Changes to the registration of mancozeb pesticides
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Organization: Health Canada
Date published: January 2024
ISBN: 978-0-660-67990-7
All pesticides used in Canada must be registered under the Pest Control Products Act. Pesticides are re-evaluated to ensure that they continue to meet health and environmental requirements. Re-evaluation may result in the revocation of a product or product uses. Health Canada may also request changes to a product's label, including risk mitigation measures, use sites and application methods.
Mancozeb is a fungicide used on many crops in agriculture and ornamental production and in forestry. The highlights of the re-evaluation for the active ingredient mancozeb, published on November 19, 2020, are summarized below.
Cancelled products, as of November 19, 2023
Stop the use of powder formulations and wettable powder formulations.
Cancelled product | Registration No. |
DITHANE M-45 | 8556 |
DITHANE M-45 8% | 10186 |
MANZATE 200 WP | 10526 |
TUBERSEAL | 17042 |
DITHANE 80 | 23655 |
POTATO ST16 | 24734 |
PSPT 16% | 24734.01 |
PENNCOZEB 80WP | 25396 |
MANCOPLUS | 26157 |
CONDOR MZ | 26158 |
DITHANE M-45 | 27616 |
MAXIM MZ PSP | 27965 |
SOLAN MZ | 29377 |
TUBERSEAL MZ | 29378 |
The sale of these products is prohibited as of November 19, 2022.
Label changes for mancozeb pesticides, as of November 19, 2023
Cancelled uses
Stop use on the following crops:
- Carrots
- Pears
- Celery
- Watermelons
- Lettuces
- Wheat
- Lentils
- Ornamental plants
- Alfalfa grown for seed
Stop use:
- For seed treatments, including potato seed piece treatment
- In greenhouse
- In forestry
- With handheld equipment or by hand
Other risk reduction measures
- Use prohibited in residential areas
- Added personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements, depending on the activity, the product formulation and the quantity manipulated per day
- Updated maximum application rates, maximum number of applications per year and intervals between treatments
- Added statement on total combined use of mancozeb and metiram in the same season
- Updated re-entry intervals (REI), depending on the activity
- Updated pre-harvest intervals (PHI)
- Added specific instructions for handling and mixing, depending on the formulation
- Added clarification to directions for tank mixing with specified tank mix partners
- Updated buffer zones
- Added spray drift prevention statements
- Added environmental risk reduction statements to prevent runoff and groundwater contamination and to protect sensitive habitats
- Added statements to protect bees, including:
- "Avoid application during the crop blooming period. If applications must be made during the crop blooming period, restrict applications to the evening when most bees are not foraging."
- "Avoid applications when bees are foraging in the treatment area in ground cover containing blooming weeds."
Users should follow the instructions of the updated labels.
It is a violation of the Pest Control Products Act to use a product in a manner inconsistent with the label directions.
Read the label
All pesticides registered in Canada have a Health Canada-approved label with a registration number. Read the pesticide label carefully, as it contains specific information on how to use it.
To find the most up-to-date label, use our online label search tool or search for "Health Canada pesticide labels" using your favourite search engine.
For more information
- Re-evaluation decision RVD2020-12, Mancozeb and its associated end-use products. The Health Canada-approved label is the official document for enforcement purposes. In the event of any discrepancy with the contents of this factsheet, the information on the label shall prevail.
- Health Canada's Pesticide Compliance Program (PCP) is responsible for the enforcement of the Pest Control Products Act.
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