Infographic: National Financial Literacy Strategy

Text version, Infographic: National Financial Literacy Strategy

National Financial Literacy Strategy


A Canada where everyone can build financial resilience in an increasingly digital world.

A 5-year plan to create a more accessible, inclusive, and e­ffective fi­nancial literacy ecosystem for all Canadians.

Ecosystem changes

Reduce barriers

  • Communicate in ways people understand
  • Build and provide for diverse needs
  • Support increased digital access and digital literacy

Catalyze actions

  • Enhance access to trustworthy and affordable financial help
  • Use behavioural design to simplify financial decisions
  • Strengthen consumer protection measures

Enable consumers to achieve financial resilience

  • Skills: Navigate the financial marketplace
  • Behaviours: Manage expenses, debt, and savings
  • Capacity: Build just-in-time financial knowledge and confidence

Changes to the financial literacy ecosystem are supported by evidence-based research and collaboration.

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