Advancing foreign credential recognition
The International Qualifications Network is a professional community for subject-matter experts. Its goal is to build on foreign credential recognition practices and successes across Canada and abroad.
Advancing foreign credential recognition
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Transcript: “Advancing foreign credential recognition”
Video length: 4:41 minutes
Background music.
A series of images appear: a family is walking in a park; three people are working in a laboratory and wearing safety goggles; a building is under construction; construction workers are on the roof of a building; and a teacher is teaching in a class.
NARRATOR: Newcomers to Canada face a number of challenges when it comes to finding employment. One of the most — if not the most — significant challenge is being able to use the education, skills and experience they have gained overseas in Canada.
A Canadian flag flies in the wind in a blue sky and the title “International Qualifications Network” appears in white. The subtitle “Advancing Foreign Credential Recognition” appears.
Two men are in an office talking about a file. An Asian man is putting on a mask. A close-up shows a dental assistant, and then a wider shot shows a dentist treating a patient.
A teacher speaks to a class filled with students; the screen zooms in to a close-up of the teacher.
NARRATOR: The federal government is focused on jobs, economic growth and immigration as an important part of Canada’s economic future. Canada needs internationally trained individuals to help fill skills shortages in our labour market, and make important contributions to our long-term economic prosperity.
A woman is in front of a computer. Some people walk in front of a multicultural centre in the Yukon. A group of new immigrants talk in a room in the multicultural centre.
NARRATOR: The Government of Canada is committed to improving the process of foreign credential recognition to make it faster, fairer and more consistent across Canada. This will ensure that new immigrants are contributing to their full economic potential upon arrival in Canada.
A woman from the International Qualifications Network (IQN) speaks to an audience. A group of professionals talk at the IQN Awards Ceremony. The image shows an aerial view of a city lit up.
NARRATOR: The International Qualifications Network (referred to as the IQN), overseen by the Government of Canada, is a network of professionals in the field of foreign credential recognition. The goal of the IQN is for members to work together to build on foreign credential recognition practices and successes across Canada.
Interview sequence with Corinne Prince-St-Amand, DG, Integration-FCRO, Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Corinne Prince-St-Amand : “The International Qualifications Network is a professional community of practice for subject matter experts across all jurisdictions and both domestically and internationally. It is really a platform to allow for the sharing of best practices on the issue of foreign credential recognition.”
The Canadian flag flies in the wind in a blue sky. The words “IQN members” and then “employers, professional associations, regulatory agencies, governments, post-secondary educational institutions and immigrant-serving agencies” appear on the screen.
NARRATOR: The IQN’s members include employers, professional associations, regulatory bodies, governments, post-secondary educational institutions and immigrant-serving organizations.
The screen returns to the IQN members talking at the awards ceremony.
NARRATOR: People who are committed to removing barriers to employment faced by newcomers.
Interview sequence with Beth Clarke, Jewish Vocational Service
“I want to see it—where we don’t have immigrants coming into our centre saying, ‘If I would have known this...or I would have done things differently.’ I would love to see a Canada, where they know what they are getting into. Where they’re able to hit the ground running—and really that Canada is using the talent.”
Men in laboratory coats are in front of a computer in a laboratory. A man provides training to a group of new immigrants. An Asian man works in a scientific laboratory.
NARRATOR: Together, they help support the integration of internationally trained immigrants into the Canadian labour market. In short, they help newcomers to work in Canada.
Interview sequence with Sophia Lowe, World Education Services
“Immigrants face a number of barriers coming to Canada. One of the barriers, which is emphasized most frequently across the board is recognition of foreign credentials. And so, our organization essentially assesses international credentials / academic credentials and we provide an equivalency. And we work with regulatory bodies, academic institutions, employers and other stakeholders—to try and push recognition.”
The screen returns to the IQN members talking at the awards ceremony; different shots of people talking.
NARRATOR: Through the IQN, members have opportunities to share information and best practices on foreign credential recognition in Canada, ensuring that skilled immigrants participate fully in Canada’s job market. They are key parts of Canada’s economic growth strategy.
The IQN website home page appears on the screen; a page from the IQN website appears that talks about the winners of the 2013 IQN Awards.
NARRATOR: The IQN website is the main tool that members use to share information.
The IQN members talk at the awards ceremony; different shots of people talking and shaking hands.
NARRATOR: For example, IQN members can share research reports, develop partnerships with other organizations and learn about innovative projects taking place across Canada.
A woman in front of a computer consults the IQN website.
NARRATOR: Using the IQN’s public events calendar, members can promote events related to foreign credential recognition, such as Webinars and conferences.
The screen returns to the IQN members talking at the awards ceremony; different shots of people talking; the winners receive their awards; people applaud.
NARRATOR: The IQN also provides opportunities for experts to meet and exchange ideas in person.
We also recognize the success of our members in order to highlight best practices in the field of foreign credential recognition
In the background, a Canadian flag flies in the wind; on top of it, there is a montage of five photographs of IQN members and the title “2013 IQN Awards Ceremony.”
NARRATOR: For example, in March 2013, we presented the first annual IQN awards to five groups undertaking innovative projects in the field.
Interview sequence with Fred Morley, Greater Halifax Partnership
“What we see in the future is a better version of what we have today: more immigrants, more things happening, more jobs being created by immigrants, more businesses being created by immigrants... Yeah, we like the future we have out there.”
The Canadian flag flies in the wind in a blue sky; the titles “International Qualifications Network” and “Fostering foreign credential recognition” appear on the screen.
NARRATOR: The IQN is open to individuals and organizations working in the area of foreign credential recognition.
Become a member today!
A man enters a building; he is greeted at the reception counter. The image continues to an aerial view of the city of Gatineau.
NARRATOR: By working together, we can help immigrants put their skills to work and integrate into Canada’s labour force more quickly.
A family walks on a forest trail.
NARRATOR: Visit to learn more.
The Canadian flag flies in the wind in a blue sky. “Consult our website:” appears on the screen.
Fade to black.
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