The housing experiences of new Canadians: Insights from the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada (LSIC)

Text version: Visible minority composition of recent immigrant household heads in Canada’s 7 largest CMAs, 1971-2001

Visible minority groups 1971 1981 1991 2001
Black 9% 11% 11% 8%
Chinese 7% 13% 22% 24%
Filipino 2% 5% 6% 6%
South Asian 5% 9% 14% 18%
White 76% 45% 26% 26%
Other Origins 2% 17% 21% 19%

Text version: Average Canadian yearly mortgage rate 1951-2005, five year term

Year Year Average
1951 5%
1952 6%
1953 6%
1954 6%
1955 6%
1956 6%
1957 7%
1958 7%
1959 7%
1960 7%
1961 7%
1962 7%
1963 7%
1964 7%
1965 7%
1966 8%
1967 8%
1968 9%
1969 10%
1970 10%
1971 9%
1972 9%
1973 10%
1974 11%
1975 11%
1976 12%
1977 10%
1978 11%
1979 12%
1980 14%
1981 18%
1982 18%
1983 13%
1984 14%
1985 12%
1986 11%
1987 11%
1988 12%
1989 12%
1990 13%
1991 11%
1992 10%
1993 9%
1994 9%
1995 9%
1996 8%
1997 7%
1998 7%
1999 7%
2000 8%
2001 7%
2002 7%
2003 6%
2004 6%
2005 5%
2006 6%
2007 6%
2008 6%
2009 5%

Text version: Owner-occupied housing prices, Toronto, 1966-2011

Year Actual Deflated
1966 $21,360 122,057
1967 $24,078 133,028
1968 $26,732 142,191
1969 $28,929 146,848
1970 $29,429 144,970
1971 $30,426 145,579
1972 $32,513 148,461
1973 $40,605 172,055
1974 $52,806 201,550
1975 $57,581 198,555
1976 $61,389 197,392
1977 $64,559 192,140
1978 $67,333 183,970
1979 $70,830 177,075
1980 $75,694 172,032
1981 $90,203 182,228
1982 $95,496 173,945
1983 $101,626 174,916
1984 $102,318 168,842
1985 $109,094 173,165
1986 $138,925 211,776
1987 $189,105 276,066
1988 $229,635 322,521
1989 $273,698 365,906
1990 $255,020 325,281
1991 $234,313 282,987
1992 $214,971 255,918
1993 $206,490 241,227
1994 $208,921 243,782
1995 $203,028 231,767
1996 $198,150 222,891
1997 $211,307 233,747
1998 $216,815 237,475
1999 $228,372 245,826
2000 $243,255 254,984
2001 $251,508 257,166
2002 $275,231 275,231
2003 $293,067 285,085
2004 $315,231 301,080
2005 $335,907 313,932
2006 $351,941 322,586
2007 $376,236 337,431
2008 $379,347 332,469
2009 $395,460 345,682
2010 $431,276 370,194
2011 $465,412 388,167

Text version: Number of months for immigrants to acquire owner-occupied housing, LSIC

Time in Months % Owner
0 7%
1 16%
2 17%
3 18%
4 19%
5 20%
6 21%
7 22%
8 22%
9 23%
10 24%
11 25%
12 26%
13 27%
14 28%
15 29%
16 30%
17 31%
18 31%
19 32%
20 33%
21 34%
22 35%
23 36%
24 37%
25 37%
26 38%
27 39%
28 40%
29 41%
30 42%
31 43%
32 43%
33 44%
34 44%
35 45%
36 46%
37 47%
38 47%
39 48%
40 49%
41 49%
42 50%
43 51%
44 51%
45 52%
46 52%
47 53%
48 54%
49 54%
50 54%
51 54%

Text version: Home ownership attainment trajectories of Chinese, South Asian, Black, Filipino, and Latin American immigrants in the four years after arrival, LSIC

