Our Mandate, Governance and Charter

MAB Mandate

The MAB provides advice to the RCMP Commissioner on the administration and management of the RCMP, including:

MAB members bring diverse perspectives and guidance to help the RCMP address many of the measures it has implemented as part of Vision150. MAB members must consider the impacts of their actions and recommendations on diverse groups of people who may experience intersecting identity factors. These may include but are not limited to gender, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexual orientation, age, and disability.

MAB members have appropriate security clearances. The Commissioner must provide the MAB with timely access to any information it needs. The MAB cannot have information that might compromise or hinder investigations or prosecutions, Cabinet confidences or personal information. 

MAB Governance

MAB members meet as a Board at least four times a year. The MAB Chairperson decides on the timing and location of these meetings. 

The MAB has established Standing Committees. They provide MAB members with an understanding of RCMP human resources, finance and administration, as well as of reform, accountability, and culture. Standing Committees may engage with RCMP Senior Executives at their discretion. 

The MAB also establishes time-limited taskforces to research and advise on a specific RCMP program, initiative or topic. The taskforces write reports on their findings and recommendations to the RCMP Commissioner.  

MAB Charter

The MAB Charter explains how MAB operates, as referenced here. It describes MAB’s structure, responsibilities, operational procedures, and accountability measures, amongst other areas.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Roles and Responsibilities related to the MAB identifies governance principles and commitments, decision-making process, roles of the MAB membership, standing committees and taskforces, and the responsibilities of the Public Safety Minister and Deputy Minister, as well as of the RCMP Commissioner, as referenced here.

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