Consultation: Proposed residential indoor air quality guidelines for Xylenes
Current status: Closed
Opened on March 31, 2022 and closed to new input on May 25, 2022.
The purpose of this consultation is to solicit comments on the proposed residential indoor air quality guidelines (RIAQG) for xylenes. The present document reviews the epidemiological, toxicological, and exposure research on xylenes as well as the conclusions from a number of comprehensive reviews from internationally recognized health and environmental organizations. The intent is to propose short-term and long-term exposure limits for xylenes in residential indoor air, which would minimize risks to human health, and recommend various risk mitigation measures to reduce exposure to xylenes.
Find out how to participate in this consultation for the Proposed residential indoor air quality guidelines for Xylenes.
Join in: how to participate
- Read the consultation document: Proposed residential indoor air quality guidelines for Xylenes
- Submit your comments to the Water and Air Quality Bureau, Health Canada
(Please include the title of the consultation document). You can provide
your comments or input by either of the following two ways:
- Email: Send an email to
- Mail: Send a letter to the address in the contact information section.
All comments must be received by May 25, 2022.
About the consultation
Why we are consulting
The purpose of this consultation is to solicit comments on the Proposed residential indoor air quality guidelines for Xylenes.
Who is the focus of this consultation
This consultation is intended for scientific or technical audiences, including:
- regulatory agencies
- industry stakeholders
- academic communities
- health protection agencies
Comments are also welcome from members of the general public.
Contact us
Water and Air Quality Bureau, Health Canada
3rd Floor, 269 Laurier Avenue West
Address Locator 4903B
Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9
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