Destination Canada (Video)

Learn about the Destination Canada job fair and how Canadian employers can recruit qualified Francophone candidates from France, Belgium and Tunisia.

Destination Canada

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Transcript: “Destination Canada”

Video length: 4:45 minutes

Soft music is playing in the background.

Image of a spinning 3D globe; image changes to that of a field with bales of hay drying outside; the title “Destination Canada” appears.

View of downtown Toronto from Lake Ontario; the words “Hospitality, Translation, Health Care, Education and Engineering” appear over the image. Images representing these words appear in the background.

Image of a group of people waiting at the doors of a building. A man and a woman are answering questions on camera.

Images of people at the Destination Canada job fair follow.

Voice over: For people in France, Belgium and Tunisia, Destination Canada is the place to be to find out about working and living in Canada.

Destination Canada is a job fair designed to connect French-speaking candidates interested in coming to Canada with Canadian employers looking to recruit qualified workers.

Chris Thomas on camera:
Legend on screen: Labour strategies management/Tim Horton’s

Paris offers a lot of people and a lot of different opportunities with a lot of different skills and a lot of different backgrounds, so it’s a great thing for any employer in Canada who wants to come over and open up that opportunity for themselves and for their customers.

Images from inside the fair: kiosks where employers are promoting their company, people attending conferences, people moving from kiosk to kiosk.

Voice over: The Destination Canada job fair takes place in Paris, Brussels and Tunis annually, in November. There is no fee for Canadian employers to participate, and they don’t have to be Francophones to attend.

The event gives employers a unique opportunity to recruit employees from a pool of qualified Francophone or bilingual candidates with a broad range of skills in a wide variety of fields. Candidates are prescreened based on the qualifications required by employers, including language skills.

Tammy Godfrey-Sauveur on camera:
Legend on screen: Senior Human Resources Manager, SPIELO International (Software Development)

We’ve been successful over our last two encounters. We have hired eight people just from this particular event.

Still inside the fair, image of participants attending conferences, people receiving information from employer kiosks.

Voice over: Destination Canada has been gaining in popularity in recent years, with attendance in Paris and Brussels reaching a record high in 2011.

Christine Davies on camera:
Legend on screen: Human resources/Calgary Board of Education

We wanted to participate because we have a need for French immersion teachers in the Calgary Board of Education. So we recruit right across Canada, but we also found success coming here to France as well. This is our second year here.

Image of people standing in line, looking at pamphlets, and others in conversation.

Voice over: Destination Canada is organized by the Canadian embassies in France and Tunisia, with support from Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

Staff from the visa offices in Paris and Tunis are on hand to assist employers and participants as well as to guide them through the visa and work permit application process.

Robert Brouillette on camera:
Legend on screen: General Manager/City Welding Limited.

It’s been a very big part of our business for the last four or five years and I have been a big promoter in the Sudbury area to have employers take part not only in Destination Canada—primarily because of the assistance offer and the fact that it is very well organized—[but] also because they help with the paper work to be able to get them into Canada with their work permits.

Image of a man in a factory explaining his job to people who are watching closely, and an image of a welder. Returning to the fair, image of speakers at a large table giving a presentation, as well as employers giving information to participants.

Voice over: In addition, public employment services in France, Belgium and Tunisia specializing in international recruitment are available to help ensure that the right candidates are identified to meet employers’ needs. Their services are available to Canadian employers throughout the year, free of charge.

Representatives from the provinces and territories and Francophone communities across Canada are also in attendance to provide candidates with an overview of the settlement and integration services available to them once they arrive in Canada.

Aireen Luney on camera:
Legend on screen: Manager, Program Development and Promotion/Province of British Columbia

Working together, provincial and federal government representatives. We work closely with our regional economic development representative, industries associations and sector councils and we also work especially with employers. Without them, this would not be the success that it is for our province.

In the crowd, image of people receiving information and others waiting in line.

Voice over: Traditionally, Francophone minority communities have not fully benefited from immigration.

Destination Canada promotes these communities as desirable places to live and work. Through this event, the arrival of French-speaking newcomers helps support the development and vitality of these communities.

Past participants of Destination Canada have been successfully recruited by companies from all regions of Canada and in a wide variety of fields.

Image of a woman laughing; she is in a classroom with several young children.

Peggy Bonduau on camera:
Legend on screen: French teacher in Vancouver.

At the fair, I have met the immigration agent who helped me do the work permit and the immigration papers in about 6 to 8 weeks.

Returning to the fair, image of employers explaining their program, people talking and a packed room.

Voice over: To attract more French-speaking people to communities outside Quebec, Destination Canada is open to any Canadian employer interested in attending. Employers are encouraged to sign up early as space is limited.

The background with the 3D globe appears again. The image shows the faces of several men and women around the globe. The website “” now appears in the background.

Voice over: To find out more, please visit the Destination Canada website at

Screen text: “Canada” wordmark.


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