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Opening Plenary — Generation Energy Forum

| Natural Resources Canada | speeches

Good morning, everybody. It’s particularly rewarding for me to welcome all of you to my home, to Winnipeg and to Manitoba. When I reflect about what it means to be home, I think about what is probably the most liberal immigration policy in the history of the world, and that is the Indigenous immigration policy that let us all in. National Chief, thank you very much. I don’t know where we would be without you. You know that we always start out these conversations by acknowledging that we are, in my case, on Treaty 1 territory, in the homeland of the Métis Nation. Well, why do we do that?

Government of Canada Supports Innovation in Forestry

| Natural Resources Canada | speeches

I want to recognize that we are meeting on the traditional territory of the Algonquin people. Long before there was a lumber industry in a place called Bytown, the Algonquin lived in - and were part of - the forests of this region.

The Honourable Jim Carr, Minister of Natural Resources, delivers the keynote address at the Canada in Conversation event hosted by the Embassy of Canada. 

| Natural Resources Canada | speeches

It’s a privilege to be joined on this trip by such an impressive delegation of Canadian business, government and Indigenous leaders. Their presence reflects the importance of partnerships in developing Canada’s abundant natural resources. My thanks to all of you for being here. It’s certainly appropriate that we meet tonight in a room named for Alvin Hamilton because, as Canada’s Minister of Agriculture in the 1960’s, he pioneered the sale of wheat to China. He saw the potential for our two countries to do more. To go further. And to break new ground. Tonight, I want to do the same in the area of natural resources.

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