Time in Months Chinese South Asian Black Filipino Latin American
0 0.073063 0.108402 0.045528 0.101522 0.060538
1 0.156338 0.215427 0.092269 0.209072 0.121532
2 0.173045 0.227577 0.097916 0.217338 0.138581
3 0.189676 0.240448 0.101322 0.224794 0.149271
4 0.204715 0.253199 0.105643 0.235598 0.157625
5 0.214773 0.261739 0.110945 0.244437 0.167663
6 0.226431 0.267653 0.114537 0.25041 0.17
7 0.23722 0.273037 0.114537 0.258909 0.177887
8 0.245667 0.278368 0.11674 0.268462 0.186147
9 0.254355 0.283632 0.120599 0.276175 0.190476
10 0.266131 0.292405 0.123348 0.282221 0.197579
11 0.276393 0.304737 0.126615 0.289211 0.203463
12 0.285732 0.315767 0.131074 0.302823 0.212214
13 0.296054 0.329597 0.134361 0.317233 0.220779
14 0.304714 0.345276 0.137955 0.328316 0.225108
15 0.315508 0.35738 0.142777 0.342932 0.233058
16 0.326398 0.367659 0.149764 0.353714 0.242424
17 0.334885 0.378037 0.158072 0.361344 0.248672
18 0.34201 0.38786 0.164034 0.377662 0.255411
19 0.353457 0.399656 0.167401 0.397206 0.263125
20 0.363566 0.411615 0.170983 0.410915 0.276517
21 0.372988 0.419609 0.174009 0.415385 0.29066
22 0.3848 0.429006 0.183196 0.422359 0.295
23 0.392357 0.438958 0.197337 0.432366 0.305951
24 0.396767 0.449166 0.197337 0.443862 0.316017
25 0.402248 0.460227 0.205014 0.45488 0.322379
26 0.409399 0.472941 0.213788 0.460673 0.330798
27 0.417629 0.487197 0.221332 0.470534 0.337662
28 0.426459 0.498656 0.226872 0.483489 0.341
29 0.434018 0.511787 0.229075 0.494735 0.350267
30 0.441235 0.52457 0.234861 0.503527 0.360786
31 0.448689 0.533712 0.243558 0.519404 0.373092
32 0.454984 0.53826 0.252127 0.527473 0.38325
33 0.460211 0.544699 0.255507 0.532694 0.394385
34 0.46449 0.552205 0.255507 0.545251 0.404792
35 0.471436 0.560449 0.260176 0.557093 0.413379
36 0.479337 0.568654 0.260176 0.567392 0.42213
37 0.486656 0.578144 0.266268 0.579121 0.425
38 0.493049 0.586814 0.274419 0.58868 0.428571
39 0.497833 0.593903 0.282395 0.596662 0.43
40 0.502837 0.600561 0.28734 0.602198 0.4329
41 0.507448 0.606209 0.290749 0.612246 0.446893
42 0.511271 0.613782 0.29556 0.625411 0.460126
43 0.514658 0.621909 0.299559 0.635794 0.467532
44 0.519546 0.629371 0.299559 0.64239 0.471
45 0.525379 0.634033 0.30335 0.646154 0.476406
46 0.530735 0.640022 0.310573 0.650779 0.495067
47 0.537052 0.648633 0.314245 0.658573 0.502164
48 0.544776 0.654803 0.314245 0.663762 0.509193
49   0.659335     0.522515
50   0.662155      
51   0.662719      

Text version: Home ownership attainment trajectories of South East Asian, Arab, West Asian, White, and other visible minority immigrants in the four years after arrival, LSIC

