Horizontal Initiative Database Data Dictionary

The dataset represents 2016-17 horizontal initiative Departmental Results Report data and 2017-18 Departmental Plan data. This data can also be found through the lead department’s reporting on their own websites.

The database dataset contains 6 tables:

The dataset is coded so it can be manipulated for analysis. Annex A includes the Dataset Coding Chart.


The information provided in this table gives an overview of the initiative. This is also the only table that provides the association between the Horizontal Initiative Code (HI Code) and the name of the horizontal initiative. This four digit code will always appear in the first column of each table (column A) directly followed by the fiscal year (column B). The information that can be found in this table includes:

HI Code
Main identifier for the horizontal initiative throughout the dataset
Fiscal year
Identifies the fiscal year of the information included within the row
Name of Horizontal Initiative
Name of each horizontal initiative
Description of the Horizontal Initiative
Description of what the initiative is trying to achieve and how they will achieve it
Department Code
Identifier for federal departments
Lead Department
Department leading the management and reporting of the initiative
Original Start Date of the horizontal initiative
Date initiative initiated and began horizontal reporting
End Date of the horizontal initiative
Planned date the initiative will complete horizontal reporting
Total Federal Allocation (from start date to end date) for the initiative as a whole (dollars)
All funds allocated to the initiative, including any renewed funds
Governance Structures
Description of the governance structures supporting the initiative
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation
Planned date of next evaluation
Performance Information
Description of the performance of the horizontal initiative


All horizontal initiatives have a lead department and at least one partner department. This table lists the federal departments that partner in the initiative, as well as any non-governmental partner. The information that can be found in this table includes:

HI Code
Main identifier for the horizontal initiative throughout the dataset
Fiscal year
Identifies the fiscal year of the information included within the row
Type of Partner
Identified if the partner is a “Federal partner organization” or a “Non-federal and non-governmental partner”
Department Code
Identifier for federal departments
Organization Name
Name of federal partner organizations or non-federal and non-governmental partners


Horizontal initiatives combine departmental activities to achieve a shared outcome. The programs associated with the horizontal initiative can completely or partially contribute to the initiative. The information that can be found in this table includes:

HI Code
Main identifier for the horizontal initiative throughout the dataset
Fiscal year
Identifies the fiscal year of the information included within the row
Department Code
Identifier for federal departments
Organization Name
Name of federal partner organizations or non-federal and non-governmental partners associated with the horizontal activity included in the table row
Program activity code
Identifier for the contributing federal program
Program name
Name of the contributing federal program
Horizontal activity code
Identifier for the activity under the federal program contributing to the horizontal initiative
Contributing activities within the selected program
Identifies the specific activity that contributes to the shared outcome of the horizontal initiative


The Shared Outcome(s) (SO) are a cornerstone of the horizontal initiative, representing the long-term outcome the initiative is trying to achieve. Themes divide the initiative into a limited number of smaller and logical outcome areas, to help measure the progress toward the (SO). The information that can be found in this table includes:

HI Code
Main identifier for the horizontal initiative throughout the dataset
Fiscal year
Identifies the fiscal year of the information included within the row
Shared Outcome or Theme code
Identifier for the shared outcome or theme
Shared Outcome or Theme
Describes the shared outcome (there may be more than one per initiative); this column also includes the names of themes. Note not all horizontal initiatives have themes
Theme Outcome code
Identifier for the theme outcome
Theme Outcome
Describes the theme outcome (there may be more than one per theme)
Department Code
Identifier for federal departments
Organization Name
Name of federal partner organizations or non-federal and non-governmental partners associated with the horizontal activity included in the table row
Department level outcome code
Identifier for the department level outcome
Department level outcome
Describes the department level outcome
Expected Results Code
Identifier for the expected results
Expected Results
The expected results of the shared outcome, theme or department
Performance Indicator Code
Identifier for the performance indicator
Indicator that will measure progress toward the expected results
Target Code
Identifier for the performance target
Target the expected results are trying to achieve and the performance indicator is measuring
Date to achieve target
Date the initiative plans to achieve the target
Results Code
Identifier for the results
Actual Results
Actual results measured through the performance indicator
Data Source
Source of the actual results data
Data collection frequency
Frequency at which the actual results data is collected


This table includes actual spending financial information by horizontal initiative activity. Users can filter by horizontal initiative and fiscal year to roll up the annual spending of an individual initiative. The information that can be found in this table includes:

HI Code
Main identifier for the horizontal initiative throughout the dataset
Fiscal year
Identifies the fiscal year of the information included within the row
Department Code
Identifier for federal departments
Organization Name
Name of federal partner organizations or non-federal and non-governmental partners associated with the horizontal activity included in the table row
Program activity code
Identifier for the contributing federal program
Program name
Name of the contributing federal program
Horizontal activity code
Identifier for the activity under the federal program contributing to the horizontal initiative
Contributing activities within the selected program
Identifies the specific activity that contributes to the shared outcome of the horizontal initiative
Theme code
Identifier for the theme (if applicable)
Fiscal year only – Actual spending (dollars)
Actual spending for each horizontal initiative activity


This table shows the performance measurement strategy at the activity level, and includes actual results information, where available.

