2021-2022 Report on Fees
Table of contents
- Minister's message
- About this report
- Remissions
- Overall totals, by fee-setting mechanism
- Totals, by fee grouping, for fees set by act, regulation or fees notice
- Details on each fee set by act, regulation or fees notice
- Fees for Right to Sell Drugs
- Fees for Right to Sell a Licenced Class II, III or IV Medical Device
- Fees for Examination of a Submission - Drugs for Human Use
- Certificate of Supplementary Protection Application Fees
- Fees for Examination of an Application for a Medical Device Licence
- Fees for Examination of a Submission - Drugs for Veterinary Use Only
- Drug Establishment Licensing Fees
- Drug Establishment Licensing Fees - Dealer's Licences
- Medical Device Establishment Licensing Fees
- Fees to be Paid for the Examination of an Application in Respect of a Pest Control Product
- Annual Charge (for a registered Pest Control Product)
- Fees Charged for Filing a Claim for Exemption under the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act
- Cannabis Fees
- National Dosimetry Products and Services Fees
- Master File Fees
- Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product Fee
Minister's message
On behalf of Health Canada, I am pleased to present the Departmental fees report for fiscal year 2021-22.
In 2021-22, Health Canada continued to ensure that Canadians had access to COVID-19 related medical devices. This was done by approving a third medical devices Ministerial Order which continues to allow Health Canada to waive related fees, expedite the authorization pathway for COVID-19 medical devices and provide flexibility and regulatory oversight to enable ongoing importation, sale and distribution of COVID-19 medical devices, including personal protective equipment.
In winter 2021, Health Canada held its first stakeholder information session since the new drugs and medical devices fees came into force on April 1, 2020. This was an opportunity for Health Canada to present the results of the 2020-21 Report on Fees, to discuss various business improvements initiatives the Department has put in place and to have an open dialogue with industry.
In spring 2022, Health Canada consulted on the proposed Biocides Regulations, related guidance document and proposed fees. The proposed regulations would bring disinfectants and surface sanitizers together under a single regulatory framework with a view to establishing a consistent simplified pathway to market authorization.
Health Canada conducted a review of the cannabis cost recovery framework and assessed the progress of cost recovery and the impact of the fee structure on the policy goals of the Cannabis Act and the cannabis industry. The review involved a series of internal analyses and consultations, as well as industry outreach in the form of a questionnaire and interviews. A summary report will be published in 2022-23.
Health Canada will continue to work towards ongoing transparency and accountability as it relates to fees. Through collaboration and evidence-based decision-making, I will continue to advance my key mandate priorities in order to maintain and improve the health and safety of all Canadians.
The Honourable Jean‑Yves Duclos, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Health
About this report
This report, which is tabled under section 20 of the Service Fees Act, the Low‑Materiality Fees Regulations, and subsection 4.2.8 of the Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities, contains information about the fees that Health Canada had the authority to set in 2021–22.
The report covers fees that are subject to the Service Fees Act and exempted from the Service Fees Act.
For reporting purposes, fees are categorized by fee-setting mechanism. There are three mechanisms:
- Act, regulation or fees notice
The authority to set these fees is delegated to a department, minister or Governor in Council pursuant to an act of Parliament. - Contract
Ministers have the authority to enter into contracts, which are usually negotiated between the minister and an individual or organization, and which cover fees and other terms and conditions. In some cases, that authority may also be provided by an act of Parliament. - Market rate or auction
The authority to set these fees is pursuant to an act of Parliament or regulation, and the minister, department or Governor in Council has no control over the fee amount.
For fees set by act, regulation or fees notice, the report provides totals for fee groupings, as well as detailed information for each fee. Health Canada did not have fees set by contract, market rate or auction.
Although the fees Health Canada charges under theAccess to Information Act were subject to the Service Fees Act, they are not included in this report. Information on Health Canada’s access to information fees for 2021–22 is in our annual report to Parliament on the administration of the Access to Information Act.
In 2021–22, Health Canada was subject to the requirements to issue remissions under section 7 of the Service Fees Act and subsection 4.2.4 of the Treasury Board Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities to remit a fee, in whole or in part, to a fee payer when a service standard was deemed not met. Health Canada’s remission policy and procedures, pursuant to the Service Fees Act, are on the following web page: Remissions for missed service standards
In 2021–22, Health Canada also issued remissions under its enabling legislation. These remissions may have been for reasons other than not meeting a service standard.
The other sections of this report provide detailed amounts on Health Canada’s remissions for 2021–22.
In addition to the remissions reported, Health Canada put in place a third COVID-19 medical devices interim order (effective until February 21, 2023) that maintains the same flexibilities as Interim Order No. 2 so that authorized COVID-19 medical devices can continue to be sold and imported in Canada. The first interim order was created on March 18, 2020, which was replaced by the second interim order on March 15, 2021.
Overall totals , by fee setting mechanism
The following table presents the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees that Health Canada had the authority to set in 2021–22, by fee-setting mechanism.
Fee-setting mechanism | Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
Fees set by act, regulation or fees notice | 274,128,683 | 584,854,381 | 120,739 |
Totals, by fee grouping, for fees set by act, regulation or fees notice
A fee grouping is a set of fees relating to a single business line, directorate or program that a department had the authority to set for those activities.
This section presents, for each fee grouping, the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees that Health Canada had the authority to set in 2021-22 that are set by any of the following:
- act
- regulation
- fees notice
The revenue collections reported below may include: discontinued fees as of April 1, 2020; fees from previous years due to the timing of payments; and lower fees due to mitigation measures (as per the relevant regulations).
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
28,571,438 | 82,280,531 | 0 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
13,114,294 | 31,621,930 | 18,860 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
71,849,968 | 163,902,742 | 25,324 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
156,096 | 229,964 | 0 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
7,459,566 |
21,897,541 |
1,600 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
1,078,567 | 10,994,275 | 222 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
28,921,109 | 39,682,408 | 0 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
568,605 | 7,412,718 | 0 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
21,681,766 | 15,263,334 | 74,635 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
6,962,776 | 51,494,952 | 98 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
9,148,686 | 29,570,501 | 0 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
432,522 | 3,625,445 | 0 |
Revenue ($)Footnote 1 | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
75,683,891 | 114,949,669 | 0 |
The following fees are set under the Ministerial Authority to Enter into a Contract. Health Canada strives to recover 100% of costs for these services, however since the fees were last set increases to costs have been incurred.
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
7,454,835 | 10,035,163 | 0 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
814,556 | 1,065,333 | 0 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
230,008 | 827,875 | 0 |
Details on each fee set by act, regulation or fees notice
This section provides detailed information on each fee that Health Canada had the authority to set in 2021-22 and that was set by any of the following:
- act
- regulation
- fees notice
The total of the revenue collections by fee grouping below may not equal the revenues reported in the “Totals, by fee grouping, for fees set by act, regulation or fees notice” section due to the following:
- Effective April 1, 2020, some fees were repealed from theFinancial Administration Act and set under the authority of the Food and Drugs Act. In some instances, new fees were introduced and some fees were discontinued. Revenues collected after March 31, 2020 for discontinued fees are not included below; and
- A new report has been developed in the financial system to allow the reporting of revenue collections at the individual fee level, however, it is still being refined and therefore small discrepancies may exist.
Fees for Right to Sell Drugs
Health Canada monitors human and veterinary drugs on the Canadian market through post-market surveillance and compliance and enforcement activities. Industry pays an annual fee for the right to maintain and sell human and veterinary drugs in Canada.
- Human drugs - Disinfectant (item 1)
- Human drugs - Non-prescription (item 2)
- Human drugs - Prescription (drug other than one referred to in item 1 or 2)
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
20 calendar days to update the Drug Product Database following receipt of a complete Annual Notification Package
Performance result
100% (1,185/1,185 human and veterinary completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Human drugs - Disinfectant (item 1) | 1,342 | 1,388,587 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 1,613 |
Human drugs - Non-prescription (item 2) | 2,018 | 5,098,566 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 3,109 |
Human drugs - Prescription (drug other than one referred to in item 1 or 2) | 2,749 | 21,926,783 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 5,158 |
Veterinary Drugs
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
20 calendar days to update the Drug Product Database following receipt of a complete Annual Notification Package
Performance result
100% (1,185/1,185 human and veterinary completed within the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Veterinary Drugs
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Veterinary Drugs | 367 | 345,214 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 528 |
Fees for Right to Sell a Licensed Class II, III or IV Medical Device
Health Canada monitors medical devices on the Canadian market through post-market surveillance and compliance and enforcement activities. There is an annual fee for the right to sell a Class II, III, IV medical device.
Medical Device Right to Sell
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
20 calendar days from deadline for receipt of annual notification to update the Medical Devices Licence Listing (MDALL) database
Performance result
99.34% (33,276/33,496 were completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Medical Device Right to Sell
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Medical Device Right to Sell | 381 | 13,114,294 | 18,860 | April 1, 2023 | 421 |
Fees for Examination of a Submission — Drugs for Human Use
Before a drug is authorized for sale in Canada, Health Canada reviews it to assess its safety, efficacy and quality. Drug products include prescription and non-prescription pharmaceuticals, biologics, disinfectants and sanitizers with disinfectant claims.
