Teen vaping and nicotine
By habitual smoking, the body doesn’t have much of a chance to function properly.
Most of us have heard all about smoking and nicotine and how addictive it is. There’s nothing new about that.
Text on screen: Vaping?
But what about vaping?
I was curious, so I did a bit of digging.
Text on screen: Yes
First off, yes, most vaping products do contain nicotine.
In fact, they can deliver as much or even more nicotine than a cigarette.
Text on screen: What does that do to you?
So, what does that do to you?
Well, nicotine increases the release of dopamine. And dopamine can make you feel good at first. But that doesn’t last long.
Text on screen: Interferes with the neurotransmitter acetylcholine
I’m just going to quote this: “Nicotine works in the brain by interfering with the normal functioning of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
Text on screen: Not good
If you keep vaping it, you actually build up a tolerance to nicotine. Which is not a good thing.
Text on screen: More and more nicotine
Because you need more and more nicotine to get those good feelings back, and for your brain to work normally.
So the evil cycle goes on and on.
At the same time, the nicotine itself causes your heart rate and blood pressure to rise, which adds stress to your body. So vaping to reduce stress – doesn’t really work. Not for long, at least.
Text on screen: Vaping nicotine can harm your developing brain
So, vaping nicotine can actually harm your developing brain.
Ya, as teenagers, our brains are changing and growing so fast that we’re at much higher risk for some long-lasting effects of nicotine. It can take less nicotine to get hooked than adults, it can mess with your memory and concentration, and it can contribute to mood disorders.
So, let’s talk about addiction.
Text on screen: Nicotine is very addictive
We know that nicotine is very addictive. It can cause physical dependence, so you feel agitated or anxious when you haven’t had any in a while — even after just a few hours without it — which adds even more stress to your body.
Text on screen: Nicotine is addictive. Causes physical dependence. Agitation and anxiety. Withdrawal symptoms.
Text on screen: Dizziness. Shakiness. Headaches. Irritability. Difficulty concentrating. Difficulty sleeping. Increased appetite. Feeling down.
Things like:
Dizziness and shakiness. Headaches. Anxiety and irritability. Nervousness and restlessness. Difficulty concentrating and sleeping. Increased appetite. Feeling down.
And, of course, cravings for more nicotine.
Text on screen: Really hard to quit
What it all comes down to is, once you start vaping, it can be really hard to quit.
Text on screen: Support is available to help you quit. Speak to your health care provider.
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