CIMM – Q-1072 – IRCC Response – February 8, 2023
Inquiry Of Ministry
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Question NO. : Q-1072
By: Mr. Genuis (Calgary Sherwood Park-Fort Saskatchewan)
Date: December 5, 2022
Reply by the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Print name of Signatory: Marie-France Lalonde, M.P.
Signature, Minister or Parliamentary Secretary
With regard to a list submitted to the government in September 2021, containing 650 names of Afghan Ahmadi Muslims on the Taliban’s hit list: (a) has the government allowed any of these people on the list to come to Canada under special immigration measures implemented for Afghanistan, and, if so, how many; (b) does the government intend to allow all or some of these people to come to Canada under special immigration measures implemented for Afghanistan; and (c) are any of the 650 names also on the list of 40,000 Afghans that the government has committed to resettling in Canada, and, if so, how many?
Insofar as Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is concerned:
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