New Active Substance
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
300 calendar days to complete Review 1
Performance result
100% (52/52 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: New Active Substance
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
New Active Substance | 437,009 | 19,401,161 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 565,465 |
Clinical or non-clinical data and chemistry and manufacturing data
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
- For drugs under Division 1 of the Food and Drug Regulations: 210 calendar days to complete Review 1
- For drugs under Division 8 of the Food and Drug Regulations: 300 calendar days to complete Review 1
Performance result
- 210 calendar days - 100% (1/1 completed within service standard)
- 300 calendar days - 100% (55/55 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Clinical or non-clinical data and chemistry and manufacturing data
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Clinical or non-clinical data and chemistry and manufacturing data | 224,242 | 8,535,125 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 292,806 |
Clinical or non-clinical data only
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
- For drugs under Division 1 of the Food and Drug Regulations: 210 calendar days to complete Review 1
- For drugs under Division 8 of the Food and Drug Regulations: 300 calendar days to complete Review 1
Performance result
- 210 calendar days – 100% (1/1 completed within service standard)
- 300 calendar days - 100% (157/157 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Clinical or non-clinical data only
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Clinical or non-clinical data only | 95,796 | 13,626,892 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 117,080 |
Comparative studies
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
- For drugs under Division 1 of the Food and Drug Regulations: 210 calendar days to complete Review 1
- For drugs under Division 8 of the Food and Drug Regulations: 180 calendar days to complete Review 1
Performance result
- 210 calendar days - 100% (4/4 completed within service standard)
- 180 calendar days - 100% (139/139 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Comparative studies
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Comparative studies | 55,737 | 8,777,956 | 13,459 | April 1, 2023 | 65,985 |
Chemistry and manufacturing data only
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
- For drugs under Division 1 of the Food and Drug Regulations: 210 calendar days to complete Review 1
- For drugs under Division 8 of the Food and Drug Regulations: 180 calendar days to complete Review 1
Performance result
- 210 calendar days - 100% (40/40 completed within service standard)
- 180 calendar days - 99.7% (312/313 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Chemistry and manufacturing data only
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Chemistry and manufacturing data only | 30,609 | 10,123,957 | 6,897 | April 1, 2023 | 40,597 |
Clinical or non-clinical data only, in support of safety upgrades to the labelling
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
120 calendar days to complete Review 1
Performance result
99.6% (277/278 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Clinical or non-clinical data only, in support of safety upgrades to the labelling
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Clinical or non-clinical data only, in support of safety upgrades to the labelling | 19,404 | 5,472,991 | 4,861 | April 1, 2023 | 21,429 |
Labelling only
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
120 calendar days to complete Review 1
Performance result
99.9% (899/900 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Labelling only
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Labelling only | 4,320 | 4,098,833 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 5,901 |
Labelling only (generic drugs)
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
120 calendar days to complete Review 1
Performance result
100% (126/126 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Labelling only (generic drugs)
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Labelling only (generic drugs) | 2,006 | 228,616 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 2,217 |
Administrative submission
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
45 calendar days to review
Performance result
99.6% (567/569 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Administrative submission
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Administrative submission | 539 | 271,454 | 108 | April 1, 2023 | 933 |
Disinfectant - full review
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
- For drugs under Division 1 of the Food and Drug Regulations: 180 or 210 calendar days to complete Review 1
- For drugs under Division 8 of the Food and Drug Regulations: 300 calendar days to complete Review 1
Performance result
- 180/210 calendar days - 100% (1/1 completed within service standard)
- 300 calendar days - 100% (134/134 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Disinfectant - full review
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Disinfectant - full review | 7,126 | 908,127 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 12,297 |
Labelling only (disinfectants)
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
90 calendar days to complete Review 1
Performance result
100% (111/111 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Labelling only (disinfectants)
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Labelling only (disinfectants) | 2,502 | 237,840 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 2,764 |
Drug identification number application - labelling standards
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
60 calendar days to complete Review 1
Performance result
100% (195/195 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Drug identification number application - labelling standards
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Drug identification number application - labelling standards | 1,613 | 326,923 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 1,782 |
Certificate of Supplementary Protection Application Fees
In agreeing to provisionally apply the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), Canada has committed to provide up to two years of sui generis (of its own kind) protection for new pharmaceutical products protected by an eligible patent, from the expiry of the patent. Canada has implemented this commitment by introducing Certificates of Supplementary Protection (CSPs) for medicinal ingredients, applicable for Canadian pharmaceuticals, biologics and veterinary drugs.
Certificate of Supplementary Protection Application Fees
Fee-setting authority
- Patent Act, 134(1)
- Certificate of Supplementary Protection Regulations (SOR/2017-165)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
60 days for the first eligibility decision
Performance result
100% (17/17 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Certificate of Supplementary Protection Application Fees
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Certificate of Supplementary Protection Application Fees | 9,756 | 156,096 | This fee was not subject to remissions | April 1, 2023 | 10,152 |
Fees for Examination of an Application for a Medical Device Licence
The Medical Device Licence Application Fees apply only to Class II, III and IV medical device licence applications. The following types of medical devices are exempt from medical device licensing and therefore no fees apply: Class I medical devices; custom-made medical devices; medical devices for special access; and medical devices for investigational testing involving human subjects.
Applications for Class II licence
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
15 calendar days to review
Performance result
99.1% (1,300/1,312 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Applications for Class II licence
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Applications for Class II licence | 478 | 698,611 | 1,427 | April 1, 2023 | 589 |
Applications for Class II licence amendment
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
15 calendar days to review
Performance result
99.6% (1,102/1,106 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Applications for Class II licence amendment
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Applications for Class II licence amendment | 272 | 302,237 | 136 | April 1, 2023 | 302 |
Applications for Class III licence
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
60 calendar days to complete Review 1
Performance result
99.6% (249/250 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Applications for Class III licence
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Applications for Class III licence | 8,895 | 2,017,737 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 12,987 |
Applications for Class III licence (near patient)
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
60 calendar days to complete Review 1
Performance result
100% (2/2 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Applications for Class III licence (near patient)
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Applications for Class III licence (near patient) | 16,032 | 129,586 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 27,666 |
Applications for Class III licence amendment - changes in manufacturing
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
60 calendar days to complete Review 1
Performance result
100% (18/18 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Applications for Class III licence amendment - changes in manufacturing
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Applications for Class III licence amendment - changes in manufacturing | 2,375 | 39,477 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 4,098 |
Applications for Class III licence amendment - significant changes not related to manufacturing
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
60 calendar days to complete Review 1
Performance result
99.7% (301/302 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Applications for Class III licence amendment - significant changes not related to manufacturing
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Applications for Class III licence amendment - significant changes not related to manufacturing | 7,543 | 2,425,033 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 10,425 |
Applications for Class IV licence
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
75 calendar days to complete Review 1
Performance result
100% (38/38 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Applications for Class IV licence
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Applications for Class IV licence | 24,699 | 1,013,882 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 28,165 |
Applications for Class IV licence amendment - changes in manufacturing
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
75 calendar days to complete Review 1
Performance result
100% (36/36 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Applications for Class IV licence amendment - changes in manufacturing
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Applications for Class IV licence amendment - changes in manufacturing | 2,375 | 74,736 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 4,098 |
Applications for Class IV licence amendment - significant changes not related to manufacturing
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
75 calendar days to complete Review 1
Performance result
100% (91/91 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Applications for Class IV licence amendment – significant changes not related to manufacturing
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Applications for Class IV licence amendment - significant changes not related to manufacturing | 9,964 | 844,380 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 14,902 |
Applications for Class II, III or IV licence or licence amendment - private label medical device
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
15 calendar days to review
Performance result
99.5% (370/372 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Applications for Class II, III or IV licence or licence amendment - private label medical device
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Applications for Class II, III or IV licence or licence amendment - private label medical device | 147 | 40,329 | 37 | April 1, 2023 | 163 |
Fees for Examination of a Submission — Drugs for Veterinary Use Only
Before a veterinary drug is authorized for sale in Canada, Health Canada reviews it to assess its efficacy and safety in the intended species as well as human safety. Fees are calculated on a component basis.
