Consultation: Destruction of controlled substances and travel with controlled substances for medical use
From Health Canada
Current status: OPEN
You are invited to comment on our proposal to provide clear and consistent requirements for the destruction of controlled substances by pharmacists, practitioners and persons in charge of hospitals, and for international travel with prescribed controlled substances.
There are gaps and differences between the regulations that are currently being dealt with through temporary measures. The proposal is to create, update and harmonize regulatory requirements under the regulations of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA) to provide a long-term solution.
We are seeking feedback from:
- general public
- pharmacists
- practitioners
- hospitals
- other professionals working in health care with controlled substances
A Notice to Interested Parties was published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on October 28, 2017.
How to participate
The consultation will be open for 60 days, between October 28, 2017 and December 26, 2017.
We encourage you to read the Notice to Interested Parties.
Send us your comments within the time given, by:
- mail (at the address below)
Related information
- Narcotic Control Regulations
- Benzodiazepines and Other Targeted Substances Regulations
- Part G of the Food and Drug Regulations
- Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
Contact us
Health Canada
Office of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs
Address Locator: 0302A
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway, Main Stats Building
Ottawa ON K1A 0K9
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