Backgrounder: The governments of Canada and British Columbia invest in electrification of public transit in British Columbia


The governments of Canada and British Columbia invest in electrification of public transit in British Columbia

The governments of Canada and British Columbia invest in electrification of public transit in British Columbia

The Government of Canada is investing $82,019,527 through the Zero Emission Transit Fund (ZETF) and $87,860,437 through the Public Transit Infrastructure Stream (PTIS) of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) to support four public transit infrastructure projects in British Columbia, for a total of $169,879,964.

Project Information:


Project Name

Project Details

Funding Program

Federal Funding

Provincial Funding

Recipient Funding

BC Transit Service Areas

Regional Transit Service – HD BEB Deployment Phase 1A

The project will support the procurement of up to 49 heavy duty battery electric buses (BEBs), charging infrastructure equipment to support approximately 68 charging points.





BC Transit Service Areas

Vehicle Acquisition (Phase 9)

The project will support the procurement approximately 51 heavy duty BEBs to support the expansion of BC Transit’s bus fleet.





BC Transit Service Areas

Battery Electric Bus Facility Upgrades

The project will support the design, purchase, and installation of approximately 134 in-depot charging points and related infrastructure at nine locations.





BC Transit Service Areas

Vehicle Acquisition (Phase 10)

The project will support the procurement of approximately 15 heavy duty BEBs to expand BC Transit’s bus fleet.





Page details

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