Drug Identification Number (Schedule 2 items 1 to 3)
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
120 calendar days to complete Review 1
Performance result
100% (41/41 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
1) Information, other than that referred to in item 2, to support an application for a number, including the submission of labelling material for a second review, if required | 1,146 | 11,577 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 1,891 |
2) Published references or other data | 797 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 1,314 |
3) Documentation to support a change of manufacturer, a change to the name of a manufacturer or a change to the brand name of a drug | 400 | 5,000 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 658 |
Notification - veterinary health product (Schedule 2 item 4)
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
30 calendar days to process notification
Performance result
99.6% (788/791 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
4) Information contained in a notification filed under subsection C.01.615(1) of the Food and Drug Regulations in respect of a veterinary health product | 486 | 145,634 | 122 | April 1, 2023 | 538 |
New drug submission (Schedule 2 items 5 to 18)
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
- 300 calendar days to complete Review 1 (items 5 to 17)
- 90 calendar days to complete Review 1 (item 18)
Performance result
- 300 calendar days - 100% (7/7 completed within service standard)
- 90 calendar days - 95% (19/20 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
5) Efficacy and safety data (in the intended species) to support a single route of administration, dosage form and indication in one animal species. (In the case of an antiparasitic drug, several indications in one food animal species.) | 25,419 | 83,823 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 41,917 |
6) Efficacy and safety data (in the intended species) to support a single route of administration and dosage form for an antiparasitic drug in one non-food animal species | 15,398 | 12,342 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 25,392 |
7) Efficacy and safety data (in the intended species) to support a single route of administration, dosage form and indication in two animal species, or a single route of administration, dosage form and two indications in one animal species | 36,966 | 147,864 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 60,961 |
8) Efficacy and safety data (in the intended species) to support a growth promotion or production enhancement indication in one animal species | 50,057 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 82,548 |
9) Comparative (pharmacodynamics, clinical or bioavailability) data to support an additional route of administration | 4,614 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 7,610 |
10) Comparative (pharmacodynamics, clinical or bioavailability) data to support each additional strength | 764 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 1,261 |
11) For food-producing animals, toxicity, metabolism and residue depletion studies to establish an acceptable daily intake with a safety factor of 1,000, a maximum residue limit and a withdrawal period for a single dosage form, dosage and route of administration in one species | 34,660 | 86,650 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 57,158 |
12) For food-producing animals, toxicity, metabolism and residue depletion studies to establish an acceptable daily intake with a safety factor of less than 1,000, a maximum residue limit and a withdrawal period for a single dosage form, dosage and route of administration in one species | 46,208 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 76,201 |
13) For food-producing animals, residue depletion studies to establish a withdrawal period for an additional dosage form, dosage or route of administration | 4,614 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 7,610 |
14) For food-producing animals (once an acceptable daily intake with a safety factor of 1,000 or less has been established), metabolism and residue depletion studies to establish a maximum residue limit and a withdrawal period for a single dosage form, dosage and route of administration in an additional species | 23,096 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 38,088 |
15) Chemistry and manufacturing data for a non-compendial medicinal ingredient of a drug | 7,700 | 19,250 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 12,697 |
16) Chemistry and manufacturing data to support one strength of a single dosage form | 7,700 | 48,521 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 12,697 |
17) Chemistry and manufacturing data to support an additional strength of a single dosage form submitted at the same time as item 16 | 3,851 | 47,003 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 6,350 |
18) Documentation to support a change of manufacturer | 400 | 3,640 | 100 | April 1, 2023 | 658 |
Supplement to a new drug submission (Schedule 2 items 19 to 37)
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
- 240 calendar days to complete Review 1 (items 19 to 36)
- 90 calendar days to complete Review 1 (item 37)
Performance result
- 240 calendar days - 100% (20/20 completed within service standard)
- 90 calendar days - 100% (1/1 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
19) Efficacy data to support an additional indication in one animal species | 20,027 | 60,081 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 33,026 |
20) Efficacy and safety data (in the intended species) to support a single route of administration and dosage form for an antiparasitic drug in one non-food animal species | 15,398 | 30,796 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 25,392 |
21) Efficacy and safety data (in the intended species) to support an indication in another animal species | 25,419 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 41,917 |
22) Efficacy and safety data (in the intended species) to support a single route of administration, dosage form and indication in two animal species, or a single route of administration and dosage form and two indications in one animal species. | 36,966 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 60,961 |
23) Efficacy and safety data (in the intended species) to support a growth promotion or production enhancement indication in one animal species | 50,057 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 82,548 |
24) Efficacy and safety data (in the intended species) to support the concurrent use of two drugs approved for the same animal species | 12,312 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 20,305 |
25) Comparative (pharmacodynamics, clinical or bioavailability) data to support an additional route of administration | 4,614 | 4,614 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 7,610 |
26) Comparative (pharmacodynamics, clinical or bioavailability) data to support each additional strength | 764 | 764 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 1,261 |
27) For food-producing animals, residue depletion studies to establish a new withdrawal period for a change in the dosage or route of administration of an approved dosage form in one species | 4,614 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 7,610 |
28) For food-producing animals, metabolism and residue depletion studies to establish a maximum residue limit and a withdrawal period for a single dosage and route of administration of an approved dosage form in an additional species | 23,096 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 38,088 |
29) For food-producing animals, toxicity studies to support a change of an established acceptable daily intake, maximum residue limit and withdrawal period | 11,548 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 19,045 |
30) For the concurrent use of two drugs in a species of food-producing animals, residue depletion studies to determine if an extension to existing withdrawal periods is required | 9,243 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 15,243 |
31) Chemistry and manufacturing data to support a change in the source of a medicinal ingredient or its manufacturing process | 7,700 | 48,521 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 12,697 |
32) Chemistry and manufacturing data to support a change in formulation or dosage form | 3,851 | 3,851 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 6,350 |
33) Chemistry and manufacturing data to support a change in packaging or in the sterilization process | 3,072 | 6,144 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 5,065 |
34) Chemistry and manufacturing data to support an extension of the expiry dating | 2,309 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 3,807 |
35) Chemistry and manufacturing data to support the concurrent use of two drugs | 2,309 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 3,807 |
36) Chemistry and manufacturing data to support a change in the manufacturing site for parenteral dosage forms | 764 | 2,292 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 1,261 |
37) Documentation to support a change to the name of a manufacturer or the brand name of a drug | 400 | 800 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 658 |
Abbreviated new drug submission (Schedule 2 items 38 to 42)
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
- 300 calendar days to complete Review (items 38 to 41)
- 90 calendar days to complete Review 1 (item 42)
Performance result
- 300 calendar days - 100% (15/15 completed within service standard)
- 90 calendar days - n/a (0/0 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
38) Comparative (pharmacodynamics, clinical or bioavailability) data to support a single route of administration and dosage form | 4,614 | 4,614 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 7,610 |
39) For food-producing animals, residue depletion studies to confirm that the withdrawal period(s) for each species falls within the conditions of use for the Canadian reference product | 4,614 | 2,321 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 7,610 |
40) Chemistry and manufacturing data for a non-compendial medicinal ingredient of a drug | 7,700 | 44,671 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 12,697 |
41) Chemistry and manufacturing data to support a single dosage form | 7,700 | 67,315 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 12,697 |
42) Documentation to support (a) a change of manufacturer, in the case of an abbreviated new drug submission; or (b) a change to the name of a manufacturer or the brand name of a drug, in the case of a supplement to an abbreviated new drug submission | 400 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 658 |
Supplement to an abbreviated new drug submission (Schedule 2 items 38 to 42)
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
- 240 calendar days to complete Review 1 (items 38 to 41)
- 90 calendar days to complete Review 1 (item 42)
Performance result
- 240 calendar days - 100% (3/3 completed within service standard)
- 90 calendar days - n/a (0/0 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
38) Comparative (pharmacodynamics, clinical or bioavailability) data to support a single route of administration and dosage form | 4,614 | 4,614 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 7,610 |
39) For food-producing animals, residue depletion studies to confirm that the withdrawal period(s) for each species falls within the conditions of use for the Canadian reference product | 4,614 | 2,321 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 7,610 |
40) Chemistry and manufacturing data for a non-compendial medicinal ingredient of a drug | 7,700 | 44,671 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 12,697 |
41) Chemistry and manufacturing data to support a single dosage form | 7,700 | 67,315 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 12,697 |
42) Documentation to support (a) a change of manufacturer, in the case of an abbreviated new drug submission; or (b) a change to the name of a manufacturer or the brand name of a drug, in the case of a supplement to an abbreviated new drug submission | 400 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 658 |
Preclinical submission (Schedule 2 items 43 to 50)
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
60 calendar days to complete Review 1
Performance result
Not applicable - no applications received
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
43) Efficacy and safety data (in the intended species) and protocol to support the conduct of clinical studies relative to a single dose form, route of administration and indication in one species | 7,700 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 12,697 |
44) Efficacy data and protocol to support the conduct of clinical studies relative to a single route of administration and indication with a dosage form for which a notice of compliance has been issued for use in the species to be treated | 6,157 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 10,153 |
45) For food-producing animals, toxicity, metabolism and residue depletion studies to establish a temporary acceptable daily intake, a maximum residue limit and a withdrawal period for a single dosage form, dosage and route of administration in one species | 23,096 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 38,088 |
46) For food-producing animals, toxicity, metabolism and residue depletion studies to establish an acceptable daily intake with a safety factor of 1,000, a maximum residue limit and a withdrawal period for a single dosage form, dosage and route of administration in one species | 34,660 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 57,158 |
47) For food-producing animals, toxicity, metabolism and residue depletion studies to establish an acceptable daily intake with a safety factor of less than 1,000, a maximum residue limit and a withdrawal period for a single dosage form, dosage and route of administration in one species | 46,208 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 76,201 |
48) For food-producing animals (once an acceptable daily intake with a safety factor of 1,000 or less has been established), metabolism studies to establish a withdrawal period for a single dosage form, dosage and route of administration in an additional species | 11,548 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 19,045 |
49) Chemistry and manufacturing data to support a single dosage form containing a non-compendial medicinal ingredient | 7,700 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 12,697 |
50) Chemistry and manufacturing data to support a single dosage form containing a compendial medicinal ingredient | 3,851 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 6,350 |
Sale of new drug for emergency treatment (Schedule 2 items 51 and 52)
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
2 business days to review application
Performance result
100% (446/446 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
51) Information to support the sale of a drug to be used in the emergency treatment of a non-food-producing animal | 51 | 11,577 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 57 |
52) Information to support the sale of a drug to be used in the emergency treatment of a food-producing animal | 102 | 7,650 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 114 |
Experimental studies certificate (Schedule 2 items 53 to 56)
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
60 calendar days to review application
Performance result
100% (127/127 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
53) Information and material to support the issuance of an experimental studies certificate for a drug to be administered to a non-food-producing animal | 979 | 25,946 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 1,082 |
54) Information and material to support the issuance of an experimental studies certificate whose protocol is the same as that for a previously authorized experimental studies certificate for a drug to be administered to a non-food-producing animal | 490 | 2,450 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 542 |
55) Information and material to support the issuance of an experimental studies certificate for a drug to be administered to a food-producing animal | 2,953 | 29,540 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 3,262 |
56) Information and material to support the issuance of an experimental studies certificate whose protocol is the same as that for a previously authorized experimental studies certificate for a drug to be administered to a food-producing animal | 490 | 490 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 542 |
Notifiable change (Schedule 2 item 57)
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
90 calendar days to review application
Performance result
100% (62/62 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
57) Information and material to support an application for Notifiable Change | 2,069 | 94,226 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 3,413 |
Protocol (Schedule 2 item 58)
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
90 calendar days to review package
Performance result
100% (6/6 completed within service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
58) A protocol that is filed with the Minister and may support a new drug submission, an abbreviated new drug submission, a supplement to a new drug submission or abbreviated new drug submission, a preclinical submission or information and material that is filed for the purpose of obtaining an experimental studies certificate | 2,069 | 9,523 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 3,413 |
Drug Establishment Licensing Fees
Any person in Canada must obtain a Drug Establishment Licence (DEL) if they are engaged in any of the six regulated activities (fabricate, import, distribute, wholesale, package/label, and test) with respect to human and/or veterinary drugs. A fee is charged for the examination of a DEL application, including all compliance and enforcement and supporting activities needed to ensure that the applicant/licence holder conforms to all regulatory requirements. The DEL fee is calculated on a per-site basis, therefore, the fee amount varies by application. A DEL fee is charged for the application for a new DEL, an annual licence review of a DEL, certain amendments to a DEL, or reinstatement of a suspended DEL.
