Backgrounder: More than $26 million invested in disaster mitigation infrastructure improvements across British Columbia


Backgrounder: More than $26 million invested in disaster mitigation infrastructure improvements across British Columbia

More than $26 million invested in disaster mitigation infrastructure improvements across British Columbia

The federal government is investing more than $10.4 million through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) to support five disaster mitigation projects across British Columbia. The Government of British Columbia is investing more than $8.6 million in these projects and the municipalities are contributing a combined $6.9 million and are responsible for any additional costs.

Project information:


Project Name

Project Details

Federal Funding

Provincial Funding

Municipal Funding

District of Invermere

Toby Creek Dike Improvements*

This project will raise the dike system at four locations along Toby Creek to accommodate climate-adjusted 1:200-year flows and mitigate potential ice jam conditions.




City of Merritt

Coldwater River Flood Mitigation Pine Street Area*

This project will restore approximately five hectares of riverbank and riverbed habitat to increase capacity to adapt to climate change impacts, natural disasters and extreme weather events.





City of Penticton

Ellis #4 Dam Upgrade*

This project will restore the existing dam to reduce the risk of failure due to climate change impacts, natural disasters and extreme weather events.






Town of Princeton

Well #4 Upgrades for Climate Change*

This project will involve drilling a new well for domestic production supply and constructing a new water treatment plant to ensure people have a reliable and safe water supply that complies with water quality guidelines.




Town of Qualicum Beach

Beach Creek Culvert Replacement at Crescent Road East

The project will replace two corrugated steel culverts beneath a steep road embankment that crosses a creek with fish habitat. This upgrade will offer temporary storage and flow control during periods of heavy rainfall.




Page details

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