Transitions in Care Phase 2


CIHR’s Transitions in Care (TiC) initiative aims to improve the health and wellness of people living in Canada by supporting research that transforms the health system to improve outcomes for individuals experiencing various transitions in care. This initiative represents a research investment of nearly $38 million over the past six years.

As part of the TiC Team Grants Phase 2 funding opportunity, the Government of Canada, through CIHR, in partnership with the Azrieli Foundation, Mitacs, and the Rossy Foundation, is providing $12M to 14 inter-disciplinary research teams evaluating solutions to improve health care transitions.

The funded teams will investigate care transitions in various areas of our health system, such as mental health care, the pediatric transition to adult care, the care of people with complex medical conditions, the long-term care system, and palliative care.

Funded teams

[The information is provided in the language in which it was submitted by the recipient]

Nominated Principal Investigator Project name
Dr. Anne Duffy
Queen’s University
U-Flourish university student well-being research: Developing and evaluating mental health support pathways and transitions for the diverse university student population
Dr. Sharon Whiting
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute
Evaluating the effectiveness and impact of a long-term transition clinic on recently-transitioned adolescents with epilepsy
Dr. Neesh Pannu
University of Alberta
UPTAKE: Using Personalized risk and digital tools to guide Transitions following Acute Kidney Events – A pragmatic randomized controlled trial in Connect Care
Dr. Laura Brunton
University of Western Ontario
Evaluating a Model of Transitional and Lifelong Care for Adults with Childhood-Onset Disabilities
Dr. Sarina Isenberg
Bruyère Research Institute
Advancing the Care Experience in PAlliative care patient Transitions from hospital to Home (ACE-PATH): Co-designing an intervention to address the needs of patients and family caregivers and testing the intervention's acceptability and feasibility using an implementation study
Dr. Eyal Cohen
Hospital for Sick Children
Promoting Intensive Transitions for Children and Youth with Medical Complexity from Pediatric to Adult Care -- The PITCare Study
Dr. Mylène Aubertin
CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l'Île-de-Montréal
Optimiser la transition des soins entre les différents milieux avec l'apport de la technologie pour favoriser la santé et l'autonomie des personnes âgées fragilisées vivant ou non en régions éloignées
Dr. Daniel Kobewka
Bruyère Research Institute
Supporting long term care residents through transitions to acute care hospital and end-of-life care with personalized prognoses and electronic decision support tools
Dr. Alene Toulany
Hospital for Sick Children
Quality Indicators for Transition from Paediatric to Adult Care for Youth with Chronic Physical, Developmental, and Mental Health Conditions: A National Consensus-Building Multi-stakeholder Initiative
Dr. Anne-Sophie Brazeau
McGill University
SUPPORT-T, an online training and peer support platform to accompany youth living with type 1 diabetes transitioning to adult healthcare
Dr. Patricia Li
Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
Co-design and evaluation of a patient navigator intervention for migrant Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs experiencing care transitions
Dr. Maria Mathews
University of Western Ontario
The Primary Care Diabetes Support Program: Addressing Transitions in Care for Medically Complex, Unattached, and Socially Complex Patients with Diabetes
Dr. Kristin Cleverley
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Navigation to enhance post-secondary students' acute mental health care transitions
Dr. Gina Dimitropoulos
University of Calgary
TransitionED:  Co-Designing and Implementing Canadian Practice Guidelines for Transitions for Youth with Eating Disorders

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