HI Code
Main identifier for the horizontal initiative throughout the dataset
Fiscal year
Identifies the fiscal year of the information included within the row
Theme code
Identifier for the theme (if applicable)
Department Code
Identifier for federal departments
Organization Name
Name of federal partner organizations or non-federal and non-governmental partners associated with the horizontal activity included in the table row
Program activity code
Identifier for the contributing federal program
Program name
Name of the contributing federal program
Horizontal activity code
Identifier for the activity under the federal program contributing to the horizontal initiative
Contributing activities within the selected program
Identifies the specific activity that contributes to the shared outcome of the horizontal initiative
Expected Results Code
Identifier for the expected results
Expected Results
The expected results of the horizontal activity
Performance Indicator Code
Identifier for the performance indicator
Performance Indicator
Indicator that will measure progress toward the expected results
Data Source Code
Identifier for the data source
Data Source
Source of the actual results data
Data collection frequency
Frequency at which the actual results data is collected
Target Code
Identifier for the performance target
Target the expected results are trying to achieve and the performance indicator is measuring
Date to achieve target
Date the initiative plans to achieve the target
Actual Results Code
Identifier for the results
Actual Results
Actual results measured through the performance indicator

Annex A: Dataset Coding Chart

The coding in this dataset allows for dynamic analysis of results over time. All codes are unique to their corresponding horizontal initiative, meaning specific information can be isolated to analyze movement over time. For example, by filtering for a horizontal activity expected results code in the “Results” table, users will be provided with the performance indicator, target, data source and actual results information across fiscal years for this single expected result.

NOTE: if any component missing (for example, theme, theme outcome) this code is dropped from the code chain. For example, if there is no theme outcome, chain would be HICode-ThemeCode-ExpectedResultsCode instead of HICode-ThemeCode-ThemeOutcomeCode-ExpectedResultsCode

Coding Description Examples
Horizontal Initiative Unique four digit number for each horizontal initiative 1001
Shared Outcome Alpha-numeric code following horizontal initiative four digit number separated by a dash - only used with Shared Outcome (SO) related performance measurement 1001-SO1
Shared Outcome expected results Alpha-numeric code Expected Results (ER) code following the SO code - only used with SO related performance measurement 1001-SO1-ER1
Shared Outcome performance indicator Alpha-numeric Performance Indicator (PI) code following the SO code - only used with SO related performance measurement; may require decimal if there are multiple PIs for one ER 1001-SO1-PI1
Shared Outcome target Alpha-numeric Target (T) code following the SO code - only used with SO related performance measurement; may require decimal if there are multiple Ts for one ER 1001-SO1-T1
Shared Outcome actual results Alpha-numeric Actual Results (AR) code following the SO code - only used with SO related performance measurement; may require decimal if there are multiple ARs for one ER 1001-SO1-AR1
Theme Alpha-numeric Theme (TH) code following horizontal initiative four digit number separated by a dash 1001-1
Theme outcome Alpha-numeric Theme Outcome (THO) code following horizontal initiative four digit number separated by a dash - only used with SO related performance measurement 1001-TH1-THO1
Theme expected results Alpha-numeric ER code following the theme code - theme outcome code - only used with theme related performance measurement 1001-TH1-THO1-ER1
Theme performance indicator Alpha-numeric PI code following the theme code - theme outcome code - only used with theme related performance measurement; may require decimal if there are multiple PIs for one ER 1001-TH1-THO1-PI1
Theme target Alpha-numeric T code following the theme code - theme outcome code - only used with theme related performance measurement; may require decimal if there are multiple Ts for one ER 1001-TH1-THO1-T1
Theme actual results Alpha-numeric AR code following the theme code - theme outcome code - only used with theme related performance measurement; may require decimal if there are multiple ARs for one ER 1001-TH1-THO1-AR1
Department Outcome Alpha-numeric Department Outcome (DO) code following horizontal initiative four digit number separated by a dash - only used with DO related performance measurement 1001-DO1
Department Outcome expected results alpha-numeric code following the DO code - only used with DO related performance measurement 1001-DO1-ER1
Department Outcome performance indicator alpha-numeric PI code following the DO code - only used with DO related performance measurement; may require decimal if there are multiple PIs for one ER 1001-DO1-PI1
Department Outcome target alpha-numeric code following the DO code - only used with DO related performance measurement; may require decimal if there are multiple Ts for one ER 1001-DO1-T1
Department Outcome actual results alpha-numeric code following the DO code - only used with DO related performance measurement; may require decimal if there are multiple ARs for one ER 1001-DO1-AR1
Department Code Alpha code  identifying federal department or agency CEAA
Program code Alpha-numeric Program code CEAA-AGG00
HI Activity Code Combination of HI code, TH code, Program code and the HI Activity Code, represented one digit number on end, separated by dash (HICode-ThemeCode-PACode-HIActivityCode) - if there is no theme, remove this number and dash from the chain Theme 1:

Theme 2:

No Theme:
HI Activity Expected Results Combination of HI code, TH code, Program code, HI Activity code, and alpha-numeric code for ER, separated by dash (HICode-ThemeCode-PACode-HIActivityCode-ERCode) -if there is no theme, remove this number and dash from the chain Theme 1:

Theme 2:

No Theme:
HI Activity Performance Indicators Combination of HI code, TH code, Program code, HI Activity code, and alpha-numeric code for PI, separated by dash (HICode-ThemeCode-PACode-HIActivityCode-PICode) - may require decimal if there are multiple PIs for one ER - if there is no theme, remove this number and dash from the chain Theme 1:

No Theme:
HI Activity Targets Combination of HI code, TH code, Program code, HI Activity code, and alpha-numeric code for T, separated by dash (HICode-ThemeCode-PACode-HIActivityCode-TCode) -  may require decimal if there are multiple Ts for one ER - if there is no theme, remove this number and dash from the chain Theme 1:

No Theme:
HI Activity Actual Results Combination of HI code, TH code, Program code, HI Activity code, and alpha-numeric code for AR, separated by dash (HICode-ThemeCode-PACode-HIActivityCode-ARCode) -  may require decimal if there are multiple ARs for one ER -  if there is no theme, remove this number and dash from the chain Theme 1:

No Theme:

Page details

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