Guidance For Providing Safe Drinking Water in Areas of Federal Jurisdiction – Version 2
Table of Contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- Part 1. The Federal Framework
- 1.0 Setting the stage
- 2.0 Federal legislation and policies
- 2.1 The Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality
- 2.2 The Canada Labour Code
- 2.3 Other related federal legislation
- 2.3.1 Food and Drugs Act
- 2.3.2 National Defence Act
- 2.3.3 Corrections and Conditional Release Act
- 2.4 Occupational Health and Safety Directive - Part IX (Sanitation)
- 2.5 Roles and responsibilities in the federal jurisdiction
- 2.6 Due diligence
- Part 2 - Application of the Federal Framework
- 3.0 Developing a monitoring program
- 3.1 Selecting a source for drinking water
- 3.2 Vulnerabilities assessment
- 3.3 Sanitary survey
- 3.4 Microbiological quality
- 3.5 Baseline chemical analysis
- 3.6 Establishing a monitoring program
- 3.6.1 Disinfection by-products
- 3.7 Case-specific guidance
- 3.7.1 Groundwater supplies
- 3.7.2 Municipally-supplied drinking water systems
- 3.7.3 Staff quarters
- 4.0 Microbiological considerations and monitoring
- 4.1 Monitoring frequency
- Table 4.1 Default monitoring frequency and locations
- 4.1.1 Conditions for reducing monitoring frequency
- Box 4.1: Conditions for reduced monitoring frequencies in very small and micro systems
- Table 4.2 Reduced monitoring for very small systems - continuous supply
- Table 4.3 Reduced monitoring for very small systems - seasonal supply
- Table 4.4 Reduced monitoring for micro-systems - continuous supply
- Table 4.5 Reduced monitoring for micro-systems - seasonal supply
- 4.2 Sampling locations
- 4.3 Facilities that receive municipal drinking water
- 4.4 Interpreting results
- 4.4.1 Indicator organisms
- 4.4.2 Heterotrophic plate count
- 4.4.3 Turbidity
- 4.5 Disinfection targets
- 4.1 Monitoring frequency
- 5.0 Treatment and distribution systems
- 5.1 Design of drinking water treatment systems
- 5.2 Distribution systems
- 5.2.1 Design and assessment
- 5.2.2 Corrosion control
- 5.2.3 Watermains
- 5.2.4 Cross-connection control
- 5.2.5 Dead ends and loops
- 5.2.6 Routine flushing of the plumbing system
- 5.2.7 Drinking water fountains
- 5.2.8 Recording and tracking maintenance issues
- 5.2.9 Water quality complaints
- 5.3 Chlorine residuals
- 5.4 Drinking water materials
- 5.5 Special circumstances
- 6.0 Operational requirements
- 6.1 Operational plans
- 6.2 Training and certification
- 6.3 Monitoring
- 6.3.1 Operational monitoring
- 6.3.2 Compliance monitoring
- 6.3.3 Laboratory accreditation
- 6.4 Operation of groundwater systems
- 6.5 Records and record-keeping
- 6.6 Incident and emergency response plans
- 6.7 Compliance verification and reporting
- 7.0 Information and resources
- 8.0 References
- 9.0 Relevant legislation and policies
- 3.0 Developing a monitoring program
- Appendix A: Acronyms
- Appendix B: Glossary
- Appendix C: Examples of types of drinking water-related roles and responsibilities within some federal departments
- Appendix D: Sample Well Assessment Form
- Appendix E: Distribution System
- Appendix F: Watermain Break Report (Sample)
- Appendix G: CNPHI – Drinking Water Advisories Module
- Appendix H: Bottled Water Dispenser Maintenance

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Organization: Health Canada
Type: Guidance
Date published: 2013-05
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