Mandate and Values



Created in 1939, the NFB is a federal agency under the Department of Canadian Heritage. Its mandate is to create, produce, and distribute distinctive and original audiovisual works that reflect the diverse realities and perspectives of Canadians, and to share these works with the people of Canada and the rest of the world.


Through its conservation, restoration, and digitization work, the NFB is ensuring that its rich collection, which represents Canada’s collective audiovisual heritage, remains accessible. 



In the course of putting together its 2020–2023 Strategic Plan, the NFB held an exercise in formulating the organization’s values. The goal was to capture our daily reality and inspire us to grow. In this spirit, the NFB hopes that these values will not simply invoke principles, but rather that they will be embodied by our day-to-day activities and guiding decisions, and drive the evolution of an organization for whom creativity is a central and transformative force.


Respect (for colleagues, creators, artists, audiences, and ourselves)

Respect is the recognition of people’s dignity and their value. Respect is not static; it involves movement from one’s self to others. Respect is a commitment everyone in the NFB family makes to continuously improve interpersonal relationships.



Diversity brings together memories of the past and visions for the future, and expands horizons. Since its earliest days, the NFB has embodied equity, diversity and inclusion. Through our productions as well as within our organization, we want to ensure equity for Indigenous people and underrepresented linguistic, racialized and cultural communities, and people of all sexual identities and gender expressions, as well as those with disabilities—reflecting the full richness of humanity.



The NFB is a public service. This is not just a question of its status; it is, above all, a responsibility. It is in the NFB’s DNA to give to the community, to share experiences and learning. The generosity that puts us in a position to give back also allows us to embrace others and to welcome differences.



Integrity is characterized by consistency in action, speech, and thought. It is the mark of people and teams who are unwavering in embracing their truth while recognizing their role and their distinctive identities. It leads to confidence, transparency and justice. Integrity underpins all ethical action.


Courage and Empowerment

Art is courageous, because it defies norms and questions customs. As a producer and distributor of film and audiovisual art, the NFB shares in the courage of creators. It dares to take risks in its approaches as well as its productions. Being courageous means being bold enough to take action that challenges, persuades, and moves. Courage allows individuals, organizations, and communities to grow. Courage is also about making choices and embracing their consequences.


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