Notice of intent to amend the regulations to address health product shortages in Canada

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Health Canada is proposing to amend the Food and Drug Regulations and the Medical Devices Regulations. The proposed measures are intended to help address and mitigate the harm to public health caused by shortages. They would:

The regulatory amendments we're proposing and other actions we plan to take over the next 4 years will help us build better collective capacity in 3 areas:


Shortages of health products are a global problem. In Canada, they are becoming more severe and happening more often.

Shortages happen when there are reductions in supply, increases in demand or shifts in both supply and demand. The supply chain can also be disrupted at any point, which can have significant effects elsewhere in the supply chain.

Canada is vulnerable to shortages. We're a small market that represents about 2% of all global sales and we rely heavily on imported health products.

Most drugs, and the ingredients required to make them, are imported into Canada. More than 80% of the activities required to make the drugs sold in Canada are conducted in other countries. Moreover, many drugs used in Canada already come from 1 supplier and the growing consolidation of global supply chains increases the likelihood of more shortages. We face similar challenges with medical devices, where the vast majority are imported. The supply chain for medical devices is also complex given the number of parts and components it takes to manufacture a single device and compatibility issues between devices.

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted how vulnerable to shortages Canada's supply chain can be for health products.

Although the effects of the pandemic are less severe now, the number of critical drug shortages is as high as it was at the height of the pandemic. However, these shortages are no longer related to products used to treat patients with COVID-19 but are affecting patients with many different health conditions.

For medical devices, while the overall number of reported shortages has decreased, critical shortages for non-COVID-related medical devices are increasing and are more complex.

Recent critical national shortages have highlighted the need to better protect people in Canada from the harms caused by health product shortages. They have also shown how disruptions to this critical supply can cause hardships for people in Canada and put stress on our health care system.

Governments, industry, health care system partners and professionals, and members of the public all have a stake in improving Canada's resilience against shortages. This means being able to withstand, adapt to and recover from supply chain challenges.

Taking action

It's not always possible to anticipate or prevent shortages. But we can develop measures to mitigate their impacts where possible.

This is why Health Canada is taking action to prevent shortages before they happen and reduce the impact of shortages when they cannot be prevented. These actions are highlighted in our 4-year plan on health product shortages.

Learn more about Health Canada's plan:

Part of our plan involves advancing amendments to the Food and Drug Regulations and the Medical Devices Regulations. These amendments would help ensure that people in Canada have access to the health products they need when they need them to reduce the harm caused by shortages.

Our proposed amendments are informed by the online consultation we led from June 5 to August 31, 2023. This consultation was held to identify the challenges and arrive at possible solutions for building a resilient supply of drugs, medical devices and other health products.

We also created an external advisory committee, as well as asked regulated parties, stakeholders and partners for their ideas on how we can better prevent and reduce shortages.

Learn more about Health Canada's consultation:

Proposed changes

Proposed changes to Food and Drug Regulations

We're proposing to amend the Food and Drug Regulations to give the Minister the authority to:

The proposed changes would also address conduct that increases the likelihood that people in Canada would be harmed by requiring:

Proposed changes to Medical Devices Regulations

We're also proposing to amend the Medical Devices Regulations to:

The proposed changes would also require manufacturers and importers to:

Next steps

Input from interested parties on the proposed changes will support the publication of our regulatory proposal in the Canada Gazette, Part I.

To provide input:

Interested parties will be able to provide additional comments on the regulatory proposal after publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I. The public comment period is expected to take place in fall 2024 and last 70 days.

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