June 24, 2014 – Saint John, NB – Justice Canada
Today, Minister of Justice Peter MacKay held a roundtable in Saint John, New Brunswick, to discuss Bill C-32, the Victims Bill of Rights Act, with justice advocates. Minister MacKay was joined at the roundtable by Rodney Weston, M.P. for Saint John.
Bill C-32, the Victims Bill of Rights Act, would improve the experiences of victims of crime across the country by creating, at the federal level, clear rights for victims of crime - a first in Canadian history. The development of this legislation was informed by consultations held on line and in person in every province and territory between April and September 2013. To read the legislation in full or to check on its status as it moves through the parliamentary process, please visit the LEGISinfo website.
- Paloma Aguilar
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Justice
- Media Relations
Department of Justice
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