Management Advisory Board for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
The MAB for the RCMP provides advice and guidance to the RCMP Commissioner on key modernization and management matters.
The MAB is an independent group of up to 13 external experts. It provides impartial advice based on its expertise, experience, and best judgement. The MAB establishes its own priorities, procedures and work plans.
The Government of Canada established the MAB in June 2019 under the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act.
Welcome from our Chair, Professor Angela Campbell
Welcome to our website; we are so pleased to welcome you! This website went live in June 2023 to affirm the MAB’s commitment to increased transparency and accountability to Canadians.
I had the pleasure of serving as a MAB member and consultant since the Board’s establishment in June 2019, and was appointed Chair in December of 2023. I am very proud of the work current and former MAB members have accomplished over the last few years. The Board has provided significant advice to the RCMP Commissioner and senior officials and played an important role advising the RCMP in its efforts toward a modern organization that is representative of and responsive to the communities they serve. Some of our work on multiple subjects and in various formats can be found on our Advice and Recommendations page. I encourage you to take a look.
The MAB acknowledges with appreciation the ongoing collaboration and support of the RCMP throughout the course of our mandate, and we look forward to continuing to engage and advance its modernization efforts.
I hope that this website will help you have a better understanding of the role and work done by the MAB.
Professor Angela Campbell
Chairperson, Management Advisory Board for the RCMP
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