Diseases that childhood vaccinations protect against (Described video)
Transcript - Diseases that childhood vaccinations protect against (Described video)
Narration: Diseases that childhood vaccinations protect against.
Text on screen: Diseases that Childhood Vaccinations Protect Against.
[Two vaccine vials appear inside a circle along with a shield with a medical cross on it.]
Narration: There's a good reason why childhood vaccinations are important. Actually, there are fifteen good reasons.
[Numbers 1 through 15 count up above the vaccine vials.]
Narration: Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis or whooping cough, Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Chickenpox, Rotavirus, Hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib), Invasive meningococcal disease, Pneumococcal disease, Human papillomavirus (HPV), Influenza (flu)
Text on screen: Vaccine Preventable Diseases.
[The word Tetanus appears in the circle, along with images of viruses and bacteria, and the number 1 appear in a shield. As the Narration says each disease, its name appears replacing the previous in the circle briefly and the number counts up. The disease name then joins a growing list around the circle.]
Narration: Some of these diseases used to be common, but now most are rarely seen in Canada, and that's because of vaccinations.
Text on screen: Most of these are now rarely seen in Canada
[A map of Canada appears in the circle. The names of some of the previously named diseases move across the map, with arrows pointing down and decreasing above each of them. Shields with a with a medical cross on them appear around the outside of the map.]
Narration: Some infections that we no longer see in Canada can still circulate in other parts of the world.
Text on screen: There is still a risk of these diseases and you can be exposed to them when you travel.
[A map of Canada in a circle, with viruses and bacteria trying to penetrate the circle. The map zooms out to show a slowly spinning globe.]
Narration: There is a risk that these infections can be brought into Canada and then can spread and cause outbreaks if vaccination rates are not high enough.
Text on screen: There is still a risk of these diseases spreading and causing outbreaks.
[Viruses and bacteria surround the spinning globe. We zoom back in on Canada and arrows run from the viruses and bacteria towards Canada. Some viruses and bacteria enter Canada.]
Narration: So it's important to stay up to date with vaccines in case your child comes into contact with one of these viruses or bacteria.
Text on screen: Stay up to date with your child's vaccinations.
[We see a silhouette of a child enclosed in a circle. The child is joined by a vaccine vial, a calendar, and a green shield with a check mark. Surrounding viruses bounce off the circle.]
Narration: To find out more, visit Canada.ca/childhood-vaccines.
Text on screen: Find out more: Canada.ca/childhood-vaccines
[Canada wordmark appears and fades to black.]
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