Ministers Bennett and Duclos share message for Pink Shirt Day



Minister Bennett

Today is Pink Shirt Day, a day to stand up to bullying, and promote kindness and compassion, to all those around us. 

Whether it’s at school, work, or anywhere else, bullying and cyberbullying can have a significant impact on the mental health of children and young people, as well as their families.

By working together to promote healthy relationships and eliminate violence, we can break the cycle and create healthier, more inclusive communities.

Minister Duclos

It is important to learn and recognize the signs of bullying.

Children and teens who experience being bullied can become withdrawn, anxious in social situations and develop issues with confidence and their mental health. 

In many cases, proactive adult intervention can reduce the likelihood of persistent bullying and teach children how to interact respectfully and in positive, healthy ways with each other.

For those who are victims of bullying--know that you are not alone. And I encourage parents, teachers and other guardians to take a moment to talk to children and young people in your care about bullying and actively listen.

Bullying behaviour is never okay and can have serious, long-term impacts. Please take the time to discuss the harms of bullying with your children.

Minister Bennett

If you, or a young person you know, is struggling with mental health or having thoughts of suicide, please know that there are free resources and supports available, 24/7, to help you.

Like Kids Help Phone,  which provides 24/7, confidential, mental health support to young people.

And Kids Help Phone also helped us at the beginning of the pandemic to launch “Wellness Together”, and their recently released PocketWell app, which provides free resources and support to all people in Canada.

These services can help you and your loved ones find strategies to cope, and link you to local resources.

Together, let’s promote positive mental health, stand up to bullying, and build a better, kinder, and more inclusive Canada.

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