Marie's drug addiction story: described video

Transcript - Marie-Louise's story

Transcript - Marie-Louise's story

A photo of a young girl
Marie-Louise: When I was young, I did a lot of things with my family. Of course, I loved to play.

A photo of the young girl in a karate costume

Marie-Louise: I had a lot of friends.

A photo of her with a baby

Marie-Louise: We used to go camping a lot when we were younger, with my two brothers and my sister.

A graduation photo

Marie-Louise: In 2009, I finished my training as a nursing assistant. At first, when I was working, I was actually working a lot.

In a kitchen

Marie-Louise: I had access to medications…

She sits alone.

Marie-Louise: …specifically narcotics.

She smiles.

Marie-Louise: "I give these to my patients, so why wouldn't they be good for me?"

She cocks her head.

Marie-Louise: This is where I was wrong.

A title: Marie-Louise's Story

A young woman sits alone outside at a picnic table.

Marie-Louise: I had just gotten married, and of course it was a lot. I was rather young, 21. There was a lot of stress. I worked a lot. Sometimes I would work double shifts. It was way too much for me, because I had only just started. So one day it all began.

She holds her hands together.

Marie-Louise: I said to myself, "Well, maybe I could try a little pill to help me fall asleep.

Her eyes turn away.

Marie-Louise: And from one pill, six years of addiction followed.

A couple in a living room.

Audrey-Ann: My sister has always been,how can I say this, the person who everybody went to for help. At first, I think she had a hard time opening up to us because she didn't necessarily want us to see her that way.

Marie-Louise sits outside.

Marie-Louise: I kept on working, but at night, I knew that I really had an addiction to sleeping pills. I always needed them. How was I living? In total depression. I would spend my days off doing absolutely nothing. I didn't even see my friends anymore.

She moves away from the picnic table.

Marie-Louise: My entire body was aching from having to take pain killers and all. I was aching all over if I didn't take them.

She stands inside by a patio door.

Marie-Louise: So I took some narcotics…

She grips the handle.

Marie-Louise: …without permission of course, and it cost me my career and it led to me doing a number of things that sent me to jail.

She shrugs.

Marie-Louise: It's a big deal, I ended up with nothing.

She shuts her eyes as she shakes her head.

Marie-Louise: Nothing at all. From then on I was convinced that, look, my life had to change. I wasn't meant to bein jail. I don't belong here.

On a park stairway

Marie-Louise: If I'm here, I have to wake up and fast.

Her sister sits in a living room.

Audrey-Ann: I think that a lot of people are ashamed, like my sister. At first, my sister didn't want to talk about it, probably for that reason. I don't think it's the kind of problem to be ashamed of. Instead it's more about facing the problem with people who can really help you, because you can't cope with this alone.

The sisters walk outside.

Marie-Louise: I am not strong enough. I need others to help me.

A dog by their side

Marie-Louise: It was really them who helped me. We form a group…

They hold hands. They swing their hands together.

Marie-Louise: … the power of togetherness. You are not alone. There is always someone. Get some help. Break out of your isolation.

As she walks, Marie-Louise stares down at the dog.

Audrey-Ann: My sister has always been my role model. She's the person I've always gone to when I'm not feeling well. She's always been my other half, in a way. And whatever happens, I think that it's always going to stay that way because she's my sister. I love her.

The two sisters share a laugh.

Marie-Louise: Well, today, I feel as if I'm living my life, instead of just surviving.

She walks in a forest.

Marie-Louise: That's really what it is. Now, I can actually live my life. I look at the small things and I find them so beautiful. I can live my life now.

With a young man by her side, they laugh as they walk.


Get the facts and talk with your kids about prescription drug abuse.


A message from the Government of Canada.
An end credit with thanks to: Portage au Québec

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