The Great Celebration of Nature, the Plains of Abraham Rendezvous with Horticulture

News Release

April 24, 2017 – Québec – The National Battlefields Commission                      

Each year, the Great Celebration of Nature brings the magic of spring to the Plains of Abraham. The National Battlefields Commission invites nature lovers to the 22nd edition of this highly popular rendezvous with horticulture. On Sunday, May 7, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., the green team will throw open the greenhouses’ doors to warmly welcome visitors and offer advice on plants and trees. Some 30 exhibitors specializing in various environmental fields will also be onsite. Distribution of plants, entertainment, alpacas, adventure trail, organic maple product sampling, face painting and much more!

Quick Facts

  • The park’s greenhouses ― among the oldest still active in Quebec ― grow approximately 35,000 annual, biennial and perennial plants used to beautify the Plains of Abraham and the Des Braves Park. Exceptionally, during this open house day, visitors will be able to see how tradition and state-of-the-art horticulture techniques go hand in hand. Staff of the National Battlefields Commission will be pleased to share their knowledge, answer questions and offer practical advice on plant and tree care.

  • Outside the greenhouses, several experts will share their knowledge on a variety of nature-related topics such as mycology, bees, the forest, and birds and eco-nutrition, but to name a few. Those with a sweet tooth will be pleased to sample a number of organic maple products and learn more about how they are produced. Highly sociable and appealing alpacas will also be on hand to add some magic to the festivities. 

  • Young and old will have great fun enjoying the different activities planned during the day: adventure trail, face-painting and the memorable presence of Yvan Lafleur, the goofy master landscape designer who will enchant little ones and invite them to plant a tree with him at 2 p.m. ― a concrete gesture for our planet.

  • Abraham Martin, the colonist peasant after whom the park is named, will amuse children with a game of search and find. Witnesses of the siege of Québec in 1759 ― British and French soldiers, and a peasant ― will each explain how they lived through the events of their era.

  • Very popular with visitors! Some 1000 plants grown in the park’s greenhouses will be offered free of charge to the first visitors (quantities are limited).

  • The Association forestière des deux rives will distribute more than 1000 plants of various species. Enough to reforest an entire neighbourhood! 

  • The National Battlefields Commission invites visitors to learn more about its commemoration program, its sustainable development initiatives, and the park's forest inventory. Staff will be on hand to answer questions.

  • To make sure everyone has their fill, meals and healthy snacks will be available onsite ($), a hint of the food services to be offered at the park this summer. 

  • At the Plains of Abraham greenhouses (corner of Briand and De Bernières, East of the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec), from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

  • Information: 418-649-6157 | (Activities/Great Celebration of Nature tab)

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Nathalie Allaire
Outreach and Media Officer
Communications Division
418 648-4801,

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