Human Drug Establishment Licence Fees
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
250 calendar days to issue/ renew license
Performance result
100% (851/851) of licences issued (human and veterinary) within 250 calendar days
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($)Footnote 1 | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Fabrication - Sterile dosage form | 41,647 | 2,071,287 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 46,221 |
Importation | 28,975 | 10,809,999 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 35,688 |
Fabrication - non-sterile dosage form | 28,308 | 2,020,277 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 34,266 |
Distribution | 13,855 | 704,508 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 18,215 |
Wholesaling | 6,159 | 823,708 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 10,630 |
Packaging/labelling | 6,049 | 625,628 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 6,681 |
Testing | 3,194 | 178,492 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 5,514 |
Building outside Canada (each) | 917 | 11,057,531 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 1,014 |
Veterinary Drug Establishment Licence Fees
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
250 calendar days to issue/ renew license
Performance result
100% (851/851) of licences issued (human and veterinary) within 250 calendar days
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($)Footnote 1 | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Fabrication - Sterile dosage form | 40,407 | 80,605 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 45,262 |
Importation | 13,367 | 392,846 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 23,066 |
Fabrication - non-sterile dosage form | 10,957 | 61,413 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 18,905 |
Distribution | 6,031 | 19,327 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 10,409 |
Wholesaling | 2,412 | 42,133 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 4,161 |
Packaging/labelling | 6,049 | 0 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 6,681 |
Testing | 1,641 | 2,630 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 2,833 |
Building outside Canada (each) | 917 | 993,625 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 1,014 |
Drug Establishment Licensing Fees - Dealer's Licences
Fees for the examination of a new dealer's licence application (Human Drugs), a new dealer’s licence (Veterinary Drugs) or the renewal of a dealer's licence; issued under the Narcotic Control Regulations and Part G of the Food and Drug Regulations. There is no fee associated with the application for a new or renewal of a controlled substances licence issued under the Benzodiazepines and Other Targeted Substances Regulations and Part J of the Food and Drug Regulations.
- Dealer's Licence Fees - Human Drugs
- Dealer's Licence Fees - Veterinary Drugs
Fee-setting authority
Financial Administration Act (FAA)
- Human Drugs: Fees in Respect of a Dealer's Licences Regulations (SOR/2011-79)
- Veterinary Drugs: Licenced Dealers for Controlled Drugs and Narcotics (Veterinary Use) Fees Regulations (SOR/98-5)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
- Human Drugs: 2020
- Veterinary Drugs: 2022
Service standard:
- 270 Calendar days to issue a decision on an application for a new dealer's licence for controlled substances, from the receipt of a complete application
- 90 Calendar days to issue a decision on an application to renew a dealer's licence for controlled substances, from the receipt of a complete application
Performance result
- New : 20% (9/44) of applications were processed within the service standard
- Renew: 98% (158/162) of applications were processed within the service standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Dealer's Licence Fees - Human Drugs | 5,502.00 | 541,127 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 5,726.00 |
Dealer's Licence Fees - Veterinary Drugs | 1,820.62 | 19,970 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 2,010.53 |
Dealer's Licence Fees - Veterinary Drugs – First Year | 910.31 | 1,750 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 1,005.27 |
Medical Device Establishment Licensing Fees
A Medical Device Establishment Licence (MDEL) is required for the activities of importing or selling medical devices for human use in Canada with exceptionsFootnote 1. A fee is charged for the examination of an MDEL application, including all compliance and enforcement and supporting activities needed to ensure that the applicant/licence holder conforms to all regulatory requirements. The MDEL fee is a flat fee. The same fee is charged for an application for a new MDEL, an annual licence review of an MDEL, and the reinstatement of a suspended MDEL.
Medical Device Establishment Licensing Fees
Fee-setting authority
- Food and Drugs Act (FDA), 30.61(1)
- Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order (SOR/2019-124)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
120 calendar days to issue/ renew licence
Performance result
99.5% (4,277 / 4,298) of licenses issued within 120 calendar days
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Application for new licence and annual review of licence
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Application for new licence and annual review of licence | 4,581 | 21,681,766Footnote 1 | 74,636 | April 1, 2023 | 5,060 |
Fees to be Paid for the Examination of an Application in Respect of a Pest Control Product
No person shall manufacture, possess, handle, store, transport, import, distribute or use a pest control product that is not registered under the Pest Control Products Act, except as otherwise authorized under the Act or unless specifically exempted by the Pest Control Products Regulations. Fees for applications to register or to amend the registration of a pest control product are payable by component submitted. The fee payable is the sum of the fees for the submitted components in addition to the basic processing fee.
The following table reflects the total 2021-22 fee revenue by individual fee.
Fee | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) |
Processing | 1,212,854 |
Applications not Mentioned in Schedules | 264,536 |
Renewal | 131,992 |
Schedule 1: Fees for Applications to Register, or to Amend the Registration of, a Pest Control Product Other Than a Semiochemical or Microbial Agent | |
Product Chemistry – active ingredient | 653,601 |
Product Chemistry – end-use product or manufacturing concentrate | 393,442 |
Toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product that contains a new active ingredient | 667,906 |
Toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product –or to amend a pest control product –that contains an registered active ingredient | 34,262 |
Toxicology data-acute toxicity studies | 198,719 |
Exposure data accompanying an application to register a pest control that consists of or that contains a new active ingredient | 215,893 |
Exposure data accompanying an application to register a pest control product –or to amend the registration of a pest control product –that contains a registered active ingredient, when a new risk assessment is necessary | 87,479 |
Exposure data-other | 74,188 |
Metabolism data | 201,286 |
Residue data | 394,997 |
Environment fate data accompanying an application to register a pest control product that consists of or that contains a new active ingredient | 514,741 |
Environmental fate data accompanying an application to register a pest control product ,or to amend the registration of a pest control product, that contains a registered active ingredient , when a new risk assessment is necessary | 35,174 |
Environmental fate data-other | 70,401 |
Environment toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product that consists of or that contains a new active ingredient | 398,295 |
Environmental toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product ,or to amend the registration of a pest control product, that contains a registered active ingredient , when a new risk assessment is necessary | 9,608 |
Environmental toxicology data-other | 1,668 |
Value and effectiveness data for a pest control product | 191,149 |
Identification of compensable data | 346,402 |
Schedule 2: Fees for Applications in Respect of a Pest Control Product that is a Semiochemical or Microbial Agent | |
Registration of a new active ingredient – food use | 17,818 |
Registration of a new active ingredient – non-food use | 3,312 |
Amendment of registration – new risk assessment necessary-environmental fate data, environmental toxicity data or exposure data | 0 |
Amendment of registration – data required, label changes | 12,701 |
Amendment of registration – data required, other | 7,536 |
Amendment of registration – no data required | 4,733 |
Registration of new active ingredient | 134 |
Amendment of registration | 2,823 |
Schedule 3: Fees for Other Applications in Respect of a Pest Control Product | |
Research authorization – major crops, other than research authorizations set out in paragraphs (c) and (d) | 255,884 |
Research authorization – minor use crops, other than research authorizations set out in paragraphs (c) and (d) | 51,425 |
Research authorization – microbial agents, semiochemicals and any substance listed in subparagraph 1(d) (ii) of these regulations | 20,952 |
Research authorization – greenhouse crops and non-agricultural uses | 17,121 |
Research notifications | 4,842 |
Registration of active ingredient to be used in pest control product manufactured only for export | 59,318 |
Amendment to Registration of active ingredient to be used in pest control product manufactured only for export | 0 |
Specification of maximum residue limit for a previously unexamined pest control product | 0 |
Specification of maximum residue limit for an unregistered use of a previously examined pest control product | 128,301 |
Note: A new report has been developed in the financial system to allow reporting collections per fee, however, it is still being refined. Therefore, the total of the revenues listed above does not equal the revenues reported in the Totals, by fee grouping, for fees set by act, regulation or fees notice section by $277K.