Time in Months Korean Arab West Asian White Other Visible Minority
0 0.031774 0.03384 0.027399 0.168562 0.090746
1 0.087201 0.063596 0.052084 0.19145 0.204588
2 0.126163 0.064 0.056593 0.208413 0.235332
3 0.149154 0.065789 0.061486 0.217596 0.247475
4 0.163022 0.070839 0.067878 0.225415 0.254673
5 0.170157 0.0781 0.072041 0.232323 0.267298
6 0.189494 0.08114 0.075901 0.23994 0.280324
7 0.208583 0.084729 0.081633 0.247766 0.287879
8 0.214035 0.091224 0.084 0.254304 0.292929
9 0.225083 0.094298 0.087548 0.261621 0.300523
10 0.252824 0.097976 0.096643 0.269759 0.311295
11 0.281738 0.102115 0.108163 0.277703 0.315
12 0.317154 0.105263 0.117839 0.284221 0.326293
13 0.355952 0.108424 0.122433 0.290523 0.33
14 0.381856 0.111842 0.128683 0.299751 0.346244
15 0.395957 0.11504 0.134765 0.309971 0.35
16 0.407713 0.118421 0.137 0.319467 0.358586
17 0.42135 0.119 0.139826 0.326363 0.363636
18 0.42807 0.122979 0.145191 0.335019 0.370878
19 0.436122 0.127193 0.152053 0.343724 0.381172
20 0.445614 0.130365 0.157153 0.351139 0.391497
21 0.449123 0.134533 0.161235 0.359638 0.404263
22 0.464462 0.139028 0.164376 0.368768 0.405
23 0.489759 0.14491 0.172055 0.375995 0.415809
24 0.504948 0.154473 0.18271 0.384705 0.426557
25 0.52102 0.162604 0.187845 0.394868 0.434343
26 0.536858 0.164 0.194117 0.402934 0.44465
27 0.551628 0.165 0.202458 0.41057 0.454545
28 0.563633 0.166 0.206976 0.417538 0.462174
29 0.570969 0.167844 0.210978 0.424492 0.469697
30 0.578947 0.171053 0.214463 0.430434 0.474747
31 0.586266 0.17723 0.219554 0.438948 0.479798
32 0.592982 0.184211 0.221502 0.447491 0.484849
33 0.598451 0.186 0.226679 0.453252 0.489899
34 0.603509 0.187 0.236023 0.458276 0.497438
35 0.611072 0.188961 0.242699 0.463685 0.507951
36 0.622604 0.192982 0.249256 0.470584 0.515152
37 0.635972 0.195175 0.255591 0.477335 0.5175
38 0.651525 0.197368 0.262574 0.484145 0.520202
39 0.659649 0.202297 0.272363 0.492075 0.525253
40 0.663158 0.209053 0.27853 0.498397 0.530303
41 0.668928 0.216376 0.287415 0.505097 0.535354
42 0.67577 0.22113 0.302711 0.512811 0.545312
43 0.682043 0.227038 0.311906 0.518369 0.55799
44 0.687719 0.231322 0.318189 0.524356 0.562
45 0.695136 0.236863 0.322619 0.531564 0.567845
46 0.701754 0.246974 0.330925 0.538143 0.575758
47 0.705263 0.254386 0.335434 0.54313 0.583255
48 0.708772 0.256579   0.546991 0.593379
49 0.714178 0.259783   0.548035 0.6
50         0.60101

Text version: Home ownership attainment trajectories of Chinese, South Asian, Black, Filipino, and Latin American Immigrants in the four years after arrival, LSIC

Visible minority groups 0 1 2 3
Chinese 0.0893 0.118 0.2733 0.4161
South Asian 0.0739 0.09 0.2764 0.489
Black 0.0698 0.0791 0.2648 0.3605
Filipino 0.0666 0.0747 0.1836 0.3888
Latin American 0.069 0.1035 0.2887 0.5184

Text version: Home ownership attainment trajectories of Korean, Arab, West Asian, White, and other visible minority immigrants in the four years after arrival, LSIC

Visible minority groups 0 1 2 3
Korean 0.0422 0.137 0.3428 0.5626
Arab 0.0897 0.1374 0.1966 0.3493
West Asian 0.0986 0.1392 0.3172 0.5719
White 0.1215 0.2152 0.3766 0.5538
Other Visible Minority 0.1197 0.151 0.3332 0.4742

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