Canada Strengthens Ties with Ukraine
The Government of Canada is announcing more than $45 million in additional support to Ukraine.
Canada is also announcing the expansion and extension of the deployment of Canadian police officers to Ukraine. In addition, Canada and Ukraine signed a Canada-Ukraine Audiovisual Coproduction Treaty, a Joint Declaration on a Youth Mobility Agreement, and announced the conclusion of negotiations on a Canada-Ukraine Customs Mutual Assistance Agreement.
Bilateral Support
Audiovisual Coproduction Treaty
This project aims to facilitate feature film, television and digital coproductions by pooling the creative and financial resources of both Canadian and Ukrainian producers.
Youth Mobility Agreement
Canada and Ukraine have agreed to advance negotiations for young Canadians and Ukrainians who wish to enter, stay, travel and work in the other country. This agreement will strengthen the people-to-people ties that are the foundation of our strong relationship.
Customs Mutual Assistance Agreement (Conclusion of Negotiations)
Canada and Ukraine have concluded negotiations on the Customs Mutual Assistance Agreement. This new agreement will ensure the proper application of customs laws, and will prevent and combat customs offences.
Development Assistance
Support to Ukraine’s Reforms for Governance (SURGe)
Funding Announced: $25 Million
Time frame: 6 years, from 2019 to 2025
The project will improve the quality of life of Ukraine’s citizens, particularly women and girls, through inclusive, citizen-centred and gender-responsive reforms. The project will be managed by the Government of Ukraine in a number of priority areas, including: economic growth; public administration reform; human capital, including education and healthcare; and combatting corruption.
Mobile Service Delivery for Conflict-Affected Populations in Eastern Ukraine
Funding Announced: $5 million
Time frame: 3 years, from 2019 to 2022
With the protracted conflict in Eastern Ukraine, Ukrainian citizens living in the region have had limited access to crucial public services, including legal aid, as well as administrative services. This project will be implemented by the United Nations Development Programme, and bring public services such as social protection, pensions, biometric passports, and registration of transport closer to the most vulnerable citizens. We will help the Ukrainian government identify ways to simplify crossing the contact line every month.
Advancing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment through Decentralization
Funding Announced: $3 million
Time frame: 3 years, from 2019 to 2022
Canada is committing $3 million to UN Women to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment through gender-responsive government policies at the national and local levels. Decentralization reform is one of the most effective vehicles for empowering people – particularly populations that are often discriminated against, marginalized and excluded from decision-making. The project will assist regional and local governments to pilot the design and implementation of gender-responsive and rights-based programs to make a meaningful difference in women’s lives.
Peace and Stabilization Operations Program
Canada-Ukraine Police Development Project
Funding Announced: $6.5 million
Time frame: 3 years, from 2019 to 2022
Canada will support Agriteam Canada to continue their police capacity building for reform activities. This funding will support the expansion of the National Police of Ukraine (NPU) Patrol Police Academy system and strengthen its training program. The funding will also support the expansion of policing into rural areas, improved human resources management and the development of a national community policing strategy.
Institutional and Strategic Defense Reform
Funding Announced: $6 million
Time frame: 3 years, from 2019 to 2022
Canada will provide up to $6 million over three years to the Government of Ukraine to help implement strategic defence reform initiatives in support of Ukraine’s goal of Euro-Atlantic integration. This will be done by enhancing the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Defence and the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF). Specific initiatives will be jointly developed after the Ukrainian Parliamentary Elections and the appointment of a new government.
International Police Peacekeeping and Peace Operations Program
Expansion and extension of the deployment of Canadian police officers to Ukraine
Time frame: Extended to 2021
Canada is committing to expand and extend its police deployments to Ukraine under the Canadian Police Arrangement’s International Police Peacekeeping and Peace Operations Program. Canada will send up to 45 police officers, up from 20 officers, to Ukraine. Canadian police will continue to provide important training and strategic support to Ukraine until 2021.
Expansion of Trade Relations with Ukraine
In addition to the $45 million announced at the conference, Canada will be increasing its trade representation in Ukraine with a new Trade Commissioner position in Kyiv. This position will help businesses take full advantage of CUFTA’s trade benefits. There are currently 5 positions supporting the Trade Commissioner Service in Ukraine.
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