Changes to the cyfluthrin pesticides registration (non-agricultural uses)
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Organization: Health Canada
Date published: January 2024
ISBN: 978-0-660-67986-0
All pesticides used in Canada must be registered under the Pest Control Products Act. Pesticides are re-evaluated to ensure that they continue to meet health and environmental requirements. Re-evaluation may result in the revocation of a product or product uses. Health Canada may also request changes to a product's label, including risk mitigation measures, use sites and application methods.
Cyfluthrin is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide used by pest control applicators against flying and crawling insects, by farmers on livestock housing structures and by the cattle industry. Domestic products are for indoor use against household pests such as ants, earwigs, cockroaches and spiders. Highlights of the re-evaluation decision of the active ingredient cyfluthrin (non-agricultural uses), published on October 31, 2018, are summarized below.
Label changes for cyfluthrin pesticides, as of October 31, 2020
Commercial product – TEMPO 20 WP (Reg. No. 25673)
- Updated restricted-entry interval (REI)
- Added statements:
- "Do not allow people or pets to enter treated areas until six hours after application"
- "Do not apply as a broadcast treatment or space spray": a space spray is a suspension of fine droplets (0.1 to 100 micrometres) in the air within an indoor space"
- "Do not apply to furniture, mattresses, linens, pet bedding, toys or clothing"
- "Toxic to aquatic organisms and small wild mammals"
- "Do not discharge effluent containing this product into sewer systems, lakes, streams, ponds, estuaries, oceans or other waters"
- Updated post-application ventilation requirements:
- "Ventilate treated areas after application either by opening windows and doors or through use of air exchange/ventilation systems confirmed to be operational. Use fans where required to aid in the circulation of air"
- Information sheet to occupants to be completed and posted at points of entry or provided to occupants post-application
- Increased personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements during mixing, loading, application, clean-up and repair:
- Long-sleeved shirt, shoes and socks, long pants and chemical-resistant gloves
- Updated respirator requirements
- Added definitions of treatment sites: indoor perimeter, spot, crack and crevice, void, and broadcast
- Added detailed information on potential adverse effects and what to do if occupants experience these effects, by example:
- "If respiratory effects, nausea, dizziness, or eye irritation occur upon re-entering – vacate premises and ventilate"
- Updated statements for use in dwellings, institutions, modes of transportation and pet kennels:
- "For indoor use only"
- "Apply only as an indoor perimeter, spot, crack and crevice or void treatment"
Domestic products
- Statement prohibiting all types of application, except spot treatment:
- "Spot application is localized to a surface area not more than 0.2 m2. Spots are not to be adjoining. The combined area of spots is not to exceed 10% of the total surface area of a room."
- Added statement requiring users:
- To ventilate the treated area
- Not to apply to surfaces that may come into contact with food or feed
- Added information on potential adverse effects and what to do in the event of occupant experiences these effects
Users must follow the instructions on the updated labels.
Using a pesticide contrary with the label directions is a violation of the Pest Control Products Act.
Read the label
All pesticides registered in Canada have a Health Canada-approved label with a registration number. Read the pesticide label carefully, as it contains specific information on how to use it.
To find the most up-to-date label, use our online label search tool or search for "Health Canada pesticide labels" using your favourite search engine.
For more information
- Re-evaluation decision RVD2018-35, Cyfluthrin and its associated end-use products. The Health Canada-approved label is the official document for enforcement purposes. In the event of any discrepancy with the contents of this factsheet, the information on the label shall prevail.
- Health Canada's Pesticide Compliance Program (PCP) is responsible for the enforcement of the Pest Control Products Act.
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