Backgrounder: New and expanded recreational facilities to benefit five Manitoba communities


Backgrounder: New and expanded recreational facilities to benefit five Manitoba communities

New and expanded recreational facilities to benefit five Manitoba communities

Joint federal, provincial, First Nation, and municipal funding through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) will support five projects in Manitoba. These projects will build and upgrade recreational and sports infrastructure to help residents of these communities stay active and healthy.

The Government of Canada is investing more than $9.8 million in these projects through ICIP’s Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure Stream and Rural and Northern Communities Infrastructure Stream. The Government of Manitoba is providing more than $3.1 million. Contributions from project proponents total more than $4.6 million towards eligible project costs.

Project Information



Project Name

Project Details

Federal Funding

Provincial Funding

Proponent Funding

God’s Lake Narrows

God's Lake Narrows First Nation Arena/Multiplex

Construction of an indoor hockey rink and multi-purpose space





Headingley Community Centre Expansion

Construction of an  extension to the existing community centre to add a gymnasium and community gathering space





Ste. Agathe Red River Access Project

Construction of a community dock and boat launch





Kelwood Community Skating Rink

Construction of a new skating rink and multi-purpose facility in the Municipality of Rosedale




St. Clements

South St. Clements Activity Centre

Construction of a multi-purpose building and enhancements to the adjacent multi-use park





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