Operational Bulletin 354 - November 2, 2011

This section contains policy, procedures and guidance used by IRCC staff. It is posted on the department’s website as a courtesy to stakeholders.

Photo/Data Error Correction for the Confirmation of Permanent Resident Document


The purpose of this Operational Bulletin is to update procedures for the correction of photo and data errors on Confirmation of Permanent Residence (CoPR) documents.

Streamlined workflow procedures are being implemented to expedite correction of photo and data errors on CoPR documents received at Case Processing Centre (CPC) Sydney for Permanent Resident (PR) Card processing.

Effective November 1, 2011, CoPR documents requiring correction or a new photo will no longer routinely be routed through local Canada Immigration Centres (CICs) for the purposes of client contact. Corrective measures will be initiated at CPC Sydney, where clients will be contacted by mail and provided with instructions concerning the necessary corrections.


Following processing of new permanent residents at the port of entry or inland CIC, the IMM 5292 CoPR document is sent to CPC Sydney for digital data capture of the clients’ photo and signature, as required for production of the PR Card.

At CPC Sydney, a quality review is completed to determine completeness and to ensure that the photo complies with specifications. Photo or data corrections involving contact with the client represent approximately 15% of all cases (37,500 per year). Historically, these cases have been referred to local CICs, where clients are convoked to complete the corrective actions.

Upon review, it has been noted that the current process is time consuming and results in major delays with time lost in transmitting documents from CPC Sydney to the local CIC office then to the client and back to CPC Sydney.

New Procedures

To avoid delays and to increase processing efficiency, effective November 1, 2011, local CICs will no longer be involved in routine correction of most CoPR photo and data errors.

Where inspection of the CoPR document at CPC Sydney identifies an error where correction will require contact with the client, CPC staff will communicate directly with the client by mail. Clients will be provided with instructions concerning the required corrections and will be directed to return the corrected form to the CPC. CPC Sydney will create a barcode to facilitate tracking of returned documents.

In cases where a new photo is required, the CPC will enclose an IMM 5455, along with instructions and a photo specification sheet. CPC Sydney will retain a digital image of the photo being returned, for comparison with the new photo the client will return.

In limited cases, documentation will continue to be routed through local offices. This will include cases involving government assisted refugees; situations where a previous photo is not available at CPC Sydney for comparison; and cases where an initial attempt with mailed instructions did not result in the submission of a compliant photo or signature. Existing procedures will be followed in handling and tracking these cases, with CPC Sydney referring the case to the local CIC and the local CIC contacting the client.

Cases processed at CPC Sydney prior to November 1, 2011, will be handled according to current procedures. New procedures will apply to cases processed at CPC Sydney after that date.

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