Additional Family Information (IMM 5406)
There are 2 versions of this form:
- a digital version in the Permanent Residence Portal
- a PDF version for paper applications
Check the instructions for your program to find out which version to use.
How to fill out the form (online applications)
Read these instructions if you need help filling out any sections of this form in the Permanent Residence Portal.
If you cannot apply online and require accommodations, including for a disability, you may request an alternative format of this form and the application package. For more information, consult the instruction guide for your program.
Additional Family Information (IMM 5406)
Section A
Write the personal details for:
- Yourself:
- If when selecting your marital status, you indicate that you are married, select the option
corresponds to your situation:
- Check “Yes”, if you were physically present at the marriage ceremony
- Check “No”, if you were not physically present at the marriage ceremony
- If when selecting your marital status, you indicate that you are married, select the option
corresponds to your situation:
- Your spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner (if this applies)
- If you are married, select the option that corresponds to your situation:
- Check “Yes”, if your spouse was physically present at the marriage ceremony;
- Check “No”, if your spouse was not physically present at the marriage ceremony.
- If you are married, select the option that corresponds to your situation:
- Your parent 1 (mother or father), and
- Your parent 2 (mother or father).
Section B
- married children,
- adopted children,
- children of your spouse(step-children) or common-law partner,
- any of your children who have been adopted by others,
- any of your children who are in the custody of an ex-spouse, former common-law partner or other guardian.
You must answer all questions. If any sections don’t apply to you, enter “Not Applicable”.
Section C
Write personal details about your:
- brother(s),
- sister(s),
- half-brother(s) and half-sister(s),
- step-brother(s) and step-sister(s).
Read all of the statements in all sections carefully.
By clicking the “Complete and return to application” button, you certify that
- you fully understand the questions asked and
- the information you provided is complete, truthful, and correct
How to download and fill out the form (paper applications)
Download the form
Additional Family Information [IMM 5406] (PDF, 2.2 MB)
Complete the form
Additional Family Information (IMM 5406)
This form must be completed by:
- You, as the principal applicant,
- Your spouse or common-law partner (whether accompanying you to Canada or not), and
- Your dependent children aged 18 or over (whether accompanying you to Canada or not).
Section A
Write the personal details for:
- Yourself:
- If when selecting your marital status, you indicate that you are married, select
the option that
corresponds to your situation:
- Check “Yes”, if you were physically present at the marriage ceremony
- Check “No”, if you were not physically present at the marriage ceremony
- If when selecting your marital status, you indicate that you are married, select
the option that
corresponds to your situation:
- Your spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner (if this applies)
- If you are married, select the option that corresponds to your situation:
- Check “Yes”, if your spouse was physically present at the marriage ceremony;
- Check “No”, if your spouse was not physically present at the marriage ceremony.
- If you are married, select the option that corresponds to your situation:
- Your parent 1 (mother or father), and
- Your parent 2 (mother or father).
Section B
Write the personal details for your children. It is very important that you list all of your children (even if they are already permanent residents or citizens of Canada). This includes:
- married children,
- adopted children,
- children of your spouse(step-children) or common-law partner,
- any of your children who have been adopted by others,
- any of your children who are in the custody of an ex-spouse, former common-law partner or other guardian.
You must answer all questions. If any sections do not apply to you, answer “N/A”.
Section C
Write personal details about your:
- brother(s),
- sister(s),
- half-brother(s) and half-sister(s), and
- step-brother(s) and step-sister(s).
Section D
After carefully reading the statements contained in this section, sign and date the declaration.
Page details
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