Employee needs assessment survey template

This sample employee needs assessment survey can help you understand and identify the financial challenges, needs and wants of your employees when planning a financial wellness program at work.
The survey can be used in an electronic or paper format.  Depending on your needs, you can add or remove questions.


Sample invitation message to staff

[Name of organization]
financial wellness needs assessment

Here at [Name of organization], we recognize the importance of financial well-being to our employees’ health, happiness and productivity. We are developing a workplace financial wellness program and would like to learn more about your needs and interests.

Our goal is to create a financial wellness program based on your needs and that supports everyone. In order to do this, we need your input!

This survey should take less than five minutes to complete.

This survey is 100% anonymous and cannot be tracked back to individual respondents. Responses will be combined and analyzed on a group basis. If there is a question you don’t feel like answering, just skip it or indicate “prefer not to say” and move on to the next one.

[Insert information on how/where to submit the survey if it is a paper-based survey or link to the survey if sending electronically.]

Thanks in advance for your participation!

<Signed by Champion > 

Your financial health

How would you rate your level of financial knowledge (understanding of the basics of money management)? Select one. 

How confident do you feel about your ability to manage your money matters? Select one.

How frequently do you get stressed about money matters?  Select one.

What is the main source of that financial stress?  Select one.

Financial goals and needs

Do you currently have at least one financial goal? Select one.

How confident are you in your ability to achieve a financial goal that you set for yourself? Select one.

Which of the following life events are currently relevant to you or do you expect to be relevant within the next couple of years (check all that apply)?

Interest in a financial wellness program in the workplace

If we were to offer a financial wellness program for the workplace, what would your level of interest be? Select one.

Rank the top five financial topics that you would like to learn more about (1 = the topic that interests you the most)

Among the following choices, what would be your preferred delivery methods to access a financial wellness program in the workplace? (Indicate top three options only and rank by importance, 1= most important) 

When would you be most interested in accessing a financial wellness program? Select one.

Are there any other ideas for the financial wellness program that you would like to suggest? 


Which of the following age groups do you belong to? Select one. 

Thank you

Thank you for participating in the questionnaire. Your answers will be very helpful to us in planning an employee financial wellness program that meets your needs. 

[If you are providing employees with the chance to win a prize, you could provide instructions here for how to enter to win. Or if all employees who participate receive a reward, you could give instructions here on how to claim their reward.] 

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