Accessibility feedback process
Feedback mechanism
The primary method for monitoring barriers to accessibility and collecting input from employees and the public is through a feedback mechanism, a required component of the Accessible Canada Act. HC's feedback mechanism is a process for receiving and handling input on our Accessibility Plan, how it is being implemented and any accessibility barriers encountered when interacting with HC.
The feedback received will be instrumental in refining HC's commitments and activities to align with the needs of persons with disabilities, and be reflected in the feedback section of future progress reports.
How Health Canada receives and deals with feedback
There are several ways for both the public and employees to submit feedback to Health Canada (HC). HC must accept feedback through a variety of methods, including by email, mail, phone, and through an online form. The online form also allows contributors to remain anonymous.
All feedback will be reviewed and shared to the appropriate office of primary interest (OPI) for action or review. The OPI are the lead offices for each of the priorities that have been identified in the Accessibility Plan.
The Accessibility Readiness Team (ART) will monitor all feedback and will track the progress of the submitted feedback to ensure that contributors will receive a response in a timely manner. ART will also track feedback in order to develop annual progress reports on accessibility.
Title of the designated person to receive feedback
The Director of the Accessibility Readiness Team is the designated contact for accessibility enquiries.
How contributors can submit feedback
Contributors may submit feedback through mail, phone, email, and through an online form. To remain anonymous, contributors may use the online feedback.
To submit feedback through mail to HC:
Health Canada Accessibility Feedback
70 Columbine Dr; Brooke Claxton building
Address Locator 0907D
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0K9
To submit feedback by email:
To submit feedback by phone:
1-833-725-2751 (toll-free)
1-800-465-7735 (toll-free teletypewriter)
Timeline of acknowledgement of receipt
Contributors who submit feedback will receive an acknowledgement of receipt in the same manner in which it was received. Contributors who send anonymous feedback will not receive acknowledgement.
How will HC take feedback into consideration
All incoming feedback will be assigned to the lead of the area that the feedback is addressing. This lead will be responsible for reviewing the feedback and providing a response within the timeline if the contributor requested a response.
The feedback must be taken into consideration by the area leads. They must ensure that their respective teams take the appropriate steps to address the feedback. ART will track this process to make sure that feedback is addressed where necessary, and to report on this through annual progress reports.
Every three years, HC will release a revised Accessibility Plan, which will outline the changes made since the last iteration of the plan and how these changes make HC more accessible.
Requesting a copy of the description in an alternate format
Those who would like alternate formats (i.e. print, braille, audio formats) of the description of the feedback process may request them.
To request alternate formats, please send a request to
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