Dinner preparation tips!
Transcript - Dinner preparation tips!
Image of kitchen countertop.
TEXT ON-SCREEN: Chicken Dinner!
Hands place green cutting board on countertop.
Hands place two raw chicken breasts on cutting board.
Hands appear with orange knife and prepare to cut chicken.
TEXT ON-SCREEN: Cut your chicken into pieces
Hands cut chicken into pieces.
Image slides onto screen of stovetop with frying pan on it.
TEXT ON-SCREEN: Pop them in the pan
Hands bring green cutting board over frying pan, and scrapes chicken into the pan.
Image slides onto screen of countertop with green cutting board on it.
TEXT ON-SCREEN: Chop up lettuce for a salad
Hand places head of lettuce on the green cutting board and other hand appears with orange knife.
Hand prepares to cut lettuce.
TEXT ON-SCREEN: Hang on a sec!
Hand drops knife on counter.
Image slides onto screen of compost container on counter.
Hand places head of lettuce into compost container.
Image slides onto screen of hands washing up in the kitchen sink.
TEXT ON-SCREEN: Wash your hands
Image slides onto screen of countertop with orange cutting board on it.
TEXT ON-SCREEN: Then pick a different cutting board…
Hand places head of lettuce on orange cutting board.
Hand comes onto screen holding red knife.
TEXT ON-SCREEN: and utensil for the salad!
TEXT ON-SCREEN: Cut up those veggies!
Hands cut up lettuce, carrots and cucumbers.
TEXT ON-SCREEN: Serve it up!
Hands place plate of cooked chicken and salad on counter.
Green cutting board with cut-up raw chicken on it slides onto screen.
TEXT ON-SCREEN: use one cutting board for raw meat
Orange cutting board with cut-up vegetables on it slides onto screen.
TEXT ON-SCREEN: and another for everything else
Hands wave over countertop.
TEXT ON-SCREEN: Food safety is in your hands!
URL ON-SCREEN: Canada.ca/FoodSafety
TEXT ON-SCREEN: Government of Canada logo
A message from the Government of Canada.
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