CIMM – IRCC Workforce Demographics – February 8, 2023

Includes all employment types occupying a substantive position. Data pulled October 21, 2022. Percentages do not necessarily add to 100% due to rounding

Workforce Evolution

As of March 27, 2020 9,207
As of March 26, 2021 9,701
As of March 25, 2022 11,276
As of January 06, 2023 12,619

Growth in the past 3 years: 41%

Workforce by Employment Type

Employment Type Workforce Percentage
Indeterminate 8,411 67%
Term 2,901 23%
Casual 974 8%
Students 272 2%
Other 61 0%

Ukraine - As at December 21, 2022, 80.6 new incremental Full Time Equivalents have been hired for the Special Measures.

Official Languages

First Official Language

Employment Equity

Active substantive Indeterminate & term > 3 months employees

EE Group All Career Levels Executive Level
Representation Baseline Gap Representation Baseline Gap
Racialized Men 986 (10%) 8% 139 9 (4%) 11% -15
Racialized Women 1,680 (16%) 15% 117 21 (10%) 17% -15
Black Men 415 (4%) 2% 243 <5 2% -2
Black Women 718 (7%) 3% 399 5 (2%) 3% -2
Indigenous Men 150 (1%) 1% 8 <5 1% 0
Indigenous Women 209 (2%) 3% -78 <5 2% -2
Men with a Disability 289 (3%) 3% -62 8 (4%) 4% 0
Women with a Disability 465 (4%) 6% -167 6 (3%) 6% -5

To ensure data confidentiality, data with less than 5 employees (<5) is suppressed

Years of Service

Indeterminate employees

Operations Sector and Settlement and Integration Sector employees have been at IRCC the longest, with an average of 10 years.

Departures (leaving IRCC)

Indeterminate employees
  Resignation Other Retirement Movement Total Departure rate
2019-2020 34 105 127 241 507 8%
2020-2021 20 117 112 177 426 6%
2021-2022 51 152 115 193 511 7%
2022-2023Footnote * 51 172 110 132 465 7%

The primary reason for the departures of indeterminate employees is “movement” to another department.

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