Safe Restart funding top-ups for Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut


When the Safe Restart Agreement was finalized in July, First Ministers recognized that smaller jurisdictions face distinct challenges and circumstances. The Government of Canada committed to providing additional support to the territories.

Under this agreement, the Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut will receive supplemental top-up funds of over $37 million for health care services and to support remote populations. These services and supports can include isolation centres, infection prevention and control training for staff, support to community shelters, as well as covering increased operational costs.

This funding is allocated based on the approach taken under the Gas Tax Formula and increases each of the territories’ population share to 0.75 per cent. 

In addition to this, the territories will receive up to $41.41 million in support for air carriers to ensure reliable air service to remote communities. This is on top of the $17.3 million investment for northern air carriers announced on April 14 and reflects part of the $75 million in funding to support essential air access to remote communities, announced on August 6.

The top-up payments were provided at the same time as the first Safe Restart Agreement payment on September 30, 2020. 

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