Making vaccinations more comfortable (described video)
Narration: Making Vaccinations More Comfortable.
Text on screen: Making Vaccinations More Comfortable
[A tote bag appears on screen enclosed in a circle. A stuffed toy and a children's book pop up out of the bag.]
Narration: Let's look at some simple ways to make your child's vaccination appointment more comfortable for your child and you, too.
Text on screen: More comfortable for your child, and for you, too
[The toy and the book slide back down into the tote bag. A little girl appears in the circle. She is joined by her mother and infant sibling.]
Narration: It's a good idea to have your child wear a short sleeve shirt or clothing that is easy to remove.
Text on screen: A short sleeve shirt or clothing that is easy to remove
[The mother and infant disappear leaving the little girl on screen. She is wearing a short-sleeved top, with the sleeve pushed a bit up the shoulder. We zoom in on her arm as she moves it.]
Narration: Comfort your baby by holding and talking to them during the vaccination.
Text on screen: Comfort your baby.
[The mother appears in the circle. She is holding her infant close. "Sound bars" appear to indicate that the mother is speaking to her child.]
Narration: If you are breastfeeding, nursing your baby just before, during, or after the vaccination can help make your baby more relaxed.
Text on screen: Before, during or after.
[We zoom in on the happy infant.]
Narration: Bring a favourite toy, music, or a book
Text on screen: Keep your toddler's mind off the vaccination.
[A stuffed toy pops up in the circle, then pops back down and is replaced by musical notes, and then by a children's book.]
Narration: – something that will keep your child's mind off the vaccination.
[The toy, the musical notes and the book all pop up in the circle together.]
Narration: For pre-schoolers and school age kids, explain what will happen at the appointment.
Text on screen: Preparing older children for the appointment.
Narration: Meeting a health care provider.
Text on screen: Explain what will happen at the appointment.
[A smiling person wearing a medical scrubs appears in the circle.]
Narration: Getting a vaccination in their arm which will feel like a pinch for a moment or two.
[We zoom in on an arm with a sleeve pushed up. A little circle shows where a vaccination will be given. The circle throbs a bit, then stops.]
Narration: They might get a bandage after.
[A bandage is applied to the vaccination site.]
Narration: And maybe a reward!
[A smiling gold star appears.]
Narration: Knowing what to expect can help some children feel less anxious…
Text on screen: Know what to expect.
[Little hands reach for a stuffed toy and play with it.]
Narration: … and your own mindset can impact your child's. Being calm and positive can help them feel reassured.
[A father is holding his infant child. They smile at each other and share a hug.]
Narration: After the vaccine is given, be sure that your child's vaccination record is updated.
Text on screen: After the vaccination.
[A cell phone appears. An app is open to show "Your Child's Vaccination Record" on screen.]
Narration: Before you head home, you may be asked to wait for about 15 minutes at the clinic to monitor for any reactions.
[A timer set to 15 minutes appears on the cell phone's screen. The time counts down to zero.]
Narration: To find out more, visit
Text on screen: Find out more:
[Canada wordmark appears and fades to black.]
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