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Canada celebrates Welcoming Week 2023

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | statements

“By opening our doors to those seeking a better life, we open our communities to those wanting to build a stronger Canada. Other than Indigenous peoples, who have been here since time immemorial, all Canadians can trace their stories back to immigration. Whether your family has been here for many generations, like mine, or has just joined Canada, we can all celebrate the benefits of an inclusive welcoming community."

Statement by Minister Fraser on Canada Day

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | statements

The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, issued the following statement today

Inspiring hope and creating opportunities for refugees

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | statements

"Today, on World Refugee Day, the global community honours the strength and courage of millions of refugees, while showing empathy and understanding for their plight. In Canada, we have a proud history of resettling the world’s most vulnerable people, and refugees play an essential role in building and strengthening our communities. To celebrate this year’s World Refugee Day theme, Hope Away From Home, we are focusing on the opportunities Canada provides refugees and displaced people that inspire hope."

Statement from Minister Fraser concerning reports of international student fraud

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | statements

Today, the Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (IRCC), issued the following statement: "There have been recent reports of international students and graduates facing removal from Canada, after letters of acceptance submitted as part of their study permit application were determined to be fraudulent."

Canada and Kenya conclude successful meeting on immigration

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | statements

“This week, Canada’s Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, the Honourable Sean Fraser, and Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs, Dr. Alfred Mutua, held a productive bilateral meeting."

Statement for International Women’s Day

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | statements

The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, issued the following statement:

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