Investing in Alberta's Hemp Industry
| Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | news releases
In partnership with the federal government, the province of Alberta has awarded two grants totaling $900,000 to help grow the province's hemp industry.
| Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | news releases
In partnership with the federal government, the province of Alberta has awarded two grants totaling $900,000 to help grow the province's hemp industry.
| Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | news releases
Agriculture plays an essential role in building a healthy environment and strong economy in Quebec. Today the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food highlighted important new climate investments in Budget 2022 to deliver real results for families and businesses in Quebec by reducing pollution, creating jobs, and making life more affordable.
| Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | news releases
Today the Governments of Canada and Saskatchewan announced more than $885,000 for 43 projects through the Agriculture Demonstration of Practices and Technologies (ADOPT) program.
| Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | news releases
The governments of Canada and Manitoba are investing $2.2 million to modernize the provincial Animal Health Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), federal Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau and Manitoba Agriculture Minister Derek Johnson announced today.
| Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | news releases
The effects of climate change are everywhere and they are a constant reminder of the need to act now. The Government of Canada is supporting industry efforts to find sustainable solutions to agricultural challenges, which contributes to the economy while helping to protect the environment for future generations.
| Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | news releases
Today, the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, announced a change to the Advance Payments Program that will increase cash flow to producers this spring to help with these high input costs.
| Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | news releases
Agricultural innovations have contributed enormously to the transformation of Canada’s agriculture sector and have strengthened our competitive position internationally. To ensure Canada remains a global leader in agricultural innovation and technological development, today, the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, announced up to $419,000 to Mojow Autonomous Solutions Inc., through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, under the AgriScience Program.
| Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | news releases
Canada is a large producer of mushrooms and the sector plays an important role in the economy. The Government of Canada is helping the industry continue to seize new market opportunities that contribute to the sector's profitability and growth.
| Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | news releases
Government of Canada invests in the adoption of sustainable practices and clean technologies in agriculture
| Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | news releases
The governments of Canada and Manitoba are making changes to the AgriRecovery Drought Assistance Program to make it easier for producers to receive funding and to enhance financial compensation, federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau and Manitoba Agriculture Minister Derek Johnson announced today.