Christian Robin

Member (Winnipeg, Manitoba)

Christian Robin

Photo by Bill Acheson

Born and raised in Saint-Boniface near the confluence of the Red and Assiniboine rivers, Christian Robin is a proud franco-Manitoban Métis with an eclectic academic and professional background in business, marketing, law, and tourism and leisure. An intrapreneur working as the Director of Marketing and Web Presence for the innovative RRC Polytech, Christian leads a team of professionals in marketing one of Manitoba’s most valued brands to multiple audiences throughout the province and around the globe. In his spare time, Christian chooses to contribute to the community by serving on numerous boards and committees for causes ranging from education, innovation, entrepreneurship and conservation, to leisure, community development, and culture and heritage. 

Christian is known for his bold ideas, strategic thinking, and sense of humour and charisma. His initiatives and leadership have resulted in numerous awards and distinctions, including Winnipeg’s famed entry into the Guinness Book of World Records for the world’s longest frozen river trail (much to the chagrin of the City of Ottawa). 


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