Category A Component Based - 655 days of Review (Conventional Chemicals and Import Maximum Residue Limits)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
655 days of Review
Performance result
64% (9/14 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Product Chemistry - active ingredient | 5,277 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 5,491 |
Product Chemistry - end-use product or manufacturing concentrate | 2,939 | April 1, 2023 | 3,058 | ||
Toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product that contains a new active ingredient | 82,058 | April 1, 2023 | 85,374 | ||
Toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product -or to amend a pest control product -that contains an registered active ingredient | 17,136 | April 1, 2023 | 17,829 | ||
Toxicology data - acute toxicity studies | 3,200 | April 1, 2023 | 3,330 | ||
Exposure data accompanying an application to register a pest control that consists of or that contains a new active ingredient | 18,942 | April 1, 2023 | 19,708 | ||
Exposure data accompanying an application to register a pest control product -or to amend the registration of a pest control product -that contains a registered active ingredient, when a new risk assessment is necessary | 6,235 | April 1, 2023 | 6,488 | ||
Metabolism data | 31,331 | April 1, 2023 | 32,598 | ||
Residue data | 17,146 | April 1, 2023 | 17,839 | ||
Environment fate data accompanying an application to register a pest control product that consists of or that contains a new active ingredient | 46,205 | April 1, 2023 | 48,073 | ||
Environmental fate data accompanying an application to register a pest control product,or to amend the registration of a pest control product, that contains a registered active ingredient, when a new risk assessment is necessary | 25,587 | April 1, 2023 | 26,621 | ||
Environment toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product that consists of or that contains a new active ingredient | 40,352 | April 1, 2023 | 41,984 | ||
Environmental toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product,or to amend the registration of a pest control product, that contains a registered active ingredient, when a new risk assessment is necessary | 25,644 | April 1, 2023 | 26,681 | ||
Value and effectiveness data for a pest control product | 983 | April 1, 2023 | 1,024 | ||
Specification of maximum residue limit for a previously unexamined pest control product | 135,805 | April 1, 2023 | 141,293 | ||
Specification of maximum residue limit for an unregistered use of a previously examined pest control product | 17,146 | April 1, 2023 | 17,839 | ||
Processing | 1,229 | April 1, 2023 | 1,280 |
Category A Component Based - 555 days (Reduced risk, other biopesticides, non-conventionals, non-straight-chain lepidopteran pheromone)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
555 days of Review
Performance result
100% (9/9 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Product Chemistry - active ingredient | 5,277 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 5,491 |
Product Chemistry - end-use product or manufacturing concentrate | 2,939 | April 1, 2023 | 3,058 | ||
Toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product that contains a new active ingredient | 82,058 | April 1, 2023 | 85,374 | ||
Toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product - or to amend a pest control product - that contains an registered active ingredient | 17,136 | April 1, 2023 | 17,829 | ||
Toxicology data - acute toxicity studies | 3,200 | April 1, 2023 | 3,330 | ||
Exposure data accompanying an application to register a pest control that consists of or that contains a new active ingredient | 18,942 | April 1, 2023 | 19,708 | ||
Exposure data accompanying an application to register a pest control product - or to amend the registration of a pest control product - that contains a registered active ingredient, when a new risk assessment is necessary | 6,235 | April 1, 2023 | 6,488 | ||
Metabolism data | 31,331 | April 1, 2023 | 32,598 | ||
Residue data | 17,146 | April 1, 2023 | 17,839 | ||
Environment fate data accompanying an application to register a pest control product that consists of or that contains a new active ingredient | 46,205 | April 1, 2023 | 48,073 | ||
Environmental fate data accompanying an application to register a pest control product, or to amend the registration of a pest control product, that contains a registered active ingredient, when a new risk assessment is necessary | 25,587 | April 1, 2023 | 26,621 | ||
Environment toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product that consists of or that contains a new active ingredient | 40,352 | April 1, 2023 | 41,984 | ||
Environmental toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product,or to amend the registration of a pest control product, that contains a registered active ingredient, when a new risk assessment is necessary | 25,644 | April 1, 2023 | 26,681 | ||
Value and effectiveness data for a pest control product | 983 | April 1, 2023 | 1,024 | ||
Registration of a new active ingredient - food use | 7,834 | April 1, 2023 | 8,151 | ||
Registration of a new active ingredient - non-food use | 4,701 | April 1, 2023 | 4,892 | ||
Amendment of registration - new risk assessment necessary - environmental fate data, environmental toxicity data or exposure data | 3,135 | April 1, 2023 | 3,262 | ||
Processing | 1,229 | April 1, 2023 | 1,280 |
Category A Component Based - 470 days of Review (Microbials including User Requested Minor Use Registration (URMUR), and URMUR for conventional chemical, reduced risk, other biopesticides, non-conventionals, non-straight-chain lepidopteran pheromone)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
470 days of Review
Performance result
100% (8/8 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Product Chemistry - active ingredient | 5,277 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 5,491 |
Product Chemistry - end-use product or manufacturing concentrate | 2,939 | April 1, 2023 | 3,058 | ||
Toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product that contains a new active ingredient | 82,058 | April 1, 2023 | 85,374 | ||
Toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product - or to amend a pest control product -that contains an registered active ingredient | 17,136 | April 1, 2023 | 17,829 | ||
Toxicology data - acute toxicity studies | 3,200 | April 1, 2023 | 3,330 | ||
Exposure data accompanying an application to register a pest control that consists of or that contains a new active ingredient | 18,942 | April 1, 2023 | 19,708 | ||
Exposure data accompanying an application to register a pest control product - or to amend the registration of a pest control product -that contains a registered active ingredient, when a new risk assessment is necessary | 6,235 | April 1, 2023 | 6,488 | ||
Metabolism data | 31,331 | April 1, 2023 | 32,598 | ||
Residue data | 17,146 | April 1, 2023 | 17,839 | ||
Environment fate data accompanying an application to register a pest control product that consists of or that contains a new active ingredient | 46,205 | April 1, 2023 | 48,073 | ||
Environmental fate data accompanying an application to register a pest control product, or to amend the registration of a pest control product, that contains a registered active ingredient, when a new risk assessment is necessary | 25,587 | April 1, 2023 | 26,621 | ||
Environment toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product that consists of or that contains a new active ingredient | 40,352 | April 1, 2023 | 41,984 | ||
Environmental toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product, or to amend the registration of a pest control product, that contains a registered active ingredient, when a new risk assessment is necessary | 25,644 | April 1, 2023 | 26,681 | ||
Value and effectiveness data for a pest control product | 983 | April 1, 2023 | 1,024 | ||
Registration of a new active ingredient - food use | 7,834 | April 1, 2023 | 8,151 | ||
Registration of a new active ingredient - non-food use | 4,701 | April 1, 2023 | 4,892 | ||
Amendment of registration - new risk assessment necessary - environmental fate data, environmental toxicity data or exposure data | 3,135 | April 1, 2023 | 3,262 | ||
Processing | 1,229 | April 1, 2023 | 1,280 |
Category A Component Based - 285 days of Review (Straight-chain lepidopteran pheromones, including User Requested Minor Use Registration)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
285 days of Review
Performance result
N/A (0 applications completed in 2021-22)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Registration of new active ingredient | 629 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 655 |
Amendment of registration | 316 | April 1, 2023 | 330 |
Category A Component Based - Submissions with atypical timelines and joint reviews
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Variable as per Management of Submission Policy Appendix I, table 1
Performance result
79% (15/19 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Product Chemistry - active ingredient | 5,277 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 5,491 |
Product Chemistry - end-use product or manufacturing concentrate | 2,939 | April 1, 2023 | 3,058 | ||
Toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product that contains a new active ingredient | 82,058 | April 1, 2023 | 85,374 | ||
Toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product - or to amend a pest control product - that contains an registered active ingredient | 17,136 | April 1, 2023 | 17,829 | ||
Toxicology data - acute toxicity studies | 3,200 | April 1, 2023 | 3,330 | ||
Exposure data accompanying an application to register a pest control that consists of or that contains a new active ingredient | 18,942 | April 1, 2023 | 19,708 | ||
Exposure data accompanying an application to register a pest control product - or to amend the registration of a pest control product - that contains a registered active ingredient, when a new risk assessment is necessary | 6,235 | April 1, 2023 | 6,488 | ||
Metabolism data | 31,331 | April 1, 2023 | 32,598 | ||
Residue data | 17,146 | April 1, 2023 | 17,839 | ||
