2022 Annual Report | Charting Oversight in a New Era

News release

Ottawa (May 8, 2023) ––The Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada’s (MPCC) Annual Report was tabled in Parliament today by the Honourable Anita Anand, Minister of National Defence. The report covers the period from January 1 to December 31, 2022.

The MPCC is an independent, civilian oversight agency that reviews and investigates complaints concerning military police conduct and investigates allegations of interference in military police investigations. This Annual Report highlights its work, including summaries of selected conduct and interference cases completed in 2022. It also provides information on the MPCC’s management of its financial resources and ongoing commitment to the well-being of its employees. 

In addition to actively working on its core mandate, the MPCC will, in 2023, work on advancing the timely implementation of key reforms proposed by former Supreme Court of Canada Justice Morris J. Fish as the Independent Review Authority. These reforms, which were accepted in principle by the Government, will strengthen the MPCC’s access to information it needs to fully respond to complaints. Oversight of law enforcement is critical to police legitimacy and effectiveness. However, that legitimacy and effectiveness is eroded when the police oversight body cannot easily access the information needed to perform its review and oversight roles.

The MPCC welcomed Me Tammy Tremblay as Chairperson early in 2023 replacing interim Chairperson, Ms. Bonita Thornton. Ms. Thornton will continue to serve as a Commission Member. 


“Since the nature and content of complaints dealt with by the MPCC evolve with the military policing environment, recent reforms implemented to military policing will undoubtedly affect the work of the MPCC. Hence the need to navigate military policing oversight in a new era.”


Bonita Thornton, B.A., LL.B., CD
Interim Chairperson
Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada

Quick facts

    • The MPCC reviewed a total of 236 complaints and made 32 recommendations in its reports, decisions and rulings. Ninety-seven percent (97%) of the recommendations were accepted by the Canadian Forces Provost Marshal (conduct complaints) and the Chief of Defence Staff (interference complaints).
    • The MPCC released its final report into a complaint concerning the actions of the Military Police Detachment in Kingston, making 15 recommendations in a case involving criminal harassment between two Officer Cadets at the Royal Military College of Canada. This was the first Public Interest Investigation to be launched concerning a complaint initiated by the MPCC itself.
    • The MPCC continued to offer its outreach program, delivering seven sessions to military police audiences, five to Command team members and five to Military Family Resource Centres audiences. A total of 291 participants attended virtual outreach sessions throughout the year.


Jami Therrien
Acting Registrar
Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada
613-240-8545; 1-800-632-0566

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