Terrestrial Ib 1 5 355 25.3%
Terrestrial II 4 8 229 38.9%
Terrestrial III 2 185 0.9%
Terrestrial IV 10 7 360 34.8%
Terrestrial VI 1 33 0.2%
Marine N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 46. All terrestrial and marine protected areas in the territory of Yukon separated by governance type.
Governance type Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total area protected in the territory of Yukon
Federal government 4 36 211 63.1%
Provincial / territorial government 1 16 <0.1%
Shared governance 17 21 147 36.9%
Private governance 0 0 0.0%
Governance by Indigenous Peoples and local communities 0 0 0.0%

Most significant accomplishments by Yukon, 2012-2015:

Top five priorities for protected areas planning and management by Yukon over the next three to five years:

Map 16. Yukon
Yukon Jurisdictional map
Long description for Map 16

The map depicts the Yukon protected areas network. The entire territory of Yukon as well as a portion British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Beaufort Sea and Alaska are shown. The city of Whitehorse is also marked. The protected areas shown on the map are categorised as either provincial or federal and are further subdivided into eight International Union for the Conservation of Nature categories. These include: category Ia, category Ib, category II, category III, category IV, category V, category VI and unclassified. Source: Conservation Areas Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) - 2015.12.31. The scale on the map is in tens of kilometers.

Environment and Climate Change Canada

Alaksen National Wildlife Area
Alaksen National Wildlife Area, Photo: © Environment and Climate Change Canada

Environment and Climate Change Canada protected 104 834 km2, or 1.1% of Canada’s terrestrial area by the end of 2015Footnote17. This federal department also administered 19 600 km2 of marine protected areas, covering 0.34% of Canada’s marine area (Table 47).

Table 47. Protected areas under the administration of Environment and Climate Change Canada separated according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature categories.
Biome International Union for Conservation of Nature category Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total protected area administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada by biome
Terrestrial Ia 37 2 910 2.8%
Terrestrial Ib 17 89 290 85.1%
Terrestrial II 6 11 127 10.6%
Terrestrial III 19 141 0.1%
Terrestrial IV 33 1 273 1.2%
Terrestrial V 2 21 <0.1%
Terrestrial VI 7 109 0.1%
Marine Ia 23 763 3.9%
Marine Ib 15 16 939 86.4%
Marine II 2 1 777 9.1%
Marine III 9 35 0.2%
Marine IV 5 79 0.4%
Marine VI 1 5 <0.1%

Most significant accomplishments by Environment and Climate Chance Canada, 2012-2015:

Top five priorities for protected areas planning and management by Environment and Climate Chance Canada over the next three to five years:

Map 17. Environment and Climate Change Canada
ECCC Jurisdictional map
Long description for Map 17

The map shows the Environment and Climate Change Canada protected areas network. Canada is shown in its entirety; both terrestrial and marine areas. The map also shows a portion of the United States of America (including Alaska), Kalaallit Nunaat, the Beaufort Sea, Hudson Bay, Labrador Sea as well as the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Capital cities across Canada are labelled including Victoria, Whitehorse, Yellowknife, Edmonton, Regina, Winnipeg, Iqaluit, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec, Fredricton, Charlottetown, Halifax and St. John's. The federal protected areas shown on this map are subdivided by International Union for the Conservation of Nature categories. These include: category Ia, category Ib, category II, category III, category IV, category V, category VI and unclassified. Source: Conservation Areas Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) - 2015.12.31. The scale on the map is in hundreds of kilometers.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Basin Head Marine Protected Area
Basin Head Marine Protected Area, Photo: © Perry Williams

Fisheries and Oceans Canada protected 10 392 km2, or 0.18% of Canada’s marine area, by the end of 2015 (Table 48).

Table 48. Protected areas administered by Fisheries and Oceans Canada separated according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature categories.
Biome International Union for Conservation of Nature category Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total protected area administered by Fisheries and Oceans Canada by biome
Terrestrial N/A N/A N/A N/A
Marine Unclassified 8 10 392 100.0%

Most significant accomplishments by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2012-2015:

Top five priorities for protected areas planning and management by Fisheries and Oceans Canada over the next three to five years:

Map 18. Fisheries and Oceans Canada
DFO jurisdictional map
Long description for Map 18

The map shows the Fisheries and Oceans Canada protected areas network. Canada is shown in its entirety; both terrestrial and marine areas. The map also shows a portion of the United States of America (including Alaska), Kalaallit Nunaat, the Beaufort Sea, Hudson Bay, Labrador Sea as well as the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Capital cities across Canada are labelled including Victoria, Whitehorse, Yellowknife, Edmonton, Regina, Winnipeg, Iqaluit, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec, Fredricton, Charlottetown, Halifax and St. John's. The federal protected areas shown on this map are subdivided by International Union for the Conservation of Nature categories. These include: category Ia, category Ib, category II, category III, category IV, category V, category VI and unclassified. Source: Conservation Areas Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) - 2015.12.31. The scale on the map is in hundreds of kilometers.

Parks Canada Agency

Rouge National Urban Park
Rouge National Urban Park, Photo: © Scott Munn

Parks Canada protected 339 740 km2, or 3.4% of Canada’s terrestrial area by the end of 2015Footnote18 (Table 49). This federal agency also administered 12 720 km2 of marine protected areas, or 0.22% of Canada’s marine area, including Saguenay-St.Lawrence Marine Park, which is administered under shared governance with Quebec (Table 50).

Table 49. Protected areas administered by Parks Canada or under a shared governance regime separated according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature categories.
Biome International Union for Conservation of Nature category Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total protected area administered by Parks Canada Agency by biome
Terrestrial II 46 319 738 95.1%
Terrestrial V 1 19 0.0%
Terrestrial VI 4 16 585 4.9%
Marine II 10 9 182 71.3%
Marine VI 4 3 699 28.7%
Table 50. All Parks Canada Agency terrestrial and marine protected areas separated by governance type.
Governance type Number of protected areas Area protected (km2) Percent of total jurisdictional area protected
Governance by government (Federal) 52 347 976 99.6%
Shared Governance 1 1 246 0.36%

Most significant accomplishments by Parks Canada, 2012-2015:

Top five priorities for protected areas planning and management by Parks Canada over the next three to five years:

Map 19. Parks Canada
PCA jurisdictional map
Long description for Map 19

The map shows the Parks Canada Agency protected areas system. Canada is shown in its entirety; both terrestrial and marine areas. The map also shows a portion of the United States of America (including Alaska), Kalaallit Nunaat, the Beaufort Sea, Hudson Bay, Labrador Sea as well as the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Capital cities across Canada are labelled including Victoria, Whitehorse, Yellowknife, Edmonton, Regina, Winnipeg, Iqaluit, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec, Fredricton, Charlottetown, Halifax and St. John's. The federal protected areas shown on this map are subdivided by International Union for the Conservation of Nature categories. These include: category Ia, category Ib, category II, category III, category IV, category V, category VI and unclassified. Source: Conservation Areas Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) - 2015.12.31. The scale on the map is in hundreds of kilometers.

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