Environment fate data accompanying an application to register a pest control product that consists of or that contains a new active ingredient | 46,205 | April 1, 2023 | 48,073 | ||
Environmental fate data accompanying an application to register a pest control product, or to amend the registration of a pest control product, that contains a registered active ingredient, when a new risk assessment is necessary | 25,587 | April 1, 2023 | 26,621 | ||
Environment toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product that consists of or that contains a new active ingredient | 40,352 | April 1, 2023 | 41,984 | ||
Environmental toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product,or to amend the registration of a pest control product, that contains a registered active ingredient, when a new risk assessment is necessary | 25,644 | April 1, 2023 | 26,681 | ||
Value and effectiveness data for a pest control product | 983 | April 1, 2023 | 1,024 | ||
Registration of a new active ingredient - food use | 7,834 | April 1, 2023 | 8,151 | ||
Registration of a new active ingredient - non-food use | 4,701 | April 1, 2023 | 4,892 | ||
Amendment of registration - new risk assessment necessary - environmental fate data, environmental toxicity data or exposure data | 3,135 | April 1, 2023 | 3,262 | ||
Registration of new active ingredient | 629 | April 1, 2023 | 655 | ||
Amendment of registration | 316 | April 1, 2023 | 330 | ||
Specification of maximum residue limit for a previously unexamined pest control product | 135,805 | April 1, 2023 | 141,293 | ||
Specification of maximum residue limit for an unregistered use of a previously examined pest control product | 17,146 | April 1, 2023 | 17,839 | ||
Processing | 1,229 | April 1, 2023 | 1,280 |
Category B Component Based - 425 days of Review (Conventional Chemicals including emergency use and New Import Maximum Residue Limits for previously assessed active ingredient)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
425 days of Review
Performance result
94% (154/163 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Product Chemistry - active ingredient | 5,277 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 5,491 |
Product Chemistry - end-use product or manufacturing concentrate | 2,939 | April 1, 2023 | 3,058 | ||
Toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product - or to amend a pest control product - that contains an registered active ingredient | 17,136 | April 1, 2023 | 17,829 | ||
Toxicology data - acute toxicity studies | 3,200 | April 1, 2023 | 3,330 | ||
Exposure data - other | 5,646 | April 1, 2023 | 5,875 | ||
Metabolism data | 31,331 | April 1, 2023 | 32,598 | ||
Residue data | 17,146 | April 1, 2023 | 17,839 | ||
Environmental fate data - other | 12,500 | April 1, 2023 | 13,005 | ||
Environmental toxicology data - other | 2,671 | April 1, 2023 | 2,780 | ||
Value and effectiveness data for a pest control product | 983 | April 1, 2023 | 1,024 | ||
Specification of maximum residue limit for an unregistered use of a previously examined pest control product | 17,146 | April 1, 2023 | 17,839 | ||
Processing | 1,229 | April 1, 2023 | 1,280 |
Category B Component Based - 360 days of Review (Reduced risk, other biopesticides, non-conventionals, non-straight chain lepidopteran pheromone including emergency use)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
360 days of Review
Performance result
95% (21/22 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Product Chemistry - active ingredient | 5,277 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 5,491 |
Product Chemistry - end-use product or manufacturing concentrate | 2,939 | April 1, 2023 | 3,058 | ||
Toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product - or to amend a pest control product - that contains an registered active ingredient | 17,136 | April 1, 2023 | 17,829 | ||
Toxicology data - acute toxicity studies | 3,200 | April 1, 2023 | 3,330 | ||
Exposure data - other | 5,646 | April 1, 2023 | 5,875 | ||
Metabolism data | 31,331 | April 1, 2023 | 32,598 | ||
Residue data | 17,146 | April 1, 2023 | 17,839 | ||
Environmental fate data - other | 12,500 | April 1, 2023 | 13,005 | ||
Environmental toxicology data - other | 2,671 | April 1, 2023 | 2,780 | ||
Value and effectiveness data for a pest control product | 983 | April 1, 2023 | 1,024 | ||
Amendment of registration - data required, label changes | 1,568 | April 1, 2023 | 1,632 | ||
Amendment of registration - data required, other | 1,256 | April 1, 2023 | 1,308 | ||
Processing | 1,229 | April 1, 2023 | 1,280 |
Category B Component Based - 240 days of Review (Microbials and straight chain lepidopteran pheromones including emergency use)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
240 days of Review
Performance result
100% (17/17 application met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Amendment of registration - data required, label changes | 1,568 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 1,632 |
Amendment of registration - data required, other | 1,256 | April 1, 2023 | 1,308 | ||
Amendment of registration | 316 | April 1, 2023 | 330 |
Category B Component Based - 158 days of Review (Streamlined; application rate changes, tank mixes, new pests or changes to level of control)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
158 days of Review
Performance result
98% (55/56 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Value and effectiveness data for a pest control product | 983 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 1,024 |
Amendment of registration - data required, label changes | 1,568 | April 1, 2023 | 1,632 | ||
Amendment of registration - no data required, other | 316 | April 1, 2023 | 330 | ||
Processing | 1,229 | April 1, 2023 | 1,280 |
Category B Component Based - Submissions with atypical timelines and joint reviews
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Variable as per Management of Submission Policy Appendix I, table 2
Performance result
100% (7/7 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Product Chemistry - active ingredient | 5,277 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 5,491 |
Product Chemistry - end-use product or manufacturing concentrate | 2,939 | April 1, 2023 | 3,058 | ||
Toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product - or to amend a pest control product - that contains an registered active ingredient | 17,136 | April 1, 2023 | 17,829 | ||
Toxicology data-acute toxicity studies | 3,200 | April 1, 2023 | 3,330 | ||
Exposure data-other | 5,646 | April 1, 2023 | 5,875 | ||
Metabolism data | 31,331 | April 1, 2023 | 32,598 | ||
Residue data | 17,146 | April 1, 2023 | 17,839 | ||
Environmental fate data - other | 12,500 | April 1, 2023 | 13,005 | ||
Environmental toxicology data - other | 2,671 | April 1, 2023 | 2,780 | ||
Value and effectiveness data for a pest control product | 983 | April 1, 2023 | 1,024 | ||
Amendment of registration - data required, label changes | 1,568 | April 1, 2023 | 1,632 | ||
Amendment of registration - data required, other | 1,256 | April 1, 2023 | 1,308 | ||
Amendment of registration - no data required | 316 | April 1, 2023 | 330 | ||
Amendment of registration | 316 | April 1, 2023 | 330 | ||
Specification of maximum residue limit for an unregistered use of a previously examined pest control product | 17,146 | April 1, 2023 | 17,839 | ||
Processing | 1,229 | April 1, 2023 | 1,280 |
Category C Component Based - 240 days of Review (New/Changes to Product Labels, Addition of Approved Minor Use, Similar Product)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
240 days of Review
Performance result
98% (347/353 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Amendment of registration - no data required | 316 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 330 |
Amendment of registration | 316 | April 1, 2023 | 330 | ||
Processing | 1,229 | April 1, 2023 | 1,280 |
Category C Component Based - 180 days of Review (New/Changes to TGAI, ISP, MA or EP Product Chemistry, Administrative Changes, Administrative Re-instatement)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
180 days of Review
Performance result
100% (94/94 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Amendment of registration - no data required | 316 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 330 |
Amendment of registration | 316 | April 1, 2023 | 330 | ||
Processing | 1,229 | April 1, 2023 | 1,280 |
Category C Component Based - Submissions with atypical timelines and joint reviews
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Variable as per Management of Submission Policy Appendix I, table 3
Performance result
N/A (0 applications completed in 2021-22)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Amendment of registration - no data required | 316 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 330 |
Amendment of registration | 316 | April 1, 2023 | 330 | ||
Processing | 1,229 | April 1, 2023 | 1,280 |
Category D Component Based - 253 days of Review (Registration Renewal )
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
253 days of Review (The number of days from the issuance of the renewal notice to March 15 of the following year)
Performance result
100% (1,061/1,061 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Low-materiality ($51-$151) : Registration Renewal
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Registration Renewal | 88 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 92 |
Category D Component Based – 46 Days of Review (Registration/Amendment to Registration of active ingredient to be used in pest control product manufactured only for export)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
46 days of Review
Performance result
100% (7/7 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Registration of active ingredient to be used in pest control product manufactured only for export | 8,474 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 8,817 |
Amendment to Registration of active ingredient to be used in pest control product manufactured only for export | 1,229 | April 1, 2023 | 1,280 |
Category D Component Based - 42 days of Review (Master Copies)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
42 days of Review
