Enhancements to the grain grade dispute resolution process by the Canadian Grain Commission

News release

Grain producers will now have more time to ask for a Final Quality Determination from the Canadian Grain Commission in the event of a grain grading dispute on their deliveries into Canadian Grain Commission-licensed primary elevators.

Formerly known as “Subject to Inspector’s Grade and Dockage”, producers can now ask that a sample of their grain delivery be sent to the Canadian Grain Commission for a Final Quality Determination for up to seven calendar days after the date of their grain delivery. This right is available for grain producers who deliver a regulated grain into a Canadian Grain Commission-licensed primary elevator.

The Canadian Grain Commission has implemented these changes to the Canada Grain Regulations to support fair transactions in the Canadian grain sector. These regulatory updates have been made to reflect and keep pace with the current operational realities of grain handling and delivery in Canada.

The amendments clarify how long samples must be stored and allow more flexibility for producers and elevator operators to decide who will store delivery samples and where. In addition, grain producers will not need to be present at the time of delivery to request a Final Quality Determination.


“We are very pleased to implement these enhancements to Final Quality Determination for grain producers. This important producer right now reflects the realities of today’s grain sector and responds to feedback received during the Canada Grain Act review.”

Doug Chorney, Chief Commissioner
Canadian Grain Commission

Quick facts

  • The Canadian Grain Commission’s consultation on updating grain grading dispute resolution received a total of 13 submissions.

  • Grain farmers are now able to request a Final Quality Determination even if they are not present at the time of delivery and for up to seven calendar days after the delivery.

  • The regulatory updates allow producers and primary elevator operators more flexibility to agree on who will hold the sample and where.

  • The amendments remove the obligation for a sample to be taken in the presence of the person delivering the grain, unless the producer asks to be present. 

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Derek Bunkowsky

Chief Grain Inspector for Canada

Canadian Grain Commission



Canadian Grain Commission

The Canadian Grain Commission is the federal agency responsible for establishing and maintaining Canada’s grain quality standards. Its programs result in shipments of grain that consistently meet contract specifications for quality, safety and quantity. The Canadian Grain Commission regulates the grain industry to protect producers’ rights and ensure the integrity of grain transactions.

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