CIMM – Key Numbers: Afghanistan – February 8, 2023

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Breakdown of Applications and Arrivals for Each Pathway and Sub Categories + Commitments (as of February 1, 2023)

Public Policy Referrals Commitment
Applications Received (Person) Applications Approved (Person) Landing Inventory or TRP approved (Person) Arrived in Canada (Person) Published on the website as of
Feb 3, 2023
Special Immigration Measures (SIM) GAC (includes LES) - 6,249 4,377 588 3,789 -
DND - 10,874 7,136 1,410 5,726 -
Other - 32 0 0 0 -
Total 18,000 17, 155 11,513 1,998 9,515 9,515
EFPP Total 5,000 5,702 1,427 351 1,076 1,075
Humanitarian GAR Program (~12 K) US ReferralsFootnote * 6,000 6,142 5,342 174 5,168 -
NATO 450 493 466 0 466 -
FLD/PD 900 664 466 63 403 -
UNHCR 1,000 1,005 1,000 0 1,000 -
Other 3,048 1,963 851 109 742 -
Total 11,398 10,267 8,125 346 7,779 -
Humanitarian PSR Program (13 K)Footnote ** Afghan General Inventory 7,000 7,003 7,003 1 7,002 -
AF1 New PSR Commitment 3,000 2,107 897 262 635 -
G5 and CS RSD waiver 3000 2,966 0 0 0 -
Total PSR 13,000 12,076 7,900 263 7,637 -
Total Humanitarian GAR/PSR  - - - - - 15,416Footnote *** 15,415Footnote ***
Total additional Afghan arrivals from regular processing (GAR, PSR) N/A N/A 10,291 2,960 1,099 1861 1860
Grand Total - - - - - 27,868Footnote *** 27,870Footnote ***

Number of Staff Deployed to ISBAD Total:

Pending visas were issued for incoming IRCC postings and all confirmed officers are now at post. While several visas are still pending for TD officers, two

TD officers are expected to arrive in Pakistan in the coming weeks.

Settlement Data:

Settlement Overall

The Department works with a network of over 550 settlement service provider organizations in about 37 communities across Canada.

There are 43 RAP service provider organizations in 44 communities across Canada and at three ports of entry.

In 2021-22, 428,600 of all IRCC clients (not just Afghans) accessed at least one settlement service, a 13% increase compared to 2020-21.

Afghan-Specific Settlement Figures (as of February 1, 2023)

1,811 Afghan GARs in Temporary Accommodation.

Of these, approximately 285 were in mass hotels and 1,526 in other temporary accommodation.

Overall Destining by Province (as of February 1, 2023)

Province Number Resettled Percentage of Arrivals
Ontario 14,319 51.4%
Alberta 5,615 20.1%
BC 3,231 11.6%
Newfoundland 763 2.7%
Saskatchewan 1,187 4.3%
Manitoba 617 2.2%
Nova Scotia 398 1.4%
New Brunswick 472 1.7%
Quebec 1,166 4.2%
PEI 30 0.1%
TBD 70 0.3%

Processing and Landing Inventories or TRP Approved (in Persons) in Afghanistan Under All Resettlement Streams

Cohort Processing inventory Landing inventory or TRP approved Total processing and landing inventory
SIMS 3,363 921 4,284
GAR 1394 14 1,408
EFPP 2,763 0 2,763
PSR 145 1 146
Total 7,665



Processing and Landing Inventories or TRP Approved (in Persons) in Pakistan Under All Resettlement Streams

Cohort Processing inventory Landing inventory or TRP approved Total processing and landing inventory
SIMS 1,743 764 2,507
GAR 1,199 215 1,414
EFPP 819 348 1,167
PSR 3,273 267 3,540
Total 7,034



Numbers Resettled Via Pakistan Under All Resettlement Streams

Cohort Arrived in Canada from Pakistan
SIMS 6,047
GAR 1,630
EFPP 1,066
PSR 1,063
Total 9,806

*All data from OPP reports dated as of February 2, 2023. Data is operational and subject to change.

Charters Since October 2021

Departure country #PAX #charters
Pakistan 6,933 22 (+2 cancelled)
Tajikistan 4,714 16 (4 in 2021; 12 in 2022)
Other 1,336 5
Total 12,983 43

Access to Study Permits for Afghan Nationals

Number of Afghans on Study Permits (January to November 2022) Approval Rate for Study Permits from Afghan Applicants (July 2021 to December 2022) Primary Ground for Study Permit Refusal for Afghan Applicants (July 2021 to December 2022) Approval Rate for Other Countries in the Region (July 2021 to December 2022)
170 22.9% The inability to satisfy that the applicants will leave Canada is a reason for refusal present in approximately 93% of refusal letters sent to applicants.

Pakistan: 38.8%;



Iran: 48.7%

International Comparison of Afghan Resettlement Initiative by Commitment Level

Canada United States European Union United Kingdom Australia New Zealand
At least 40,000 by end of 2023 No resettlement commitment was publicly announced, however funding was provided to support resettlement of up to 95,000 40,000 spaces pledged in Dec 2021, further 13,000 spaces pledged in November 2022 totalling 53,000.
*See Germany below.
At least 20,000 in the next few years, including 5000 in the first year 31,500 over next four years No specific commitment announced

For more info: Questions and answers on the Federal Admission Programme for Afghanistan - Federal Foreign Office (

International Comparison on Number of Afghans Resettled

Canada United States European Union United Kingdom Australia New Zealand
27,870 (as of February 1, 2023) 74,000 (as of December 2021) likely risen to 88,000 29,000 (as of June 2022) 17,904 (as of November 2022) 6,000 1,700 (as of July 29, 2022)

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