Performance result
99% (66/67 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Processing | 1,229 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 1,280 |
Category D Component Based - 10 days of Review (Private Labels)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
10 days of Review
Performance result
100% (5/5 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Processing | 1,229 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 1,280 |
Category E Component Based - 159 days of Review (Research Authorizations for New Technical Grade Active Ingredients)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
159 days of Review
Performance result
84% (16/19 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Research authorization - major crops, other than research authorizations set out in paragraphs (c) and (d) | 5,500 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 5,723 |
Research authorization - minor use crops, other than research authorizations set out in paragraphs (c) and (d) | 5,500 | April 1, 2023 | 5,723 | ||
Research authorization - microbial agents, semiochemicals and any substance listed in subparagraph 1(d) (ii) of these regulations | 1,319 | April 1, 2023 | 1,373 | ||
Research authorization - greenhouse crops and non-agricultural uses | 1,319 | April 1, 2023 | 1,373 |
Category E Component Based - 69 days of Review (Research Authorizations for New Uses of Registered Active Ingredients)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
69 days of Review
Performance result
97% (56/58 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Research authorization - major crops, other than research authorizations set out in paragraphs (c) and (d) | 5,500 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 5,723 |
Research authorization - minor use crops, other than research authorizations set out in paragraphs (c) and (d) | 5,500 | April 1, 2023 | 5,723 | ||
Research authorization - microbial agents, semiochemicals and any substance listed in subparagraph 1(d) (ii) of these regulations | 1,319 | April 1, 2023 | 1,373 | ||
Research authorization - greenhouse crops and non-agricultural uses | 1,319 | April 1, 2023 | 1,373 |
Category E Component Based - 30 days of Review (Research Notification for Research Carried out in Canada)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
30 days of Review
Performance result
100% (65/65 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Research notifications | 270 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 282 |
Category F Component Based - 45 days of Review (Registration and amendments to registered pest control products via notification)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
45 days of Review
Performance result
99% (927/931 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Applications not mentioned in schedules | 270 | See the total fee revenue table | 98 | April 1, 2023 | 282 |
Category L Component Based - 425 days of Review (Equivalency and data compensation assessment of end-use product and manufacturing concentrate with partial data package - conventional chemical)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
425 days of Review
Performance result
83% (66/80 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Product Chemistry - active ingredient | 5,277 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 5,491 |
Product Chemistry - end-use product or manufacturing concentrate | 2,939 | April 1, 2023 | 3,058 | ||
Toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product -or to amend a pest control product -that contains an registered active ingredient | 17,136 | April 1, 2023 | 17,829 | ||
Toxicology data-acute toxicity studies | 3,200 | April 1, 2023 | 3,330 | ||
Exposure data - other | 5,646 | April 1, 2023 | 5,875 | ||
Metabolism data | 31,331 | April 1, 2023 | 32,598 | ||
Residue data | 17,146 | April 1, 2023 | 17,839 | ||
Environmental fate data - other | 12,500 | April 1, 2023 | 13,005 | ||
Environmental toxicology data - other | 2,671 | April 1, 2023 | 2,780 | ||
Value and effectiveness data for a pest control product | 983 | April 1, 2023 | 1,024 | ||
Identification of compensable data | 2,343 | April 1, 2023 | 2,438 | ||
Processing | 1,229 | April 1, 2023 | 1,280 |
Category L Component Based - 365 days of Review (Equivalency and data compensation assessment of active ingredient, end-use product and manufacturing concentrate with no data)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
365 days of Review
Performance result
85% (82/97 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Product Chemistry - active ingredient | 5,277 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 5,491 |
Product Chemistry - end-use product or manufacturing concentrate | 2,939 | April 1, 2023 | 3,058 | ||
Identification of compensable data | 2,343 | April 1, 2023 | 2,438 | ||
Processing | 1,229 | April 1, 2023 | 1,280 |
Category L Component Based – 360 days of Review (Equivalency and data compensation assessment of end-use product and manufacturing concentrate with partial data package - reduced risk, other biopesticides, non-conventionals, non-straight chain lepidopteran pheromone)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
360 days of Review
Performance result
N/A (0 applications completed in 2021-22)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Product Chemistry - active ingredient | 5,277 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 5,491 |
Product Chemistry - end-use product or manufacturing concentrate | 2,939 | April 1, 2023 | 3,058 | ||
Toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product -or to amend a pest control product -that contains an registered active ingredient | 17,136 | April 1, 2023 | 17,829 | ||
Toxicology data-acute toxicity studies | 3,200 | April 1, 2023 | 3,330 | ||
Exposure data - other | 5,646 | April 1, 2023 | 5,875 | ||
Metabolism data | 31,331 | April 1, 2023 | 32,598 | ||
Residue data | 17,146 | April 1, 2023 | 17,839 | ||
Environmental fate data - other | 12,500 | April 1, 2023 | 13,005 | ||
Environmental toxicology data - other | 2,671 | April 1, 2023 | 2,780 | ||
Value and effectiveness data for a pest control product | 983 | April 1, 2023 | 1,024 | ||
Identification of compensable data | 2,343 | April 1, 2023 | 2,438 | ||
Amendment of registration - data required, label changes | 1,568 | April 1, 2023 | 1,632 | ||
Amendment of registration - data required, other | 1,256 | April 1, 2023 | 1,308 | ||
Processing | 1,229 | April 1, 2023 | 1,280 |
Category L Component Based 240 days of Review (Equivalency and data compensation assessment of end-use product and manufacturing concentrate with partial data package - microbials and straight chain lepidopteran pheromone)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
240 days of Review
Performance result
N/A (0 applications completed in 2021-22)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Identification of compensable data | 2,343 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 2,438 |
Amendment of registration - data required, label changes | 1,568 | April 1, 2023 | 1,632 | ||
Amendment of registration - data required, other | 1,256 | April 1, 2023 | 1,308 | ||
Amendment of registration | 316 | April 1, 2023 | 330 | ||
Processing | 1,229 | April 1, 2023 | 1,280 |
Category L Component Based – Applications with atypical timelines (Tailgaters, renegotiated timelines, synchronized timelines, coordination with Re-Evaluation)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Variable as per Management of Submission Policy Appendix I, table 7
Performance result
100% (3/3 applications met the service standard)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Product Chemistry - active ingredient | 5,277 | See the total fee revenue table | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 5,491 |
Product Chemistry - end-use product or manufacturing concentrate | 2,939 | April 1, 2023 | 3,058 | ||
Toxicology data accompanying an application to register a pest control product -or to amend a pest control product -that contains an registered active ingredient | 17,136 | April 1, 2023 | 17,829 | ||
Toxicology data-acute toxicity studies | 3,200 | April 1, 2023 | 3,330 | ||
Exposure data - other | 5,646 | April 1, 2023 | 5,875 | ||
Metabolism data | 31,331 | April 1, 2023 | 32,598 | ||
Residue data | 17,146 | April 1, 2023 | 17,839 | ||
Environmental fate data - other | 12,500 | April 1, 2023 | 13,005 | ||
Environmental toxicology data - other | 2,671 | April 1, 2023 | 2,780 | ||
Value and effectiveness data for a pest control product | 983 | April 1, 2023 | 1,024 | ||
Identification of compensable data | 2,343 | April 1, 2023 | 2,438 | ||
Amendment of registration - data required, label changes | 1,568 | April 1, 2023 | 1,632 | ||
Amendment of registration - data required, other | 1,256 | April 1, 2023 | 1,308 | ||
Amendment of registration | 316 | April 1, 2023 | 330 | ||
Processing | 1,229 | April 1, 2023 | 1,280 |
Annual Charge (for a registered Pest Control Product)
A registrant must pay each year, in respect of every pest control product that is registered in their name on April 1 of the year, an annual charge. All registered products including technical grade active ingredients (TGAI), import for manufacturing and export program (IMEPs), private label products and master copies must pay the annual charge.
Annual Charge
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
100% of all invoices were issued by April 30, 2021
Performance result
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Annual Charge | The lesser of $3,745.27 and 4% of the actual gross revenue during the registrant's preceding fiscal year, but not less than $104.03 | 9,148,686 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | The lesser of $4,135.95 and 4% of the actual gross revenue during the registrant's preceding fiscal year, but not less than $114.88 |
Fees Charged for Filing a Claim for Exemption under the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act
When a supplier or employer wants to be exempt from having to disclose confidential business information (CBI), such as the chemical identity of one or more trade-secret hazardous ingredients, they must file a claim for exemption with Health Canada.
