Backgrounder – Increased security and stabilization efforts in Ukraine
Since the beginning of Russia’s illegal and unjustifiable invasion, Canada has continued to stand with Ukraine and to support its people through many avenues. Since February 2022, Canada has contributed over $5 billion worth of multifaceted assistance to Ukraine, including for financial loans, military aid, humanitarian aid, development assistance, and security and stabilization efforts.
Canada’s contributions of over $32 million in project funding aims to strengthen Ukraine’s security and stabilization efforts in the face of Russia’s ongoing aggressions.
Provision of Demining Equipment to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine
Partner: State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SESU)
Funding: $7.5 million
Canada’s contributions will support the supply of remote-controlled demining vehicles suitable for clearing landmines from agricultural lands and other large open areas and of explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) blast suits for use by SESU’s demining and EOD teams.
Assistance in Addressing Missing and Disappeared Persons from the Ongoing War in Ukraine
Partner: International Commission for Missing Persons (ICMP)
Funding: up to $1.8 million
This project aims to support Ukrainian authorities in locating large numbers of missing persons and investigating their disappearances. The ICMP will work with authorities, families of the missing persons and civil society organizations to enhance the system of tracking and identifying missing persons. Specifically, Canada’s funding will contribute to activities focusing on training, reporting, collecting data and enhancing data systems.
Justice and Accountability for International Crimes Through an Inclusive and Gender-Responsive Approach
Partner: Justice Rapid Response
Funding: up to $8.1 million
Canada is supporting Justice Rapid Response in advancing justice and accountability for international crimes in a variety of contexts, including the war in Ukraine. Through this initiative, Justice Rapid Response is deploying experts to national and international accountability mechanisms and civil society organizations working in the justice sector all over the world, including in Ukraine.
Accountability for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: Sustaining Momentum to End Impunity
Partner: UN Women
Funding: up to $3.4 million
Canada is supporting UN Women in deploying gender experts to national and international accountability mechanisms and civil society organizations in multiple countries, including Ukraine. This project aims to strengthen accountability for violations of women’s rights and enhance the rule of law to better protect women and girls, particularly in conflict, post-conflict and crisis situations.
Countering Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Threats
Provision of CBRN Protective, Detection and Response Assistance to Ukraine
Partner: U.S. Department of Defense
Funding: $5 million
Canada has contributed $5 million to the U.S. Department of Defense for the provision of vital CBRN detection, protection and response equipment to Ukraine. This directly responds to requests that the Government of Ukraine has made through the G7-led Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction. Through the delivery of this specialized equipment, Ukraine will have increased capacity to mitigate potential CBRN incidents, further reducing the threat faced by Ukraine and the surrounding region.
Counter Smuggling and Radiological Response Support for Critical Efforts in Ukraine
Partner: U.S. Department of Energy
Funding: $5 million
Canada’s funding will support a project seeking to reduce the threat to the Ukrainian and neighbouring populations from stolen or illicitly trafficked nuclear or radiological materials. This is done by securing critical borders under Ukrainian control and addressing vulnerabilities near sensitive nuclear facilities and newly recovered territory. Project activities include providing:
- radiation detection, communication, patrol and surveillance equipment to Ukraine’s State Border Guard Service, State Emergency Service and National Police of Ukraine
- related operational and maintenance training on the equipment.
Strengthening Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards in Ukraine
Partner: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Funding: $2 million
Canada is providing funding to the IAEA to assess nuclear safety, security and safeguards at nuclear facilities in Ukraine in the wake of Russian attacks and occupation and to deliver required technical assistance and equipment to address identified needs as agreed with Ukraine, including through in-person deployments.
Strengthening Nuclear Security Competences to Support Sustainable Nuclear Security
Partner: World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS)
Funding: $200,000
Canada’s contribution to WINS is helping support the remote operation of the Women in Nuclear (WiN) Ukraine organization, which aims to advance gender equality in nuclear security. Specifically, this funding supports 9-month employment contracts for 3 female staff members of WiN Ukraine who had to flee Ukraine when Russia invaded. WiN Ukraine has been able to continue its gender equality activities from outside Ukraine, housed at the office of the World Institute for Nuclear Security, in Vienna, Austria.
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