Town of View Royal - Private dock development guidelines for federally-controlled portion of Esquimalt Harbour
1.0 Glossary
Float: The portion of a dock that sits on the water, forming a platform for moorage and associated uses.
Ramp: A walkway used to access the float from the shore.
Uplands: Titled, private property above the high water mark.
Foreshore: The intertidal zone.
Deep Water: Waters below the low tide mark (below the foreshore).
2.0 Guidelines
Private docks and associated structures should:
- consist of only one dock per property. Sharing a dock with adjoining waterfront properties is permitted.
- be intended for private moorage purposes.
- be oriented in a logical and unobtrusive manner which takes into account shoreline navigation, prevailing wind, tidal action, water depth and shoreline topography.
- remain sensitive to views and impacts on neighbours and public viewpoints such as parks and roadways.
- not obstruct or impede pedestrian access along the foreshore unless reasonable alternative means of passage are made available (e.g. stairs over a dock or ramp).
- not unduly interfere with the navigation of the foreshore or of deep water channels, particularly in coves and other narrow water bodies.
- be constructed and maintained to current best practices for marine structures.
- be lit with appropriate, directional lighting where lighting is required, which does not impact the character of the neighbourhood or unduly affect the use and enjoyment of adjacent properties or of the foreshore.
- have ramps up to 1.6 metres (m) in width and floats up to 12m in length that together extend not more than 25m from the natural boundary, only varying with careful consideration of the scale and shoreline conditions of the property they serve.
- be allowed small storage structures/benches upon a ramp/float for the storage of safety gear, fenders etc. up to 1.2m high.
3.0 Town of View Royal development permit guidelines requirements
Dock construction will not require a Development Permit for repair or replacement of an existing dock for which there is no change in form and size.
4.0 Federal requirements of all dock applications
Transport Canada Minor Works Exemptions (if these are met, an application to Transport Canada is not required):
- Proposed works at least 5m from adjacent property boundaries and property line extensions;
- Proposed works are at least 10m from any dock, boathouse, or other structure that is in, on or over navigable waters;
- Extremity of the proposed works that is furthest from the land is at least 30m away from any navigation channel (note: there are no Transport Canada navigation channels within the View Royal portion of Esquimalt Harbour);
- Proposed works do not extend further in, on or over the navigable waters than adjacent docks;
- Proposed works are not associated with any other proposed works, such as launch ramps, breakwaters, landfill, dredging and marinas;
- Proposed works are not used for float planes or other aircraft equipped with floats.
Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Working Near Water Requirements
DFO requires that fish habitat be protected through their Aquatic Affects Assessment process for dock construction in a marine environment.
DFO requirements will include, but may not be limited to, consideration of:
- Filling/dredging below natural boundary
- Spawning and nursery periods, and construction away from water whenever possible
- Sensitive marine environments such as eelgrass and kelp beds
Department of National Defence License of Occupation
A License of Occupation ($250/year fee) must be obtained from Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt for permission to use Federal Crown land for marine structures.
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