Your Cannabis Questions, Answered: How can you talk to kids about it? - Described video
Transcript - Your Cannabis Questions, Answered: How can you talk to kids about it? - Described video
Video description: Individual Canadians ask a panel of experts cannabis questions.
Canadian: So how do we talk about cannabis with our kids?
Text on screen: Canadians have questions about cannabis.
How should you talk to kids about cannabis?
Dr. Amy Porath, Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction: I'll start off by saying it's never too young to start the conversations with your children about cannabis. And in setting up that conversation you really want to keep the communication honest, open, and non-judgemental.
Dr. Mark Ware, Associate Professor, Family Medicine: Talking about cannabis with children is probably going to be different depending on how the parent's experience with cannabis has been developed. Some people will have used cannabis before, either for recreational purposes or for as a part of a therapy. Other people will have had difficult experiences with cannabis or may not have used it at all. So, I think personal experience as a parent with cannabis is going to affect the discussion, but ultimately you have to have an environment where the young person feels comfortable talking to their parents about cannabis.
Dr. Amy Porath, Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction: I would suggest setting up a space where your sons feel very comfortable speaking with you, asking questions, and you really want to make them feel safe in asking questions, and just be very authentic.
Text on screen: Your cannabis questions, answered.
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