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Several individuals assisted in the development of this publication. First and foremost, my thanks to Rina Pantalony of the Canadian Information Network and David Green, formerly of the National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage, for providing the opportunity to write this Guide, for their keen insights, humor, and critical commentary in discussing, reading and reviewing it, and for their support throughout the process.
I also thank the many museum colleagues who shared their institutional policies, discussed their policy development processes, helped track down obscure sources and citations, or pointed me toward additional resources. Particular thanks go to: Judith Endelman of The Henry Ford; Ken Hamma of the Getty Museum; Julia Hunter of the Maine State Museum; Elizabeth Moore of the Virginia Museum of Natural History; Brian Porter of the Royal Ontario Museum; Ruth Roberts of the Indianapolis Museum of Art; Frederic Silber of the Experience Music Project; David Sturtevant, formerly of the San Francisco Museum of Art; and Tim White of the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History.
Laura Gasaway, Professor of Law and Director of the Law Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, read and commented (usually at a moment's notice) on the sections on university IP policy, and Maria Pallante-Hyun, IP Counsel to the Guggenheim Museum, offered valuable advice and insights that have been incorporated into various charts and other areas of the Guide. I thank them both for their generosity and sagacity.
Many individuals worked behind the scenes at the Canadian Heritage Information Network to bring this publication to fruition, and my thanks to all of them for their assistance.
Formally acknowledging those who offered advice and support is one of the more pleasurable tasks involved in completing a manuscript, but with it comes the responsibility of accepting errors in the work as my own. Mea culpa.
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This resource was published by the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN). For comments or questions regarding this content, please contact CHIN directly. To find other online resources for museum professionals, visit the CHIN homepage or the Museology and conservation topic page on
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