- Original Claims
- Refiled Claims
Note: A 50% fee reduction is available for small businesses that meet certain criteria
Fee-setting authority:
- Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, 48(2)
- Hazardous Materials Information Review Regulations (SOR/88-456)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Seven calendar days from the date of the receipt of a complete application, for the issuance of a registry number
Performance result
100% of claims (original and refiled) were registered within the service standard of seven calendar days
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Material (>$151): All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Original Claim (up to 15) | 1,872.64 | 412,455 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 2,067.98 |
Original Claim (between 16-25) | 416.14 | April 1, 2023 | 459.56 | ||
Original Claim (26+) | 208.07 | April 1, 2023 | 229.77 | ||
Refiled Claims (up to 15) | 1,498.11 | 20,067 | 0 | April 1, 2023 | 1,654.39 |
Refiled Claims (between 16-25) | 332.91 | April 1, 2023 | 367.64 | ||
Refiled Claims (26+) | 166.46 | April 1, 2023 | 183.82 |
Cannabis Fees
Fees are charged for the following transactional activities: application screening, security clearances, and import/export permits. In addition, an Annual Regulatory Fee is charged which covers costs associated with a range of regulatory activities including regulatory inspections, compliance and enforcement, program management and oversight. These activities are carried out by Health Canada, the Canada Border Services Agency, the Public Health Agency of Canada and Public Safety Canada to support the objectives of the Cannabis Act with respect to the legislation and regulations of cannabis.
Licence Application Screening Fees
Fee-setting authority
- Cannabis Act, 142(1)
- Cannabis Fees Order (SOR/2018-198)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Health Canada is committed to a non-binding administrative service standard of 30-business-days for the screening of new licence applications. The standard excludes time spent awaiting additional information from applicants.
Performance result
The non-binding administrative standard was met 94% of the time.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Licence Application Screening Fee - Licence for micro-cultivation | 1,706 | 498,125Footnote 1 | This fee was not subject to remissions | April 1, 2023 | 1,886 |
Licence Application Screening Fee - Licence for standard cultivation | 3,411 | April 1, 2023 | 3,767 | ||
Licence Application Screening Fee - Licence for a nursery | 1,706 | April 1, 2023 | 1,886 | ||
Licence Application Screening Fee - Licence for micro-processing | 1,706 | April 1, 2023 | 1,886 | ||
Licence Application Screening Fee - Licence for standard processing | 3,411 | April 1, 2023 | 3,767 | ||
Licence Application Screening Fee - Licence for sale for medical purposes | 3,411 | April 1, 2023 | 3,767 | ||
Application for a Security Clearance
Fee-setting authority
- Cannabis Act, 142(1)
- Cannabis Fees Order (SOR/2018-198)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
No administrative service standard for this fee as outlined during the 2018 consultation on the Proposed Approach to Cost Recovery for the Regulation of Cannabis and the subsequent Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement for the Cannabis Fees Order.
Performance result
Not applicable
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Application for a Security Clearance
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Application for a Security Clearance | 1,722 | 3,466,560 | This fee was not subject to remissions | April 1, 2023 | 1,903 |
Application for Import or Export Permit
Fee-setting authority
- Cannabis Act, 142(1)
- Cannabis Fees Order (SOR/2018-198)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Health Canada commits to a non-binding administrative service standard of 30 business days from the date that payment is received for the application to the issuance or rejection of the permit. The standard excludes time spent awaiting additional information from applicants.
Performance result
The non-binding administrative standard was met 95% of the time
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: Application for Import or Export Permit
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Application for Import or Export Permit |
636 |
597,340 |
This fee was not subject to remissions |
April 1, 2023 |
703 |
Annual Regulatory Fee
Fee-setting authority
- Cannabis Act, 142(1)
- Cannabis Fees Order (SOR/2018-198)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
No administrative service standard for this fee as outlined during the 2018 consultation on the Proposed Approach to Cost Recovery for the Regulation of Cannabis and the subsequent Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement for the Cannabis Fees Order.
Performance result
Not applicable
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to Service Fees Act: All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Annual fee - Licence for micro-cultivation | as per Cannabis Fees Order | 71,121,867Footnote 1 | This fee was not subject to remissions | Exempt | as per Cannabis Fees Order |
Annual fee - Licence for standard cultivation | |||||
Annual fee - Licence for a nursery | |||||
Annual fee - Licence for micro-processing | |||||
Annual fee - Licence for standard processing | |||||
Annual fee - Licence for sale for medical purposes | |||||
National Dosimetry Products and Services Fees
National Dosimetry Services (NDS) provides radiation monitoring services to Canadians who are exposed to radiation in their work environment. NDS provides commercial dosimetry services to over 100,000 individuals working in over 12,500 organizations and operates on a cost-recovery basis. There are a number of components to NDS that are billed on a regular basis. These fees include the annual support fee, the shipping and handling fee and the processing fee. Other fees are billed depending on whether additional services are requested or if a dosimeter is overdue, late, lost or damaged.
National Dosimetry Products and Services Fees
Fee-setting authority
- Minister’s Authority
- Fees notice published in Canada Gazette
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Provide timely, responsive and reliable dosimetry services:
- Exposures reported to the National Dose Registry within 45 calendar days of receipt - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) regulatory standard;
- Dosimeters shipped 10-13 business days prior to exchange date with clients;
- Dose results for whole body and extremity services reported to clients within internal service standards of 10- 20 business days, depending on the dosimetry service;
- Client account information updated within two business days;
- Client voice mails responded to within one business day; and
- Client emails responded to within two business days.
Performance result
- 100% compliance with the 45 day regulatory (CNSC) standard;
- Shipped out 99% of dosimeters within 10 to 13 business days prior to exchange date;
- 83% reported within internal standard of 10-20 business days, depending on the dosimetry service. Reduction due to COVID-19 pandemic impact on operations. CNSC regulatory standard prioritized over internal standards.;
- 97% completed within two business days;
- 92% being addressed within one business day; and
- 92% addressed within two business days.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to section 17 of the Service Fees Act
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Annual support | 85.00 | Not available | This fee was not subject to remissions | Not subject to the Service Fees Act and therefore no automatic annual increase: All fees All fees currently under review. | 85.00 |
Annual support - multi-group discount (5+ groups) | 50.00 | Not available | 50.00 | ||
Shipping and handling (per shipment) | 14.50 | Not available | 14.50 | ||
Processing fees (per dosimeter) | 5.50 to 17.50 | Not available | 5.50 to 17.50 | ||
Ad hoc dosimeter request - add-on (per shipment) | 65.00 | Not available | 65.00 | ||
Priority processing request (per request) | 95.00 | Not available | 95.00 | ||
Pregnancy service (semi-monthly) | 375.00 | Not available | 375.00 | ||
Electronic personal dosimeter rental (per year) | 415.00 | Not available | 415.00 | ||
Specialized consultation (per hour) | 125.00 | Not available | 125.00 | ||
Customized reporting (per hour) | 60.00 | Not available | 60.00 | ||
NDR dose modifications (per hour) | 60.00 | Not available | 60.00 | ||
Reprinting reports (per report) | 10.00 | Not available | 10.00 | ||
Overdue dosimeter (three months after wearing period ends) | 55.00 | Not available | 55.00 | ||
Late dosimeter (six months after wearing period ends) | 55.00 | Not available | 55.00 | ||
Lost/damaged dosimeter | 82.50 | Not available | 82.50 | ||
Damaged electronic personal dosimeter | 415.00 | Not available | 415.00 | ||
Credit upon returning overdue dosimeter | 28.75 | Not available | 28.75 | ||
Credit upon returning late or lost dosimeter | 57.50 | Not available | 57.50 |
Master File Fees
A Master File (MF) is a reference that provides information about specific processes or components used in the manufacturing, processing, or packaging of a drug. The MF is a useful vehicle for providing information to Health Canada, where that information is confidential business information (CBI) and is not available to the manufacturer of the dosage form or to the sponsors of a drug submission, DIN (Drug identification Number) application or clinical trial application (CTA).
- New Master Files (file registration)
- Drug Master Files - letter of access
- Drug Master Files - Update
Fee-setting authority
- Minister’s Authority
- Fees notice published in Canada Gazette
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
30 calendar days
Performance result
99.6% (2,014/2,022 issued within 30 calendar days)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to section 17 of the Service Fees Act: All fees listed below
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
New Master Files (file registration) | 1,298 | 372,326 | This fee was not subject to remissions | April 1, 2023 | 1,351 |
Drug Master Files – letter of access | 184 | 219,469 | April 1, 2023 | 192 | |
Drug Master Files - Update | 563 | 257,823 | April 1, 2023 | 587 |
Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product Fee
A certificate issued establishing the status of the pharmaceutical, biological, radiopharmaceutical or veterinary product listed and the Good Manufacturing Practice status of the fabricator of the product.
Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product
Fee-setting authority
- Minister’s Authority
- Fees notice published in Canada Gazette
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
25 business days to issue certificate
Performance result
96.6% (2,407 / 2,492 of certificates issued within 25 business days)
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations
Not subject to section 17 of the Service Fees Act: Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product
Fee | 2021–22 fee amount ($) | 2021-22 total fee revenue ($) | 2021-22 total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Fee adjustment date in 2023-24 | 2023-24 fee amount ($) |
Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product | 94 | 230,008 | This fee was not subject to remissions | April 1, 2023 | 98 |
- Footnote 1
As per the Medical Devices Regulations, an MDEL is not required for: a retailer, a health care facility, a manufacturer of Class II, III or IV medical devices who only sells either medical devices for which they hold a valid licence, or medical devices subject to Parts 2 and 3 of the Regulations, a manufacturer of a Class I medical device who imports or distributes solely through a licensed establishment, a person solely selling medical devices subject to Parts 2 and 3 of the Regulations, or a dispenser.
Page details
- Date modified: